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tjkomor /
Last active March 15, 2016 03:01
Exercism Assignment


[My Code] (

[This piece of code] ( has one extra step. Rather than using and if, elsif, and else, this person could have used the OR operator and done away with the elsif statement

The reason I don't like [this code] ( is because it is a bit unclear what is going on. First off, they are using constructors, which can be unclear to you avergae programmer. Secondly, the giant line of code in the isLeap function could have been broken up a bit, ultimately, making it easier to understand.

[This] ( is a really cool, yet simple, solution to this problem. If the first two conditions are met, true will be returned. If the second condition is met, True will also be returned. In any other case, false will be returned, thus meeting the criteria of finding out

tjkomor / gist:c925f7bdd040c4e6d721
Created March 15, 2016 01:56
Exercism Assignment
[My Code] (
tjkomor / gist:ad8d289e458e2114f893
Created March 10, 2016 17:22
Group Expectations DTR
Group Member Names: Tyler, Slota, Jason Pilz, July Tran
When are group members available to work together? What hours can each group member work individually? Are there any personal time commitments that need to be discussed? We prefer after school and typically not too late.
How will group members communicate? How often will communication happen, and how will open lines of communication be maintained? Slack group, group text
Which feature(s) does each group member want to work on? Which feature(s) does each group member not want to work on? Pat Wey - practice writing the views, partials, helpers (not necessarily styling) Jill Donohue - front end, materialize, database Marlo Major - skeleton, bare bones logic
What does each group member hope to get out of the project? Jill - be comfortable with front end, git workflow Marlo - wants to know EXACTLY how each piece works in the project Pat - Git workflow
tjkomor / recursion.markdown
Last active February 26, 2016 21:52 — forked from rrgayhart/recursion.markdown
Recursion and Generators Homework
  • Watch Recursion
  • Fork this gist
  • Answer the following questions in your fork
    • Do you pronounce 'babel' in the same way? I don't know what to think anymore.
      • Follow Up Question: Will you now?
    • What is an example of why/where you might use recursion Recursion is a faster, cleaner way to loop through sets of data. Without recursion, the next best solution is usually to use nested for loops, and that isn't very fun.
tjkomor /
Created February 20, 2016 18:46 — forked from rrgayhart/


READMEs are AWESOME. They are one of the best things you can add to a repo, (other than quality code), to make it look professional.

####Things that make a README great:

  • A link to the production site on heroku
  • A screenshot (or a few) of what the app does (This is especially important if you don't have the production app up and running yet)
  • Directions on how to clone or fork the repo and run it locally (explain it like you're explaining things to a totally new programmer)

Step One: Watch Mary Rose Cook Live Codes Space Invaders from Front-Trends. (The second worst conference name ever?)

Step Two: Fork this gist.

Step Three: Respond to this question in your fork: What is one approach you can take from this Mary's code and implement in your project?

One approach that I can take is the update method. I'm currently experiencing the same problem in snake, where the snake is just drawing every box that it knows about and is never clearing them. So I think I can use Mary's update method to solve that issue...or maybe I'll just make Tron instead :)

Step Four: Totally Optional: take a look at some of the other forks and comment if the spirit moves you.

Step One: Watch Writing Testable JavaScript - Rebecca Murphey from Full Frontal 2012 (award for worst conference name ever?)

Step Two: Fork this gist.

Step Three: Consider the four responsibilities that Rebecca lists for client side code (hint: they're color coded).

  • Did any of the responsibilities that she lists surprise you? I don't think that any of these tests suprise me, however, I definitely am not entirely sure how to go about testing each of these categories. Also, I feel like some of the categories sort of overlap and that is a bit confusing as well. For example, I feel like application state and data/server communication are closely coupled. Maybe this is just because I am not entirely sure what application state means, but in my mind application state would mean what the application looks like at any given point in time. For example, if the user hits the submit button, the application is now in some sort of a processing state, which is
**Step One**: Watch [Sorting Algorithms in JavaScript](
**Step Two**: Fork this gist.
**Step Three**: Respond to this question in your fork: "What are some of the balances and trade offs between different sorting algoritms?"
Rule #1, never ever use bubble sort. This sorting algorithm is simply too slow and either Insertion sort or Merge sort is the better option 99.999% of the time. Insertion sort is a reasonably goos sorting algortihm if the data set you are dealing with is already mostly sorted. However, if you are working with a really large data set, merge sort might be the better option.
**Step Four**: _Totally Optional_: take a look at some of the other forks and comment if the spirit moves you.
tjkomor / require.markdown
Last active February 9, 2016 20:40 — forked from rrgayhart/require.markdown
The Concept of Require

When you start working with WebPack for GameTime, you'll notice that you can't just define a variable in one file and find it in another as easily as you can in Rails.

Read Node.js, Require and Exports and Organize Your Code with RequireJS

Fork this gist and answer the following questions:

  • In the context of Node, what is a module? A module is basically just a file that holds variabls and function that you may want access to throughout your program, or maybe even just more than one file.

JavaScript Functions

I can explain the difference between function declarations and function expressions.

I can explain what the value of this is in a normal function.

I can explain what the value of this is when called from the context of an object.

I can explain how to explicitly set the value of this in a function.