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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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# coupled
(1..100).each do |i|
answer = HTTP.get("/v1/fizzbuzz?number=#{i}")
puts answer
# decoupled
root = HTTP.get_root
answer ='first').follow
puts answer
answer ='next').follow
puts answer
My name is Bob Smith
but people call me Smithy.
Here is my home page:
<a href=""></a>
I live in Albuquerque, NM and work as an engineer
at ACME Corp.
<div itemscope itemtype="">
My name is <span itemprop="name">Bob Smith</span>
but people call me <span itemprop="nickname">Smithy</span>.
Here is my home page:
<a href="" itemprop="url"></a>
I live in Albuquerque, NM and
 work as an <span itemprop="title">engineer</span>
at <span itemprop="affiliation">ACME Corp</span>.
var user = document.getItems('')[0];
var name =['name'][0].itemValue;
alert('Hello ' + name + '!');
%div{itemscope: true, itemtype: '',
 itemid: notes_url, data: {main_item: true}}
- @notes.each do |note|
= link_to note.text.truncate(20), note,

 rel: 'item', itemprop: 'hasPart'
= form_for do |f|
= f.text_field :text
= f.submit rel: 'create'
"uber": {
"version": "1.0",
"data": [{
"url": "",
"name": "Collection",
"data": [
{ "name": "hasPart", "rel": "item", "url": "/notes/1" },
{ "name": "hasPart", "rel": "item", "url": "/notes/2" },

{ "rel": "create", "url": "/notes", "action": "append",
"model": "note%5Btext%5D={text}" },
{ "rel": "profile", "url": "/assets/note.alps"}
%div{itemscope: true, itemtype: '',
 itemid: note_url(@note), data: {main_item: true}}
%span{itemprop: 'articleBody'}= @note.text
%span{itemprop: 'datePublished'}= @note.published_at
%span{itemprop: 'dateCreated'}= @note.created_at
%span{itemprop: 'dateModified'}= @note.updated_at
= form_for @note, method: :put do |f|
= f.text_field :text
= f.submit rel: 'update'
= button_to 'Destroy', @note, method: :delete, rel: 'delete'
= button_to 'Publish', publish_note_path(@note), rel: 'publish' unless @note.published?
= link_to 'Next note', note_path(, rel: 'next' if
= link_to 'Prev note', note_path(@note.prev), rel: 'prev' if @note.prev
= link_to 'Collection of Note', notes_path, rel: 'collection', itemprop: 'isPartOf'
"uber": {
"version": "1.0",
"data": [{
"url": "",
"name": "Article",
"data": [
{ "name": "articleBody", "value": "First note's text" },
{ "name": "datePublished", "value": null },
{ "name": "dateCreated", "value": "2014-09-11T12:00:31+09:00" },
{ "name": "dateModified", "value": "2014-09-11T12:00:31+09:00" },
{ "name": "isPartOf", "rel": "collection", "url": "/notes" },
{ "rel": "update", "url": "/notes/1", "action": "replace",
"model": "note%5Btext%5D={text}" },
{ "rel": "delete", "url": "/notes/1", "action": "remove" },
{ "rel": "publish", "url": "/notes/1/publish", "action": "append" },
{ "rel": "next", "url": "/notes/2" },
{ "rel": "profile", "url": "/assets/note.alps" }
class PeopleController < ApplicationController
before_action :set_message, only: %i(show edit update destroy)
include Hypermicrodata::Rails::HtmlBasedJsonRenderer
.person{itemscope: true, itemtype: '',
itemid: person_url(@person), data: {main_item: true}}
= image_tag @person.picture_path, alt: '', itemprop: 'image'
%span{itemprop: 'name'}=
= link_to 'collection', people_path, rel: 'collection'
"image": "/assets/bob.png",
"name": "Bob Smith",
"isPartOf": "/people",
"_links": {
"self": { "href": "" },
"type": { "href": "" },
"collection": { "href": "/people" },
"profile": { "href": "/assets/person.alps" }
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