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How to read and process a downloaded pre-trained GloVe word vector (turn it into a data.frame) in base R
#' A word vector is a giant matrix of words, and each word contains a numeric array that represents the semantic
#' meaning of that word. This is useful so we can discover relationships and analogies between words programmatically.
#' The classic example is "king" minus "man" plus "woman" is most similar to "queen"
# function definition --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# input .txt file, exports list of list of values and character vector of names (words)
proc_pretrained_vec <- function(p_vec) {
# initialize space for values and the names of each word in vocab
vals <- vector(mode = "list", length(p_vec))
names <- character(length(p_vec))
# loop through to gather values and names of each word
for(i in 1:length(p_vec)) {
if(i %% 1000 == 0) {print(i)}
this_vec <- p_vec[i]
this_vec_unlisted <- unlist(strsplit(this_vec, " "))
this_vec_values <- as.numeric(this_vec_unlisted[-1]) # this needs testing, does it become numeric?
this_vec_name <- this_vec_unlisted[1]
vals[[i]] <- this_vec_values
names[[i]] <- this_vec_name
# convert lists to data.frame and attach the names
glove <- data.frame(vals)
names(glove) <- names
# using the function -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# here we are reading in the unzipped, raw, GloVe pre-trained word vector object (.txt)
# all you have to change is the file path to where you GloVe object has been unzipped
g6b_300 <- scan(file = "LARGE_FILES_pre_trained/glove.6B.300d.txt", what="", sep="\n")
# call the function to convert the raw GloVe vector to data.frame (extra lines are for wall-time reporting)
t_temp <- Sys.time()
glove.300 <- proc_pretrained_vec(g6b_300) # this is the actual function call
(t_elap_temp <- paste0(round(as.numeric(Sys.time() - t_temp, units="mins"), digits = 2), " minutes"))
# [1] 300 400000
# NOTES: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' I chose to use the 6 billion token, 300-dimension-per-word, 400k vocabulary word vector, so that
#' explains why the dimensions of this dataframe are 300 rows by 400k columns
#' each column is a different word's numeric vector representation. it might be useful to t(glove.300)
#' to transpose into a matrix for some calculations like sim2 from text2vec package
# BONUS MATERIAL: definition for finding similar word vectors ----------------------------------------------
# let's have some fun with this and try out the most common examples
# this section requires the "text2vec" library
# install.packages("text2vec") # uncomment and execute this if you don't have that package
find_sim_wvs <- function(this_wv, all_wvs, top_n_res=40) {
# this_wv will be a numeric vector; all_wvs will be a data.frame with words as columns and dimesions as rows
this_wv_mat <- matrix(this_wv, ncol=length(this_wv), nrow=1)
all_wvs_mat <- as.matrix(all_wvs)
if(dim(this_wv_mat)[[2]] != dim(all_wvs_mat)[[2]]) {
print("switching dimensions on the all_wvs_matrix")
all_wvs_mat <- t(all_wvs_mat)
cos_sim = sim2(x=all_wvs_mat, y=this_wv_mat, method="cosine", norm="l2")
sorted_cos_sim <- sort(cos_sim[,1], decreasing = T)
return(head(sorted_cos_sim, top_n_res))
# try out the function - we're hoping that "queen" will be in the top 5 results here
this_word_vector <- glove.300[['king']] - glove.300[['man']] + glove.300[['woman']]
find_sim_wvs(this_word_vector, glove.300, top_n_res=5)
# "flock is to geese as bison is to ___________" (hoping for "herd")
# funny... "buffalo" tends to gravitate towards the city while "bison" is the animal
my_wv <- glove.300[['flock']] - glove.300[['geese']] + glove.300[['buffalo']] # all cities because "buffalo, NY"
find_sim_wvs(my_wv, glove.300, top_n_res=10)
my_wv <- glove.300[['flock']] - glove.300[['geese']] + glove.300[['bison']] # here we go, we got our "herds" we're looking for
find_sim_wvs(my_wv, glove.300, top_n_res=10)
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IanniMuliterno commented Feb 4, 2022

Hello, since the data is way too big for my computer, I used g6b_300 <-data.table::fread('glove_s300.txt', data.table = F, encoding = 'UTF-8', header = F) to read it. But when I run glove.300 <- proc_pretrained_vec(g6b_300) R returns this error Error in strsplit(this_vec, " ") : non-character argument .

There's another topic worth mentioning. I got that data: Wikipedia 2014 + Gigaword 5 (6B tokens, 400K vocab, uncased, 300d vectors, 822 MB download) from . Is that correct?

Edit: searching for answers I came to suspect that all columns from g6b_300 must be character type. I will check this out but doesn't sounds right.

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