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Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
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Balderdash node.js Project Guidelines


When setting up a new project, the following tasks are to be completed, in order, before writing any code:

  1. Create a README file, and outline the basic purpose of the project
  2. If not a Sails.js application, run npm init
  3. Integrate CI (Travis-CI or CircleCI) with the project, and setup boilerplate mocha tests so that npm test doesn't fail.
  4. Integrate with CodeClimate

Development Cadence

  • if the module is proprietary, make sure private: true is set in package.json.
  • commit early and often. code outside of source control is wrong.
  • never push directly to master. Code that we can't easily revert by clicking a button in github is hazardous.
  • every PR should have a well-defined purpose. Do not commit monolithic blobs.
  • over-communicate with the team.


Guidelines on how code should appear

  • jshint should be integrated into CI
  • Whitespace: Indent with 2 spaces, and use UNIX line endings
  • Prefer lodash functions over native looping constructs
  • Prefer context binding using .bind to manage context
  • do not copy/paste code.


Guidelines on how ideas and concepts should be expressed in code

General Functionality

  • Do not re-invent the wheel. Search first.
  • Some clues which indicate you might be re-inventing an existing wheel:
    • any code containing i++
    • non-trivial comparison logic (e.g., comparing Dates, object structure)
    • you think you are cleverly fixing a bug or feature omission in someone else's framework
  • Do not override existing framework functionality in order to Make Stuff Happen.

Control Flow

  • Do not nest functions
  • Functions should do one thing, and they should be testable.
  • Do not complexly nest if/else statements.
  • prefer Promises over callbacks/async
  • Do not use switch/case statements to evaluate an enum. Use a map instead, e.g.
function performAction (action) {
  var methodMap = {
      create: 'PUT',
      read: 'GET',
      update: 'PUT',
      delete: 'DELETE'
    method = methodMap[action];
  • Prefer guard clauses over nested conditionals. e.g.
// Preferred
function rickRoll() {
  if (giveYouUp() || letYouDown()) {

// Not Preferred
function rickRoll() {
  if (!giveYouUp()) {
    if (!letYouDown()) {


Focus on building software, not writing it. The foremost concern of any system/software design is conceptual integrity. The most important feature of anything is correctness, but the only feature that ultimately matters is existence. Sleep is sometimes more productive than coding: know when to take a break. Don't over-learn from past experience: causality may exist, but it's often hard to pin down. Contribute to open-source for fun and profit.

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