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Last active February 5, 2024 19:51
source-highlight's language definition file for YAML
@@ -169,3 +169,5 @@
groovy = groovy.lang
json = json.lang
feature = feature.lang
+yaml = yaml.lang
+yml = yaml.lang
# source-highlight's language definition file for YAML
include "script_comment.lang"
include "number.lang"
keyword = "true|false|null"
section start '^---'
(symbol,name,symbol) = `(^[[:blank:]-]*)([[:alnum:]_]+)(:)`
symbol = '^[[:blank:]]*-'
# - hredoc
# - alias indicators
string delim "\"" "\"" escape "\\"
string delim "'" "'" escape "\\"
# vim: ft=conf
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roko-p commented Aug 10, 2018

For anyone stumbling upon this by googling; instructions to add this to source-highlight:

  1. Put the yaml.lang file into the dir /usr/local/Cellar/source-highlight/3.1.8_9/share/source-highlight/ or similar

  2. Append those two last lines yaml = yaml.lang and yml = yaml.lang to the file (which is in the same directory)

  3. That's it ✔️

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