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TJ VanToll tjvantoll

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tjvantoll / main.cpp
Last active March 12, 2024 19:33
Host firmware that communicates with the Notecard and works on cellular, Wi-Fi, and LoRa. See for details on how to use this firmware for your projects.
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <Notecard.h>
#define usbSerial Serial
// See
#define PRODUCT_UID "<your-product-uid>"
#define WIFI_SSID "<your-ssid>"
#define WIFI_PASSWORD "<your-password>"
Notecard notecard;
// var nextEpisode = new Date(2020, 8, 2, 13);
var nextEpisode = new Date(2020, 8, 1, 10);
var daysSpan = document.querySelector("#countdown-days span");
var hoursSpan = document.querySelector("#countdown-hours span");
var minutesSpan = document.querySelector("#countdown-minutes span");
var secondsSpan = document.querySelector("#countdown-seconds span");
function updateDate() {
var today = new Date();

Getting Started with Serverless

Serverless is a powerful approach for moving code to the cloud, opening up a number of powerful new ways to architect your applications. But serverless can also be confusing, as there are countless options, tons of confusing terms, and conflicting sets of best practices.

In this talk we’ll look at how to start with serverless the easy way using Progress Kinvey. You’ll learn how serverless works, and then see a variety of examples designed to get you started right away. Come learn the basics of a serverless approach and how to apply them at your own organization.

In 2014, I made a strong argument that TypeScript was destined to be irrelevant and that my company should not use it in any of our projects. lol.

Fast forward to 2018 and we use TypeScript for, like, everything we build at Progress, and I am no longer a source of trustworthy information.

In this talk we’ll discuss why I was wrong. Specifically, we’ll take a look at why TypeScript succeeded where other compile-to-JavaScript languages like CoffeeScript and Dart have languished, and what that means for future of the technology. Come to learn the basics of TypeScript, and whether TypeScript is a good fit for your next project.

Building Augmented Reality Apps With JavaScript

With the recent introductions of ARKit on iOS and ARCore on Android, developers are using augmented reality to create a new wave of innovative applications—as well as a lot of really stupid stuff.

The first thing we’re going to do is demo all of those apps, because I think you need to know they exist—for science. Once that’s done we’ll talk about the ARKit and ARCore APIs on the off chance you might use them to build something that is genuinely useful. Seriously though, augmented reality is really cool so it’s worth knowning the basics, and we’ll cover those to get you up to speed. When your coworkers ask about the latest hit AR app to hit the stores you’ll be able to act knowledgable and stuff.

This talk’s demos will use NativeScript—a project that lets you build native iOS and Android apps using JavaScript and frameworks like Angular and Vue. NativeScript offers a path forward for JavaScript developers interested in building in AR, so if you’re a JS devel


import { PokemonService } from "./pokemon/pokemon.service";


export class ListComponent implements OnInit {
tjvantoll /
Last active June 21, 2017 15:16


import { PokemonService } from "./pokemon/pokemon.service";


export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
  <Label text="Hello World" />
exports.pageLoaded = function(args) {
// We will base our custom theme off the core theme's light variables
@import 'nativescript-theme-core/scss/light';
// We can now override all the core variables found here:
$primary: #fff;
$accent: #384030;
$secondary: #7B8055;
// ActionBar