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Created March 14, 2018 17:48
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Save tjweir/bdf96161b19b2ac0d0eedf9a9590839f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. - typed as I read the tutorial.
module Main where
data Command
= QuitApp
| DisplayItems
| Help
| AddItem String
| Complete Int
type Item = String
type Items = [Item]
addItem :: Item -> Items -> Items
addItem item items = item : items
removeItem :: Int -> Items -> Either String Items
removeItem reverseIndex allItems =
impl (length allItems - reverseIndex) allItems
impl index items =
case (index, items) of
(0, item : rest) ->
Right rest
(n, []) ->
Left "Index out of bounds"
(n, item : rest) ->
case impl (n - 1) rest of
Right newItems ->
Right (item : newItems)
Left errMsg ->
Left errMsg
displayItems :: Items -> String
displayItems items =
displayItem index item = show index ++ ": " ++ item
reversedList = reverse items
displayedItemsList = zipWith displayItem [1..] reversedList
unlines displayedItemsList
parseCommand :: String -> Either String Command
parseCommand line = case words line of
["quit"] -> Right QuitApp
["items"] -> Right DisplayItems
["help"] -> Right Help
["complete", idxStr] ->
if all (\c -> elem c "0123456789") idxStr
then Right (Complete (read idxStr))
else Left "Invalid index"
"add" : "-" : item -> Right (AddItem (unwords item))
_ -> Left "Unknown command, try 'help'"
interactWithUser :: Items -> IO ()
interactWithUser items = do
line <- getLine
case parseCommand line of
Right DisplayItems -> do
putStrLn "Current Items:"
putStrLn (displayItems items)
interactWithUser items
Right (AddItem item) -> do
let newItems = addItem item items
putStrLn "Item added.\n"
interactWithUser newItems
Right QuitApp -> do
pure ()
Right Help -> do
putStrLn "Commands: items, help, quit, add - <item to add>"
interactWithUser items
Right (Complete index) -> do
let result = removeItem index items
case result of
Left errMsg -> do
putStrLn ("Error: " ++ errMsg)
interactWithUser items
Right newItems -> do
putStrLn "Item complete."
interactWithUser newItems
Left errorMessage -> do
interactWithUser items
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn " --| TODO |-- "
putStrLn "Commands: items, help, quit, add - <item to add>"
let initialList = []
interactWithUser initialList
putStrLn "Thanks, see you soon!"
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