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Last active September 27, 2021 06:49
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Чтение .wav файла (С++ / СPP) / Reading .wav file (C++ / CPP)
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cmath>
#include "string.h"
#include "mem.h"
//Wav Header
struct wav_header_t
char chunkID[4]; //"RIFF" = 0x46464952
unsigned long chunkSize; //28 [+ sizeof(wExtraFormatBytes) + wExtraFormatBytes] + sum(sizeof( + sizeof(chunk.size) + chunk.size)
char format[4]; //"WAVE" = 0x45564157
char subchunk1ID[4]; //"fmt " = 0x20746D66
unsigned long subchunk1Size; //16 [+ sizeof(wExtraFormatBytes) + wExtraFormatBytes]
unsigned short audioFormat;
unsigned short numChannels;
unsigned long sampleRate;
unsigned long byteRate;
unsigned short blockAlign;
unsigned short bitsPerSample;
//[WORD wExtraFormatBytes;]
//[Extra format bytes]
struct chunk_t
char ID[4]; //"data" = 0x61746164
unsigned long size; //Chunk data bytes
void WavReader (const char* fileName, const char* fileToSave)
FILE *fin = fopen(fileName, "rb");
//Read WAV header
wav_header_t header;
fread(&header, sizeof(header), 1, fin);
//Print WAV header
printf("WAV File Header read:\n");
printf("File Type: %s\n", header.chunkID);
printf("File Size: %ld\n", header.chunkSize);
printf("WAV Marker: %s\n", header.format);
printf("Format Name: %s\n", header.subchunk1ID);
printf("Format Length: %ld\n", header.subchunk1Size );
printf("Format Type: %hd\n", header.audioFormat);
printf("Number of Channels: %hd\n", header.numChannels);
printf("Sample Rate: %ld\n", header.sampleRate);
printf("Sample Rate * Bits/Sample * Channels / 8: %ld\n", header.byteRate);
printf("Bits per Sample * Channels / 8.1: %hd\n", header.blockAlign);
printf("Bits per Sample: %hd\n", header.bitsPerSample);
//skip wExtraFormatBytes & extra format bytes
//fseek(f, header.chunkSize - 16, SEEK_CUR);
//Reading file
chunk_t chunk;
printf("id\t" "size\n");
//go to data chunk
while (true)
fread(&chunk, sizeof(chunk), 1, fin);
printf("%c%c%c%c\t" "%li\n", chunk.ID[0], chunk.ID[1], chunk.ID[2], chunk.ID[3], chunk.size);
if (*(unsigned int *)&chunk.ID == 0x61746164)
//skip chunk data bytes
fseek(fin, chunk.size, SEEK_CUR);
//Number of samples
int sample_size = header.bitsPerSample / 8;
int samples_count = chunk.size * 8 / header.bitsPerSample;
printf("Samples count = %i\n", samples_count);
short int *value = new short int[samples_count];
memset(value, 0, sizeof(short int) * samples_count);
//Reading data
for (int i = 0; i < samples_count; i++)
fread(&value[i], sample_size, 1, fin);
//Write data into the file
FILE *fout = fopen(fileToSave, "w");
for (int i = 0; i < samples_count; i++)
fprintf(fout, "%d\n", value[i]);
int main()
WavReader("E:/TEMP/20_21_converted.wav", "list.dat");
return 0;
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