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Created April 10, 2015 19:17
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Lately: an Earley parser in Python 3
import itertools
import regex
# Lexer results
class Token:
def __init__(self, kind, value=None):
self.kind = kind
self.value = value
def __repr__(self):
r = "Token({}".format(repr(self.kind))
if self.value is not None: r += ", {}".format(repr(self.value))
r += ")"
return r
def __eq__(self, other):
return (
isinstance(other, Token) and
self.kind == other.kind and
self.value == other.value
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self == other
def match(self, token):
return (
isinstance(token, Token) and
self.kind == token.kind and
(self.value is None or self.value == token.value)
def transform(self, token):
return token.value or token.kind
if self.value is None:
if token.value is not None:
return token.value
return Ugly(token.kind)
def stringify(self):
return "«{}»".format(self.kind)
class Ugly:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __repr__(self):
return "<{}>".format(str(self.value))
class RawToken(Token):
def transform(self, token):
return token
# Lexer
class Terminal:
def __init__(self, kind, pattern=None): #, process=None):
self.kind = kind
self.pattern = getattr(pattern, "pattern", pattern)
# assert process is None or callable(process)
# self.process = process
self._re = regex.compile(pattern)
if self._re.match(""):
raise ValueError("pattern must not match empty string")
if kind == "":
raise ValueError("kind must not be empty")
self.groups = self._re.groups
def __repr__(self):
r = "Terminal({}, {}".format(repr(self.kind), repr(self.pattern))
# if self.process: r += ", {}".format(repr(self.process))
r += ")"
return r
def token(self, value):
# if self.process:
# value = self.process(value)
return Token(self.kind, value)
class Literal(Terminal):
def __init__(self, value): #, process=None):
Terminal.__init__(self, value, regex.escape(value)) #, process)
def __repr__(self):
r = "Literal({}".format(repr(self.kind))
# if self.process: r += ", {}".format(repr(self.process))
r += ")"
return r
def token(self, value):
# if self.process:
# value = self.process(value)
return Token(self.kind)
class Lexer:
def __init__(self, terminals):
self.terminals = terminals
self.master_regex = regex.compile(
"|".join("({})".format(t.pattern) for t in terminals)
self.group_indexes = []
index = 0
for terminal in terminals:
if terminal.groups:
terminal._index = index + 1
terminal._index = index
index += terminal.groups + 1
self._terminals_by_kind = {}
for terminal in self.terminals:
kind = terminal.kind
if kind not in self._terminals_by_kind:
self._terminals_by_kind[kind] = []
def __repr__(self):
return "Lexer([\n{}])".format(
"".join(" {},\n".format(repr(t)) for t in self.terminals)
def tokenize(self, source):
return list(self.generate_tokens(source))
def generate_tokens(self, source):
remaining = str(source)
regex = self.master_regex
terminals = self.terminals
group_indexes = self.group_indexes
while remaining:
m = regex.match(remaining)
if not m or m.end() == 0:
raise TokenizeError(remaining)
groups = m.groups()
index = 0
for terminal in terminals:
index = terminal._index
if groups[index] is not None:
# if terminal.groups: XXX
# value = groups[index + 1]
# else:
value = groups[index]
token = terminal.token(value)
if terminal.kind is not None:
yield token
remaining = remaining[m.end():]
def _is_valid_token(self, token):
for terminal in self._terminals_by_kind[kind]:
if terminal._re.fullmatch(token.value):
return token.value
def _build(self, grammar_ways):
for tokens in grammar_ways:
for token in tokens:
if not self._is_valid_token(token):
likely_separators = (" ",)
for sep in likely_separators:
if self._is_valid_token(Token(None, sep)):
sep = ""
yield sep.join(t.value for t in tokens)
class TokenizeError(Exception):
"""Raised when lexing encounters an invalid character sequence."""
