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Created August 13, 2013 05:43
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require 'yaml'
require 'json'
require 'pathname'
BASEDIR = Pathname(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)))
CONFPATH = BASEDIR.join("config.yaml")
result = {}
configs = YAML.load_file(CONFPATH)
configs.each do |conf|
filetype = conf["filetype"]
root_path = Pathname(conf["root_dir"])
path_patterns = conf["path_patterns"]
if root_path.relative?
root_path = CONFPATH.dirname.join(root_path)
root_path.find do |filepath|
next unless filepath.file?
path_patterns.each do |regex|
if filepath.to_s =~ %r|#{regex}|
size = filepath.size
data_id = $~[:data_id]
code = $~.names.member?("code") ? $~[:code] : "00"
result[data_id] ||= {}
result[data_id][code] ||= []
result[data_id][code] << {
name: filetype,
path: filepath.to_s,
size: size
puts result.to_json
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