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Forked from eckyputrady/Pseudo.hs
Last active October 2, 2017 17:54
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Haskell Clean Architecture
This is from:
Domain doesn't know about persistence
Persistence knows about domain, but doesn't know Routing
Routing knows about domain, but doesn't know Persistence
Main know all of them and tie them all together
If you want to expose the application via command line, you can just create a "CommandLine.hs" that basically parse command line args into domain types. Domain + Persistence need not to change.
-- Domain.hs
type SessionId = Text
type UserId = Text
type User = Text
class (Monad m) => UserRepo m where
getUserById :: UserId -> m User
class (Monad m) => SessionRepo m where
getUserIdBySession :: SessionId -> m UserId
getUser :: (UserRepo m, SessionRepo m)
=> SessionId -> m User
getUser sId = getUserIdBySession sId
>>= getUserById
-- Routes.hs
import qualified Domain
routes :: (Domain.UserRepo m, Domain.SessionRepo m) => m ()
routes =
get "/user" $ do
sId <- parseSessionFromCookiesSomehow
user <- Domain.getUser sId
displayUserSomeHow user
-- Redis.hs
import qualified Domain
acquireConnection :: IO Connection
acquireConnection = ...
getUserById :: (Reader Connection m)
=> Domain.UserId -> m Domain.User
getUserById = ...
getUserIdBySession :: (Reader Connection m)
=> Domain.Session -> m Domain.UserId
getUserIdBySession = ...
-- Main.hs
import qualified Domain
import qualified Redis
import qualified Routes
newtype App a = App
{ unApp :: ReaderT Connection IO a
} deriving ( Applicative, Functor, Monad
, MonadReader Connection, MonadIO
instance Domain.UserRepo App where
getUserById = Redis.getUserById
instance Domain.SessionRepo App where
getUserIdBySession = Redis.getUserIdBySession
main = do
conn <- Redis.acquireConnection
flip runReaderT conn . unApp $ Routes.routes
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