# Grammar
def is_rule_name(s):
"""Returns True if a symbol represents a rule name."""
return isinstance(s, str)
class Rule:
"""A set of symbols making up a nonterminal."""
def __init__(self, name, symbols, process):
"""Name used by other rules to refer to this nonterminal.""" = name
assert name is not None
"""List of terminals and nonterminals (rule names)."""
self.symbols = symbols
"""Function to run on the resulting list of tokens and node values."""
self.process = process
assert callable(process)
def __repr__(self):
return "Rule({}, {}, {})".format(
def stringify(self):
return "{} → {} {{% {} %}}".format(,
" ".join((s.stringify() if hasattr(s, "stringify") else s)
for s in self.symbols),
class Grammar:
"""A collection of rules defining a language."""
def __init__(self, rules):
self.toplevel = rules[0].name if rules else None
self._rules = []
self._rules_by_name = {}
for rule in rules:
def __repr__(self):
return "Grammar([\n{}])".format(
"".join(" {},\n".format(repr(rule)) for rule in self._rules)
def stringify(self):
return "\n".join(("" if r is None else r.stringify())
for r in self._rules)
def add_rule(self, rule):
if rule is not None:
name =
if name not in self._rules_by_name:
self._rules_by_name[name] = []
def add_rules(self, rules):
for rule in rules:
def remove_rule(self, rule):
assert rule is not None
name =
if not self._rules_by_name[name]:
def remove_rules(self, rules):
for rule in rules:
def rules(self):
return list(r for r in self._rules if r is not None)
def copy(self):
g = Grammar()
g._rules_by_name = self._rules_by_name.copy()
g._rules = list(self._rules)
g.toplevel = self.toplevel
# Magic parser
def from_bnf(self, source):
return parse_bnf(source) # TODO
# Sugar
def _parser(self, tokens):
p = Parser(self)
return p
def parse(self, tokens):
return self._parser(tokens).result()
def all_parses(self, tokens):
return list(self._parser(tokens).results())
# Magic builder
def build(self, lexer, value):
ways = self._build(self.toplevel, value)
return lexer._build(ways)
def _build(self, rule_name, value):
if isinstance(rule_name, Token):
if not isinstance(value, str):
yield [Token(rule_name.kind, value)]
rules = self._rules_by_name[rule_name]
for rule in rules:
parts =
except AttributeError:
ways = [[]]
for symbol, part in zip(rule.symbols, parts):
uh = list(self._build(symbol, part))
new_ways = []
for tokens in ways:
for x in uh:
new_ways.append(tokens + x)
ways = new_ways
for tokens in ways:
yield "".join(tokens)
# Parser
class State:
"""A rule with a starting point in the input stream."""
def __init__(self, rule, origin, position=0, value=None):
self.rule = rule
"""The start index of this state in the input stream."""
self.origin = origin
"""The index reached so far in `rule.symbols`."""
self.position = position
"""List of resulting values and tokens."""
self.value = value or []
self.is_complete = (position == len(rule.symbols))
self.expect = None if self.is_complete else rule.symbols[position]
def __repr__(self):
words = [, "→"]
for index, symbol in enumerate(self.rule.symbols):
if index == self.position:
if is_rule_name(symbol):
# elif isinstance(symbol, Matcher):
# words.append(repr(symbol.kind))
if self.is_complete:
words.append(" <{}>".format(id(self)))
return " ".join(words)
def consume(self, value):
"""Return new state after consuming one token or nonterminal.
Called when advancing and completing, respectively.
new_value = list(self.value)
s = State(self.rule, self.origin, self.position + 1, new_value)
if s.is_complete:
s.value = s.rule.process(*s.value)
except Exception as e:
message = ("Error processing rule {}\nat {}\nwith value {}"
.format(repr(s.rule), repr(s), repr(s.value)))
raise ProcessError(message) from e
return s
class Parser:
def __init__(self, grammar):
self.grammar = grammar
self.table = []
self.tokens = []
self.line_number = None
def feed(self, tokens):
table = self.table
grammar = self.grammar
nullable_rules = {}
for name, rules in grammar._rules_by_name.items():
for r in rules:
if r.symbols:
if name not in nullable_rules:
nullable_rules[name] = []
start_index = len(table) # The index where feed() started
if start_index == 0:
rules = grammar._rules_by_name[grammar.toplevel]
column = list(map(lambda rule: State(rule, origin=0), rules))
else: # continue parsing
column = self.table[-1]
for index, token in enumerate(tokens):
new_column = []
self.line_number = token.line_number
except AttributeError:
predicted_rules = set()
if index == 0:
for state in column: # nb. column grows while iterating
if not state.is_complete:
expect = state.expect # state.rule.symbols[state.position]
if is_rule_name(expect):
# Predict: add component states
if expect not in predicted_rules:
rules = grammar._rules_by_name.get(expect, [])
if not rules:
for rule in rules:
column.append(State(rule, origin=index))
# Magical completion to fix nullables
rules = nullable_rules.get(expect, [])
for rule in rules:
value = rule.process()
if isinstance(token, EOFToken): continue
# Advance: consume token
if expect.match(token):
value = expect.transform(token)
# Complete: progress earlier states
name, value =, state.value
old_column = table[state.origin] # ✝ this will break!!
