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adaBoost implementation in R - by yl3394
#STAT W4400
#Homework 03
# yl3394, Yanjin Li
#Problem 1 AdaBoost
# In this problem I will implement AdaBoost algorithm in R. The algorithm
# requires two auxiliary functions, to train and to evaluate the weak leaner.
# And, then we will have the third function for implementing the resulting
# boosting classifier. Here, we will use the decision stumps as our weak
# learners.
#' Trying to make this obvious, but I borrowed this code from this repo right here:
#' this is one of the cleanest implementations of adaboost in R that I've seen
#' Thanks to y13394 for this!
# also, this link is for a good article on the mathematical theory of boosting:
# 1. Decision Stump: Weak Learner Training Routine
# w,y are vectors containing the weights and class labels, the output pars
# is a list which contains the parameters specifying the result classifiers.
# In this part, I will train the decision stump by between-axis and within-
# axis comparisons.
train <- function(X, w, y){
n <- nrow(X)
p <- ncol(X)
elist <- matrix(nrow=p)
mlist <- matrix(nrow=p)
tlist <- matrix(nrow=p)
for(j in 1:p){
# Sort data points along dimension
indx <- order(X[,j])
x_j <- X[indx, j]
# Using a cummulative sum, count the weight when progressively shifting
# the threshold to the right
w_cum <- cumsum(w[indx] * y[indx])
# Handle multiple occurences of same x_j values
# threshold point must not lie between elements of the same value
w_cum[duplicated((x_j)==1)] <- NA
# Find the optimal threshold and classify accordingly
m <- max(abs(w_cum), na.rm = TRUE) #remove RM
maxIndx <- min(which(abs(w_cum)==m))
mlist[j] <- (w_cum[maxIndx]<0)*2 - 1
tlist[j] <- x_j[maxIndx]
c <- ((x_j > tlist[j])*2 -1) * mlist[j]
#here (...>...) will give us 1 if is true,otherwise 0
elist[j] <- w %*% (c!=y)
m <- min(elist)
j_star <- min(which(elist==m))
pars <- list(j=j_star, theta = tlist[j_star], mode = mlist[j_star])
classify <- function(X, pars){
j <- pars$j
t <- pars$theta
m <- pars$mode
x <- X[,j]
pred <- m * (x-t)
pred[pred < 0] <- -1
pred[pred >= 0] <- 1
agg_class <- function(X, alpha, allPars){
pred_agg <- vector(length = nrow(X))
M <- length(alpha)
for(m in 1:M){
pred_agg <- pred_agg + (alpha[m] * classify(X, allPars[m]))
pred_agg[pred_agg >= 0] <- 1
pred_agg[pred_agg < 0] <- -1
adaBoost <- function(X, y, B){
n <- nrow(X)
w <- rep(1/n, times = n)
alpha <- rep(0,times=B)
allPars <- rep(list(list()),B)
for(b in 1:B){
# Step 1: train base classifier
allPars[[b]] <- train(X, w, y)
# Step 2: compute error
misClass <- (y!= classify(X, allPars[[b]]))
e <- (w %*% misClass/sum(w))
# Step 3: compute voting weight
alpha[b] <- log((1-e)/e)
# Step 4: recompute weights
w <- w * exp(alpha[b] * misClass)
return(list(allPars=allPars, alpha=alpha))
# 0. Set-ups
uspsdata <- read.table(file.choose(), header = F)
uspscl <- read.table(file.choose(), header = F)
uspsdata <- as.matrix(uspsdata)
uspscl <- as.matrix(uspscl)
n <- nrow(uspsdata)
## File to run AdaBoost
B_max <- 60
nCV <- 5
n <- nrow(uspsdata)
testErrorRate <- matrix(0, nrow = B_max, ncol = nCV)
trainErrorRate <- matrix(0, nrow = B_max, ncol = nCV)
for(i in 1:nCV){
# Randomly split data in training and test half
n <- nrow(uspsdata)
p <-
trainIndx <- p[1:round(n/2)]
testIndx <- p[-(1:round(n/2))]
ada <-adaBoost(uspsdata[trainIndx,], uspscl[trainIndx], B_max)
allPars <- ada$allPars
alpha <- ada$alpha
# Determine error rate, depending on the number of base classifier
for(B in 1:B_max){
c_hat_test <- agg_class(uspsdata[testIndx, ], alpha[1:B], allPars[1:B])
testErrorRate[B,i] <- mean(uspscl[testIndx]!= c_hat_test)
c_hat_train <- agg_class(uspsdata[trainIndx, ], alpha[1:B], allPars[1:B])
trainErrorRate[B,i] <- mean(uspscl[trainIndx]!=c_hat_train)
# Plot
matplot(trainErrorRate ,type="l",lty=1:nCV, ylim = c(0,0.5))
matplot(testErrorRate ,type="l",lty=1:nCV, ylim = c(0,0.05))
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