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Tim Littlemore tjl2

  • DICE
  • Cheshire, UK
  • 12:59 (UTC)
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tjl2 / 1st-deployment-svc-ingress.yaml
Last active September 11, 2023 16:45
Nginx Ingress Controller Server Snippets Example
# This configuration is an example of how to get an Ingress to respond directly
# to a path, without routing to a service. This setup is being used on a DOKS
# service, with Nginx Ingress Controller installed and a Load Balancer in place.
# Those pieces can be setup easily with a 1-click install in the DO Marketplace:
# I then
# grabbed the IP adress of the LB and pointed an A record at it. With that in
# place, this YAML can be applied with:
# kubectl apply -f ingress-nginx-server-snippets-example.yaml
# Once this is applied, you can test it with:

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am tjl2 on github.
  • I am tjl2 ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASAWn1i-glXHeNmiNXuaf0C6wMjyTqllPzqfpww-sOk04Ao

To claim this, I am signing this object:

tjl2 /
Created June 20, 2015 10:06
ES log showing 2 failures when using `_tun0_` and one success when using `_tun0:ipv4_`

First extract shows behaviour while bind_host and public_host are set to _tun0_, and shows that the behaviour doesn't change after a restart (note the server is called 'Doctor Droom' and then 'Dr. Otto Octavius' after the restart):

[2015-06-20 09:51:19,529][INFO ][node                     ] [Doctor Droom] version[1.5.2], pid[9223], build[62ff986/2015-04-27T09:21:06Z]
[2015-06-20 09:51:19,529][INFO ][node                     ] [Doctor Droom] initializing ...
[2015-06-20 09:51:19,531][INFO ][plugins                  ] [Doctor Droom] loaded [], sites []
[2015-06-20 09:51:21,132][INFO ][node                     ] [Doctor Droom] initialized
[2015-06-20 09:51:21,133][INFO ][node                     ] [Doctor Droom] starting ...
[2015-06-20 09:51:21,184][INFO ][transport                ] [Doctor Droom] bound_address {inet[]}, publish_address {inet[/]}
[2015-06-20 09:51:21,199][INFO ][discovery                ] [Doctor Droom] github-enterprise/bzQiRcHkRBOe08dra--gOw
[2015-06-19 14:24:46,172][INFO ][node ] [the Living Colossus It] version[1.5.2], pid[10762], build[62ff986/2015-04-27T09:21:06Z]
[2015-06-19 14:24:46,172][INFO ][node ] [the Living Colossus It] initializing ...
[2015-06-19 14:24:46,178][INFO ][plugins ] [the Living Colossus It] loaded [], sites []
[2015-06-19 14:24:49,146][INFO ][node ] [the Living Colossus It] initialized
[2015-06-19 14:24:49,147][INFO ][node ] [the Living Colossus It] starting ...
[2015-06-19 14:24:49,219][INFO ][transport ] [the Living Colossus It] bound_address {inet[/]}, publish_address {inet[/]}
[2015-06-19 14:24:49,233][INFO ][discovery ] [the Living Colossus It] github-enterprise/2e7NdPs4RhimeJf6DtkCrw
[2015-06-19 14:24:52,248][INFO ][cluster.service ] [the Living Colossus It] new_master [the Living Colossus It][2e7NdPs4RhimeJf6DtkCrw][localhost][inet[/]]{
# Run this from the command line like so:
# ruby pr_comments.rb [user]/[repo] [pr-id]
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
require 'pp'
# I usually configure a setup file to set the USERNAME, PASSWORD & HOSTNAME constants for use in the @api_url string
# You can just hard-code them in here, for testing purposes.
@api_url = "http://#{USERNAME}:#{PASSWORD}@#{HOSTNAME}/api/v3/"
tjl2 / add-commit-comment.rb
Created September 13, 2013 20:48
Add a commit comment with the GitHub API
require 'rubygems'
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
require 'pp'
@config = YAML.load('.github.yml'))
HOSTNAME = '' # add your GHE hostname here
USERNAME = '' # add your username here
PASSWORD = '' # add your password or OAuth token here
tjl2 / user_ids.rb
Last active December 22, 2015 22:18
Getting user IDs from the GitHub API
# You'll need the rest-client and json gems installed to use this
require 'rubygems'
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
HOSTNAME = '' # Put your GHE hostname here
USERNAME = '' # Put your Admin user name here
PASSWORD = '' # Put your Admin user password here
# Please change this to https, if you are using SSL on your GHE installation