for other in old_column:
expect = other.expect
if is_rule_name(expect) and expect == name:
new_state = other.consume(value)
if isinstance(token, EOFToken):
assert not new_column
if not new_column:
message = "Unexpected {}".format(repr(token))
#print("\n".join(repr(s) for s in column))
# hold on, if this column isn't already appended to the table
# then completing indirectly-nullable things will bug out
# because we'll complete a state in the same column as its origin
# and line ✝ will fail
column = new_column
def finish(self):
def do_raise(self, exception):
"""Raise exception, adding parser debug information."""
index = len(self.table)
exception.index = index
args = list(exception.args)
args[0] = "{} at {}".format(args[0], index)
if self.line_number:
args[0] += " on line {}".format(self.line_number)
exception.args = tuple(args)
raise exception
def result(self):
gen_results = self.results()
result = next(gen_results)
except StopIteration:
return result
raise AmbiguityError()
def results(self):
toplevel = self.grammar.toplevel
column = self.table[-1]
count = 0
for state in column:
if not state.is_complete: continue
if state.origin > 0: continue
if == toplevel:
yield state.value
count += 1
if not count:
self.do_raise(ParseError("No complete parses"))
class EOFToken:
def __repr__(self):
return "EOFToken()"
class ParseError(Exception):
"""Raised when parsing results in a syntax error."""
class AmbiguityError(Exception):
"""Raised by result() when there is more than one result."""
class ProcessError(Exception):
"""Raised when a rule processor function raises an error."""
class UndefinedRuleError(Exception):
"""Raised when parsing encounters a rule that isn't defined."""
from . import util
from . import mixfix
from . import Lexer, Pattern, Literal, Newline
from . import Rule, Grammar
from .util import *
l = Lexer([
Newline("nl", '\n'),
Pattern(None, r' +'),
Pattern("python_code", "{% *(.?([^%][^}])+) *%}"),
Pattern("nonterminal", r'\<([^> ]+)\>'),
Literal("["), Literal("]"), # optional
Literal("{"), Literal("}"), # repeated
Pattern("terminal_char", r'"(.)"'),
Pattern("symbol", r'([^> ]+)'),
def name_rules(name, _, rules):
return [Rule(name, s, p) for (s, p) in rules]
BNF_grammar = Grammar([
Rule("grammar", ["rules"], Grammar),
Rule("rules", ["rules", "newline", "rule"], extend2),
Rule("rules", ["rule"], identity), # nb. rule is a *list*!
Rule("rule", ["name", "::=", "alternatives"], name_rules),
Rule("name", ["symbol"], literal),
Rule("alternatives", ["alternatives", "OR", "alt"], push2),
Rule("alternatives", ["alt"], box),
Rule("OR", [l.token("|")], ignore),
Rule("OR", ["newline", "|"], ignore),
Rule("alt", ["sequence", "python"], tupleify),
Rule("alt", ["sequence"], lambda s: (s, tupleify)),
Rule("sequence", ["sequence", "item"], push),
Rule("sequence", ["item"], box),
Rule("item", [l.token("nonterminal")], literal),
Rule("item", [l.token("terminal_char")], literal),
Rule("python", ["python_code"], eval),
Rule("newline", ["newline", l.token("nl")], ignore),
Rule("newline", [l.token("nl")], ignore),
def parse_bnf(source):
source = source.strip()
tokens = BNF_lexer.tokenize(source)
grammar = BNF_grammar.parse(tokens)
return grammar
bootstrap = """
syntax ::= { rule }
rule ::= identifier "::=" expression
expression ::= term { "|" term }
term ::= factor { factor }
factor ::= identifier |
quoted_symbol |
"(" expression ")" | # ???
"[" expression "]" | # optional
"{" expression "}" # repetitive
identifier ::= letter { letter | digit }
quoted_symbol ::= '"' { any_character } '"'
__all__ = ["parse_bnf"]
"""For mixfix expression parsing!
