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Created April 20, 2012 20:06
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self-versioning and argument-hashing cache decorator for python (django/flask)
#!/usr/bin/env python
Self-versioning and argument-hashing cache decorator for deterministic functions.
Designed to be extensible and API-compliant with Django and Flask cache backends.
For examples and caveats, see the bottom of the file.
Ted Kaemming:
Mike Tigas:
import functools
import hashlib
def generate_function_key(fn):
Generates a key for this callable by hashing the bytecode. This appears
to be deterministic on CPython for trivial implementations, but likely
is implementation-specific.
return hashlib.md5(fn.func_code.co_code).hexdigest()
def generate_unique_key(*args, **kwargs):
Generates a unique key based on the hashed values of all of the passed
arguments. This makes a pretty bold assumption that the hash() function
is deterministic, which is (probably) implementation specific.
hashed_args = ['%s' % hash(arg) for arg in args]
hashed_kwargs = ['%s ' % hash((key, value)) for (key, value) in kwargs.items()]
# this is md5 hashed again to avoid the key growing too large for memcached
return hashlib.md5(':'.join(hashed_args + hashed_kwargs)).hexdigest()
def cached(backend, **kwargs):
Automagical caching for deterministic functions.
Supported keyword arguments:
* key: use a user-defined cache key (not versioned) instead of hashing the
function's bytecode
* key_generator: use a user-defined cache key generator instead of using
`__hash__` on the args/kwargs passed to the callable
* set_kwargs: keyword arguments passed to the cache backend's `set` method,
so you can pass timeouts, etc. when setting cached values
def decorator(fn, key=None, key_generator=None, set_kwargs=None):
if key is None:
key = generate_function_key(fn)
if key_generator is None:
key_generator = generate_unique_key
if set_kwargs is None:
set_kwargs = {}
def inner(*args, **kwargs):
unique_key = '%s:%s' % (key, key_generator(*args, **kwargs))
# If the value is `None` from the cache, then generate the real
# value and store it.
value = backend.get(unique_key)
if value is None:
value = fn(*args, **kwargs)
backend.set(unique_key, value, **set_kwargs)
return value
return inner
return functools.partial(decorator, **kwargs)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# the underlying cache interface is the same as django and flask, so it
# should be reasonably portable. otherwise, you can always write a wrapper
# that supports the same interface
class CacheBackend(object):
def get(self, key, fallback=None):
raise NotImplementedError
def set(self, key, value):
raise NotImplementedError
def __contains__(self, key):
raise NotImplementedError
class DummyCacheBackend(CacheBackend):
def get(self, key, fallback=None):
print 'GET', key, len(key)
return fallback
def set(self, key, value):
print 'SET', key, len(key), value
return None
def __contains__(self, key):
print 'HAS', key, len(key)
return False
# examples!
cache = DummyCacheBackend()
# autogenerated base key, automagical key generator
def foo(x):
return x
print foo('bar')
print foo('baz')
# let's say we updated the underlying code for foo...
# the base key will be implicitly versioned since the underlying function
# code has been modified. there is no need to update arbitrary versioning
# numbers in the code or jump through other hoops to make sure the cache
# only returns the result appropriate for the latest logic
def foo(x):
return '%s!' % x
print foo('bar')
print foo('baz')
# allow the definition of the base key
@cached(backend=cache, key='bar')
def bar(x):
return x
print bar('baz')
# you can use a really awful hash function if you want to break your code
# notice that the underlying base key is the same as the first example,
# since the underlying bytecode is actually the same -- this might save you
# some cache space if you have two functions that actually do the exact
# same thing (which would be sort of weird but hey, it's your code)
@cached(backend=cache, key_generator=lambda x: 1)
def baz(x):
return x
print baz(1)
print baz(2)
print baz(3)
# got 99 problems and hashing unhashable types are all of them
print foo([1,2,3])
except TypeError, e:
print e # unhashable type: 'list'
print foo({"a": 1, "b": 2})
except TypeError, e:
print e # unhashable type: 'dict'
# you can also cache values without using the decorator syntax
def expensive_function(x):
# assume that this does something that takes forever
return x + x
cached_expensive_function = cached(backend=cache)(expensive_function)
# to call without cache
print expensive_function(1)
# to call with cache
print cached_expensive_function(1)
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