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Last active January 18, 2022 15:08
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PHP 8 vs Node JS Execution Speed (using built in sort)
$myArray = [];
$arraySize = 100000;
for ($i = 0; $i < $arraySize; $i++) {
$myArray[$i] = mt_rand(1, 100);
$start = hrtime(true);
$end = hrtime(true);
$diff = ($end - $start) / 1000;
$phpVersion = phpversion();
echo "PHP ({$phpVersion}) execution time: {$diff} (ms)".PHP_EOL;
$jsCode = <<<EOT
var myArray = [];
for (var i = 0; i <$arraySize; i++) {
myArray[i] = Math.random() * 100;
const startTime = process.hrtime.bigint();
const endTime = process.hrtime.bigint();
const dur = endTime - startTime;
$nodeVal = shell_exec("node -e '{$jsCode}'") / 1000;
$nodeVersion = shell_exec("node -v | tr -d '\n'");
$speedDiff = round($nodeVal / $diff, 2);
echo "NodeJS ({$nodeVersion}) execution time: {$nodeVal} (ms)".PHP_EOL;
echo "PHP is roughly {$speedDiff} times faster than JS in sorting an array of size ".number_format($arraySize).'!'.PHP_EOL;
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