>>> l, g = lately.mixfix.make("""
... _ "↔" _
... _ "→" _
... _ "∧" _
... _ "∨" _
... "¬" _
... "(" _ ")"
... /[A-Z]+/
... """)
>>> n = g.parse(l.tokenize('¬P ∧ Q ∨ R'))
>>> print(n.repr_p())
(¬('P') ∧ ('Q' ∨ 'R'))
import regex
from string import ascii_uppercase
from . import Lexer, Terminal, Literal
from . import Rule, Grammar, Token
from .util import *
def aux(index):
r = ''
while index > 0:
r = ascii_uppercase[(index - 1) % 26] + r
index = (index - 1) // 26
return r
class Slot:
def __init__(self, _):
def __repr__(self):
return "Slot()"
mixfix_lexer = Lexer([
Terminal(None, r' +'),
Terminal("terminal", r'"((?:\\[\'"\\]|[^"])*)"'),
Terminal("regex", r'/((?:\\[/\\]|[^/])*)/'),
#Terminal("label", r'{[a-z]+}'),
#Terminal("name", r'[A-Z]+'),
Literal("("), Literal(")"), Literal("*"),
Terminal("terminal", r'[^ \n]+'),
mixfix_grammar = Grammar([
Rule("file", ["level"], box),
Rule("file", ["file", "NLs", "level"], push2),
Rule("NLs", [Token("\n"), Token("\n")], ignore),
Rule("NLs", ["NLs", Token("\n")], ignore),
Rule("level", ["line"], box),
Rule("level", ["level", Token("\n"), "line"], push2),
Rule("line", ["symbols"], identity),
Rule("line", ["terminal"], identity),
Rule("terminal", [Token("regex")], regex.compile),
Rule("symbols", ["s"], box),
Rule("symbols", ["symbols", "s"], push),
Rule("s", [Token("_")], Slot),
Rule("s", ["s", Token("*")], postfix("*")),
Rule("s", ["s", Token("+")], postfix("+")),
Rule("s", [Token("terminal")], Literal),
Rule("s", [Token("("), "symbols", Token(")")], brackets),
class mixfix(Builder):
"""Create a function f(*args) which wraps `cls`."""
def __init__(self, kind, slots):
summary = "".join(("_" if is_slot else "X") for is_slot in slots) = None
if summary == "_X_": = 'infix'
elif summary == "X_": == 'prefix'
elif summary == "_X": == 'postfix'
Builder.__init__(self, kind)
self.slots = slots
def __repr__(self):
return "<mixfix>" #({}, {})>".format(repr(self.kind), repr(self.slots))
def __call__(self, *values):
assert len(values) == len(self.slots)
args = []
for arg, is_slot in zip(values, self.slots):
if is_slot:
#if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], list):
# args = args[0]
return self.cls(*args)
def build(self, node):
assert self.kind
args = list(node.args)
values = [self.kind]
for is_slot in self.slots:
if is_slot:
return values
def make(text):
tokens = mixfix_lexer.tokenize(text.strip())
levels = mixfix_grammar.parse(tokens)
num_terminals = 0
rules = []
terminals = [
Terminal(None, r' +'),
toplevel = None
for level, symbols_or_terminal in enumerate(levels, 1):
level_name = "{}".format(level)
toplevel = toplevel or level_name
nextlevel = "{}".format(level + 1)
nextlevel_used = False
highest_aux_index = 0
def build_symbols(name, thing, sub=False):
nonlocal highest_aux_index
if len(thing) == 1 and isinstance(thing[0], list):
thing = thing[0]
node_words = []
node_slots = []
for sym in thing:
is_word = isinstance(sym, Literal)
node_slots.append(not is_word)
if is_word:
# node_words.append("_")
if sub and node_slots == [True]:
builder = identity
elif sub and len([is_slot for is_slot in node_slots if is_slot]):
builder = nth(node_slots.index(True))
builder = mixfix(" ".join(node_words), node_slots)
is_infix = (node_slots == [True, False, True])
is_prefix = (node_slots == [False, True])
symbols = []
aux_rules = []
for index, sym in enumerate(thing):
if isinstance(sym, Literal):
sym = Token(sym.kind)
elif isinstance(sym, Slot):
if is_infix:
if index == 2:
sym = nextlevel
nextlevel_used = True
sym = level_name
elif is_prefix:
if index == 1:
sym = nextlevel
nextlevel_used = True
sym = level_name
if index == 0 or index == len(thing) - 1:
sym = level_name
