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Last active July 5, 2018 05:54
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Testing external redirects in
it('should go to external page after clicking on CTA button', () => { // it's not click per se - we use element's href attribute
cy.get('a[href*="redirect"]') //finds all redirect links
.each(($linkElement) => {
const internalUrl = $linkElement.attr('href');
cy.log(`Checking redirect for ${internalUrl}`);
cy.getExternalRedirect(internalUrl) // gets 302 redirect
.as('externalRedirect'); // saves the request as alias for the assertions
.its('status') // extract status property from request
.should('be.equal', 302); // check if status set to 302
.its('redirectedToUrl') // extract redirect url property from request
.should(''); // check if not empty
Cypress.Commands.add('getExternalRedirect', (internalRedirectUrl) => {
cy.request(internalRedirectUrl).then((response) => {
const { body } = response;
const externalRedirectUrlParts = body.match(/\d+;URL=(.*)"/); // extract redirect url from meta[http-equiv="refresh"]
const externalRedirectUrl = externalRedirectUrlParts[1];
url: externalRedirectUrl,
followRedirect: false // don't go to external page
}).then((redirectResponse) => {
const { status, headers } = redirectResponse;
const isInternalRedirect = status !== 302 && headers.location.includes(;
if (isInternalRedirect) { // we're still on our page, dig deeper
url: headers.location,
followRedirect: false // don't go to external page
} else {
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