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Created August 22, 2016 16:07
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OSGeo mailing list statistics random data generator
numbers as
(select 10 as _top, 50 as num_of_subscriptions, 28404 as unique_subscribers, 290 as number_of_lists),
people as
(select st_point(random() * 99 + 1, random() * 99 + 1) as g, 'special subscribers'::text as ty
from numbers n, generate_series(1,n._top)),
unique_people as
(select st_point(random() * 99 + 1, random() * 99 + 1) as g, 'unique subscribers'::text as ty
from numbers n, generate_series(1,n.unique_subscribers-n._top)),
subs as
(select st_exteriorring(st_buffer(st_extent(p.g), 25)) as g from unique_people p),
len as (select generate_series(1, n.number_of_lists) as s, st_length(subs.g)/n.number_of_lists as fractlength,
st_length(subs.g) as totallength from subs, numbers n),
rando as (
select (random()*(n.number_of_lists-1) +1)::int as r from generate_series(1, 1000), numbers n
group by r
limit 50),
lists as
(select s, st_line_interpolate_point(subs.g, s*(len.fractlength/len.totallength) - 0.000001) as g,
case when r.r is null then 'all subscriptions'::text else 'special subscriptions' end as ty
from subs, len left join rando r on r.r = len.s),
d as (
select p.g, p.ty from people p
union all
select u.g, u.ty from unique_people u
union all
select l.g, l.ty from lists l)
select row_number() over ()::int as id, d.* from d
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