sym = toplevel
elif isinstance(sym, Node):
highest_aux_index += 1
w = aux(highest_aux_index)
item_name = "{}-{}".format(level_name, w)
if == "*":
aux_name = "{}_star".format(item_name)
aux_rules.append(Rule(aux_name, [], empty))
elif == "+":
aux_name = "{}_plus".format(item_name)
aux_rules.append(Rule(aux_name, [item_name], box))
aux_rules.append(Rule(aux_name, [aux_name, item_name], push))
assert len(sym.args) == 1
build_symbols(item_name, sym.args, sub=True)
sym = aux_name
elif isinstance(sym, list):
highest_aux_index += 1
w = aux(highest_aux_index)
aux_name = "{}-{}".format(level_name, w)
build_symbols(aux_name, sym, sub=True)
sym = aux_name
return [Rule(name, symbols, builder)] + aux_rules
for thing in symbols_or_terminal:
if hasattr(thing, 'subn'): # Regex
num_terminals += 1
kind = "t{}".format(num_terminals)
terminals.append(Terminal(kind, thing.pattern))
rules.append(Rule(level_name, [Token(kind)], identity))
sym_rules = build_symbols(level_name, thing)
if len(sym_rules) > 1:
if level < len(levels):
rules.append(Rule(level_name, [nextlevel], identity))
l = Lexer(terminals)
g = Grammar(rules)
if nextlevel_used and not g.get(nextlevel):
g.add_rule(Rule(nextlevel, [level_name], identity))
return l, g
"""Useful functions for constructing parse trees."""
from functools import partial
from pprint import pformat
class PrettyFunction:
"""Magic to make the repr for the helper functions more readable."""
def __init__(self, pretty, func):
self.pretty = pretty
self.func = func
def __call__(self, *args):
return self.func(*args)
def __repr__(self):
return self.pretty
def pretty(func):
pretty = "{}.{}".format(func.__module__, func.__name__)
return PrettyFunction(pretty, func)
def pretty_wrapper(func):
def wrapped(*args):
pretty = "{}.{}({})".format(
", ".join(map(repr, args)),
f = func(*args)
p = PrettyFunction(pretty, f)
p.from_func = func
p.from_args = args
return p
wrapped.func = func
return wrapped
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Lexer helpers
class int_or_float:
__name__ = "int_or_float"
def __call__(self, x):
return int(x)
except ValueError:
return float(x)
def build(self, x):
return [str(x)]
int_or_float = pretty(int_or_float())
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Grammar helpers
def nth(index, name):
def f(*args):
return args[index]
pretty = "{}.{}".format(f.__module__, name)
return PrettyFunction(pretty, f)
nth_words = ["first", "second", "third", "fourth", "fifth"]
for index, name in enumerate(nth_words):
locals()[name] = nth(index, name)
del nth, nth_words, index, name
def nth(index):
def f(*args):
return args[index]
return f
class identity:
def __call__(self, x):
return x
def build(self, x):
return [x]
def __repr__(self):
return "{}.{}".format(self.__module__, "identity")
identity = identity()
def tupleify(*args):
"""Returns argument-tuple."""
return tuple(args)
def ignore(*args):
return None
def constant(value):
def f(_):
return value
return f
# Lists
def empty():
"""Returns empty list"""
return []
def box(x):
"""Returns single-item list"""
return [x]
def push(l, item):
"""Push item onto end of list l"""
l = list(l)
return l
def push2(l, _, item):
"""Push item onto end of list l. Useful when _ is a separator"""
l = list(l)
return l
def cons(item, l):
"""Add item to beginning of list l."""
l = list(l)
l.insert(0, item)
return l
def cons2(item, _, l):
"""Add item to beginning of list l. Useful when _ is a separator"""
l = list(l)
l.insert(0, item)
return l
def cons_and_push(front, l, back):
"""Add `front` to beginning and `back` to end of list l."""
l = list(l)
l.insert(0, front)
return l
def extend(l, right):
"""Concatenate `l` and `right` together."""
