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Last active June 7, 2020 22:43
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Base.return_type(f, T::Type{<:Tuple})

Infer a possible return type of f with input argument types T.

!!! warning

Using `Base.return_type` without understanding the API is likely to cause
undefined behavior.

Base.return_type returns a type R such that every return value y of f(args...) for any args <: T satisfies y isa R. Note that R is not guaranteed to be the tightest type with such property.

The API implemented using Base.return_type MUST return the result that does not depend on the inferred type R. That is to say, the behavior of Base.return_type must not be observable by the caller of the API within the gurantee provided by the API.


Following function is an invalid use-case of Base.return_type.

function invalid_usecase1(f, xs)
    R = Base.return_type(f, Tuple{eltype(xs)})
    ys = similar(xs, R)
    ys .= f.(xs)
    return ys

This is because the value the caller get by eltype(ys) depends on exactly what Base.return_type returns. It may be fixed by re-computing the element type before returning the result.

function valid_usecase1(f, xs)
    R = Base.return_type(f, Tuple{eltype(xs)})
    ys = similar(xs, R)
    ys .= f.(xs)
    S = mapfoldl(typeof, Base.promote_typejoin, ys; init = Union{})
    if S != R
        zs = similar(xs, S)
        copyto!(zs, ys)
        return zs
    return ys

Note that using isconcretetype is not enough to safely use Base.return_type. Following function is another invalid use-case of Base.return_type.

function invalid_usecase2(f, xs)
    R = Base.return_type(f, Tuple{eltype(xs)})
    if isconcretetype(R)
        ys = similar(xs, R)
        ys = similar(xs, Any)
    ys .= f.(xs)
    return ys

This is because whether or not the caller gets Any element type depends on if Base.return_type can infer a concrete return type of the given function. A fix similar to valid_usecase1 can be used.

Another possible fix for invalid_usecase1 and invalid_usecase2 is to clarify the API guarantee:

another_valid_usecase1(f, xs::AbstractArray) -> ys

Return an array ys such that every element in xs with the same index is mapped with f.

The element type of ys is undefined. It must not be used with generic functions whose behavior depend on the element type of ys.

However, it is discouraged to define such unconventional API guarantee.

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