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Last active July 24, 2017 16:31
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Draft Timetool Processing Improvements for psana
#!/usr/bin/env python
import psana
import numpy as np
from skimage import measure
from scipy import signal
from ttanalyzer import TTAnalyzer
def relative_time(edge_position):
Translate edge position into fs (for cxij8816)
from docs >> fs_result = a + b*x + c*x^2, x is edge position
a = -0.0013584927458976459
b = 3.1264188429430901e-06
c = -1.1172611228659911e-09
x = tt_pos(evt)
tt_correction = a + b*x + c*x**2
time_delay = las_stg(evt)
return -1000*(time_delay + tt_correction)
RUN = '219,220,221'
ds = psana.MPIDataSource('exp=cxij8816:run=%s' % str(RUN))
smldata = ds.small_data('run-%s-small.h5' % str(RUN))
evr = psana.Detector('NoDetector.0:Evr.0')
tt_camera = psana.Detector('Timetool')
tt_pos = psana.Detector('CXI:TTSPEC:FLTPOS')
tt_amp = psana.Detector('CXI:TTSPEC:AMPL')
tt_fwhm = psana.Detector('CXI:TTSPEC:FLTPOSFWHM')
ttana = TTAnalyzer()
for i,evt in enumerate(
print RUN, '::', i
# extract the TT trace
tt_img = tt_camera.raw(evt)
left = signal.medfilt(tt_img[:,:30].sum(1))
right = signal.medfilt(tt_img[:,-31:].sum(1))
start = (0, np.argmax(left))
end = (tt_img.shape[1], np.argmax(right))
tt_spectrum = measure.profile_line(tt_img.T, start, end, linewidth=4)
event_codes = evr(evt)
tt_ana_res = ttana(tt_spectrum)
smldata.event(tt_spectrum = tt_spectrum,
daq_pos = tt_pos(evt),
daq_amp = tt_amp(evt),
daq_fwhm = tt_fwhm(evt),
tt_pos = tt_ana_res[0],
tt_amp = tt_ana_res[1],
tt_fwhm = tt_ana_res[2],
xray_on = int(162 not in event_codes),
uv_on = int(183 in event_codes))
import psana
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from skimage import transform, measure
from scipy import signal
import numpy as np
ds = psana.DataSource('exp=cxij8816:run=221')
tt_camera = psana.Detector('Timetool')
for i,evt in enumerate(
print i
# get the raw TT camera image
tt_img = tt_camera.raw(evt)
proj = tt_img.sum(0)
# extract the TT signal using an ROI
# simple idea, find maxima on either side of TT
left = signal.medfilt(tt_img[:,:30].sum(1))
right = signal.medfilt(tt_img[:,-31:].sum(1))
start = (0, np.argmax(left))
end = (tt_img.shape[1], np.argmax(right))
print start, end
x = np.array([start, end])
profile = measure.profile_line(tt_img.T, start, end, linewidth=4)
plt.imshow(tt_img, aspect='auto')
plt.plot(x[:,0], x[:,1], '-', color='orange', lw=2)
import numpy as np
from scipy import signal
import psana
from pylab import find
class TTAnalyzer(object):
def __init__(self, kernel=None, tt_window=[50,950],
bandcut=[15.0, 40.0], butterworth_order=5):
if kernel == None:
# default
k = np.zeros(200)
k[:100] = 1
k -= 0.5
self.kernel = k
self.kernel = kernel
self.tt_window = tt_window
self.bandcut = bandcut
self.butterworth_order = butterworth_order
def __call__(self, trace):
if len(trace.shape) == 1:
t = self.butter_bandstop_filter(trace)
t = t[self.tt_window[0]:self.tt_window[1]]
edge, amp, fwhm = self.find_edge(t, return_conv_trace=False)
res = edge + self.tt_window[0], amp, fwhm
elif len(trace.shape) == 2:
res = np.zeros((trace.shape[0], 3))
for i in range(trace.shape[0]):
t = self.butter_bandstop_filter(trace[i])
t = t[self.tt_window[0]:self.tt_window[1]]
edge, amp, fwhm = self.find_edge(t, return_conv_trace=False)
res[i] = np.array([edge + self.tt_window[0], amp, fwhm])
raise ValueError('`trace` must be 1d or 2d')
return res
def normalize(x):
n = x - x.min()
n = n / n.max()
return n
def find_fwhm(x):
half_max = np.max(x) / 2.
d = np.sign(half_max - np.array(x[0:-1])) - np.sign(half_max - np.array(x[1:]))
left_idx = find(d > 0)[0]
right_idx = find(d < 0)[-1]
fwhm = right_idx - left_idx
fwhm = -1.0
return fwhm
def find_edge(self, trace, return_conv_trace=False):
n_trace = self.normalize(trace)
cv = signal.fftconvolve(n_trace, self.kernel, mode='same')
edge = np.argmax(cv)
amp = cv[edge]
fwhm = self.find_fwhm(cv)
if return_conv_trace:
return edge, amp, fwhm, cv
return edge, amp, fwhm
def _butter_bandstop(lowcut, highcut, fs, order=5):
nyq = 0.5 * fs
low = lowcut / nyq
high = highcut / nyq
b, a = signal.butter(order, [low, high], btype='bandstop')
return b, a
def butter_bandstop_filter(self, data):
if len(data.shape) not in [1,2]:
raise ValueError('`data` must be 1d or 2d')
b, a = self._butter_bandstop(self.bandcut[0],
y = signal.lfilter(b, a, data)
return y
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tjlane commented Jul 24, 2017







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