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Last active April 21, 2020 10:35
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Do we need types in JavaScript? Or maybe not?

This is my lightning talk submission to ReactiveConf 2018

In this talk, I want to share my experience gained during the development of frontend applications in several programming languages.

I think it's not a secret for anybody that developing large JavaScript applications is not so easy as it seems at first glance. We all want something simpler and more reliable. Therefore, many developers and even entire companies switch to different, compiled in JavaScript, programming languages. The bulk of such transitions is accounted for TypeScript and flow, and often, developers faced with more problems than they were before.

I wasn't the exception. Moving to a new project, I started using TypeScript and was disappointed. Luckily in my next project I used ClojureScript and it was like everything is illuminated!

Since then, I know exactly what the recipe for simple and reliable code (even in plain old JavaScript). And I want to share this recipe with you.

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