l = list(l)
return l
def extend2(l, _, right):
"""Concatenate `l` and `right` together. Useful when _ is a separator"""
l = list(l)
return l
# Syntax
def brackets(_, x, _2):
"""Returns second argument."""
return x
# AST helpers
def indent(text):
return text.replace("\n", "\n ")
def pretty_join(sep, *words, fmt="\n {}\n"):
max_width = max(map(len, words))
if max_width > 40 or any("\n" in w for w in words):
sep = "{}\n".format(sep.strip())
return fmt.format(indent(sep.join(words)))
return sep.join(words)
class Node:
"""For representing parse trees.
from functools import partial
Plus = partial(Node, "Plus")
def __init__(self, name, *args, style=None): = name
self.args = list(args) = style
def __repr__(self):
return "Node({}{})".format(
"".join(", {}".format(repr(a)) for a in self.args),
# TODO magical grammar-based pretty repr
def repr_g(self, grammar, name=None):
for rule in grammar.rules:
process = rule.process
if not hasattr(process, "build"):
if process.kind ==
#func = getattr(process, "from_func", None)
#style = {
# infix.func: 'infix',
# prefix.func: 'prefix',
# postfix.func: 'postfix',
#if not style:
# continue
#args = process.from_args
#print(style, args)
def repr_p(self):
"""Return extra-readable function-style pretty representation.
Uses style hints provided by the infix/prefix/postfix helper functions.
Looks like: 3 * 4 + f(1, 2, …)
def rec(a, func=pformat):
return a.repr_p() if hasattr(a, "repr_p") else func(a)
name = rec(, str)
first = rec(self.args[0])
if == 'infix':
assert len(self.args) == 2
second = rec(self.args[1])
return "({})".format(pretty_join(" ", first, name, second))
elif == 'prefix':
assert len(self.args) == 1
return "({})".format(pretty_join(" ", name, first))
elif == 'postfix':
assert len(self.args) == 1
return "({})".format(pretty_join(" ", first, name))
return self.repr_f()
def repr_f(self):
"""Return function-style pretty representation.
Looks like: +(*(3, 4), f(1, 2, …))
def rec(a, func=pformat):
return a.repr_f() if hasattr(a, "repr_f") else func(a)
return "{}({})".format(
rec(, str),
pretty_join(", ", *(rec(x) for x in self.args)),
def repr_s(self):
"""Return S-expression pretty representation.
Looks like: (+ (* 3 4) (f 1 2 …))
def rec(a, func=pformat):
return a.repr_s() if hasattr(a, "repr_s") else func(a)
return "({})".format(pretty_join(" ",
rec(, str),
*(rec(x) for x in self.args),
def repr_rpn(self):
"""Return Reverse Polish Notation pretty representaion.
Looks like: 3 4 * 1 2 … f +
def rec(a):
return a.repr_rpn() if hasattr(a, "repr_rpn") else pformat(a)
return pretty_join(" ",
*([rec(x) + " " for x in self.args] + [])
class Builder:
"""Function for processing grammar rule to build parse tree.
Also has a `build` attribute, to do the reverse operation. Which is kind of
an experiment...
def __init__(self, kind):
if callable(kind):
self.cls = kind
self.kind = kind
self.cls = partial(Node, kind,
class prefix(Builder):
"""Create a function f(_, right) which wraps `cls`."""
style = 'prefix'
def __call__(self, _, right):
return self.cls(right)
def build(self, node):
assert self.kind
return [self.kind, node.args[0]]
class infix(Builder):
"""Create a function f(left, _, right) which wraps `cls`."""
style = 'infix'
def __call__(self, left, _, right):
return self.cls(left, right)
def build(self, node):
assert self.kind
return [node.args[0], self.kind, node.args[1]]
class postfix(Builder):
"""Create a function f(left, _) which wraps `cls`."""
style = 'postfix'
def __call__(self, left, _):
return self.cls(left)
def build(self, node):
assert self.kind
return [node.args[0], self.kind]
def fcall(cls):
"""Create a function f(name, _, args, _) which wraps `cls(name, *args)`."""
assert callable(cls)
def f(name, _, args, _2):
return cls(name, *args)
return f
# Token-specific
def value(token):
return token.value
def with_value(func):
def f(token):
return func(token.value)
return f
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tjvr commented Apr 10, 2015

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