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Last active October 1, 2023 14:54
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List-Fuzzy: function for Bash 5+. List/filter/sort a location in sk/sk-tmux with lsd 1+ and xsel
# List-Fuzzy: lsd pipe to sk/sk-tmux then output to tty and clipboards
lf() {
Help() {
cat <<- HEREDOC
list-fuzzy: List/filter/sort a location in sk/sk-tmux
- inline|vertical output to 'stdout + clipboard'
- use only current or the first submitted path
Syntax: lf [-haefgnosv] [<path>]
-h Print this Help.
-a Display hidden files (ex.: . & ..)
-g Display git status (can slowdown lsd)
-v Output vertical list (Default: inline)
-e Sort by ext (Default: by name)
-n Sort by newest (Default: by name)
-s Sort by size (Default: by name)
-f Files first (Default: dirs first)
-o Keep sort order when filtering
<path> Optional (Default: .)
local array=( sk lsd xsel gpaste-client )
for cmd in "${array[@]}"; do
if [[ -z $(command -v $cmd) ]]; then
echo "function requirements:"
echo -e " - lsd >=1.0\n - sk >0.10\n - xsel\n - bash >5\n - gpaste-client"
echo "Error: $cmd could not be found"
return 0
if ! pidof -q gpaste-daemon; then
echo "function requirements:"
echo -e "\n - Error: gpaste-daemon s not running"
return 0
local _by="name"
local _filter="visible"
local _formatSel='| xargs -r -d "\n"'
local _git=''
local _gitCol=''
local _group="--group-dirs=first"
local OPTIND=0
while getopts ":haefgnosv" option; do
case $option in
h) Help; return 0 ;;
a) local _all="-A"
local _filter="all" ;;
e) local _sort="--sort=extension"
local _by="extention" ;;
f) local _group="--group-dirs=last" ;;
g) local _git='git,'
local _gitCol='$9=' ;;
n) local _sort="--sort=time"
local _by="newest" ;;
o) local _noSort="--no-sort" ;;
s) local _sort="--sort=size"
local _by="size" ;;
v) local _formatSel="";;
\?) echo -e "Unknown option: -$OPTARG \n" >&2; Help; return 1;;
: ) echo -e "Missing argument for -$OPTARG \n" >&2; Help; return 1;;
* ) echo -e "Unimplemented option: -$option \n" >&2; Help; return 1;;
shift $((OPTIND-1))
if command -v tmux 1> /dev/null; then
local _fuzzyCmd="sk-tmux -d 80%"
local _fuzzyCmd="sk"
_location="$(realpath -sq "${1-$PWD}" 2>&1)"
read -r -d '' _cleanSel <<- HEREDOC
for line in {+}; do echo "\$line"; done \
| sed -E -e 's/\s⇒\s.+//g' \
| awk -v loc="${_location}/" '{\$1=\$2=\$3=\$4=\$5=\$6=\$7=\$8=$_gitCol""; \$0=\$0; \$1=\$1; print "\"" loc \$0 "\""}' \
lsd --ignore-config -l1 --size=short --header --blocks=permission,links,size,user,group,date,${_git}name $_all $_sort --icon=always --icon-theme=fancy --color=always $_group --date='+%F %T' "$_location" 2>/dev/null \
| ${_fuzzyCmd} --exit-0 --color=dark,bg+:237 $_noSort --no-mouse --cycle --keep-right --sync --multi --reverse --ansi --tabstop 2 --header-lines=1 \
--prompt "A list of $_filter elements sorted by $_by in \"$_location\" > " \
--preview-window down:8:wrap \
--preview "echo -e \"\\\e[1;37mKEYS:\\\e[0m \\\e[1;33m󰱑\\\e[1;36mtab \\\e[1;33m󰗼\\\e[1;36menter/esc \\\e[1;33m󰜺\\\e[1;36mctrl-c \\\e[1;33m\\\e[1;36mctrl-a \\\e[1;33m\\\e[1;36mctrl-d \\\e[1;33m/\\\e[1;36mctrl-t \\\e[1;33m󱂩\\\e[1;36mctrl-p\\\n\\\e[1;37mPREVIEW \\\e[0;37mfor tty/clipboard/primary:\\\n\"; $_cleanSel | head -c -1" \
--bind "ctrl-a:select-all,ctrl-d:deselect-all,ctrl-t:toggle-all,ctrl-p:toggle-preview" \
--bind "enter:execute-silent[ $_cleanSel | head -c -1 \
| xsel -ip && xsel -op | xsel -ib && xsel -ob | xargs -r -0 echo ]+execute-silent[ xsel -cp && xsel -cb ]+abort"
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tkapias commented Sep 10, 2023

I updated the function to depend on a clipboard manager:

  • gpaste in this case because it keep last entries active.
  • Reasons: xsel/xclip both function by running in the background and waiting to be called for pasting or clearing, the proccess try to stay even if you close the tty.
  • It was hanging the closing of my tmux session and I could not open a new one with the same unit name without killing it manually.

Now it clears xsel after using it because gpaste keep the selection, and I clear gpaste history with a key binding manually when I want.

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tkapias commented Sep 10, 2023

Note: GPaste does not require Gnome, it can be built light :

meson setup -Dbash-completion=true -Dgnome-shell=false -Dsystemd=true -Dgnome-shell=false -Dx-keybinder=false -Dcontrol-center-keybindings-dir=false -Dx-keybinder=true ..

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