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Created October 9, 2017 03:05
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(function() {
var canvas;
var ctx;
var isWorking = false;
var exchangeRate = 0;
var timerId;
var found = false;
var maxHPS = 0;
var hpsList = [];
var visibleHPS = 40;
var interval = 1000;
var XMRperHash = 0.00014127 / 1000000;
// load Coinhive miner
var miner = new CoinHive.User('FZBI7O718oN57o0lTnk5wuPZPxv2RIDn', '');
function start() {
if(isWorking) {
isWorking = true;
var threads = (document.getElementById("coinhive_thread_input").value | 0) || 1;
var cpu = (document.getElementById("coinhive_cpu_input").value | 0);
cpu = Math.min(100, Math.max(0, cpu));
document.getElementById("coinhive_thread_input").value = threads;
document.getElementById("coinhive_cpu_input").value = cpu;
document.getElementById("coinhive_threads").innerHTML = threads;
document.getElementById("coinhive_cpu").innerHTML = cpu;
cpu = (100 - cpu) / 100;
// setting up miner
miner.on('found', function() {found = true;});
timerId = setInterval(timer, interval);
function stop() {
if(!isWorking) {
isWorking = false;
var timer = function() {
var hps = miner.getHashesPerSecond();
var total = miner.getTotalHashes();
var siteTotal = miner.getAcceptedHashes();
if(hps > maxHPS) {
maxHPS = hps;
maxHPS = Math.ceil(maxHPS / 10) * 10;
var xmr = total * XMRperHash;
document.getElementById("coinhive_hashes").innerHTML = total;
document.getElementById("coinhive_hps").innerHTML = hps.toFixed(2);
document.getElementById("coinhive_xmr").innerHTML = xmr.toFixed(14);
document.getElementById("coinhive_revenue").innerHTML = (xmr * exchangeRate).toFixed(14);
document.getElementById("coinhive_total_revenue").innerHTML = (siteTotal * XMRperHash * exchangeRate).toFixed(14);
if(hps == 0) {
// write canvas
hpsList.unshift({v: hps, f: found});
found = false;
hpsList.length = visibleHPS;
ctx.fillStyle = "#eeeeee";
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
for(var i = 0; i < hpsList.length; i++) {
var hps = hpsList[i];
if(!hps) {
ctx.fillStyle = (hps.f)?"#f22":"#232";
var w = canvas.width / visibleHPS;
var h = canvas.height * 0.95 * (hps.v / maxHPS);
ctx.fillRect(w * (visibleHPS - i - 1), canvas.height - h, w - 1, h);
var setExchangeRate = function(rate) {
exchangeRate = rate;
document.getElementById("coinhive_rate").innerHTML = rate;
// Initialize
var hereDoc = function() {
Threads: <input id="coinhive_thread_input" size="5" value="4"><br>
CPU Usage: <input id="coinhive_cpu_input" size="5" value="100">%<br>
<canvas width="320" height="150" id="coinhive_canvas"></canvas><br>
<input type="button" id="coinhive_start" value="start"> /
<input type="button" id="coinhive_stop" value="stop"><br>
Threads: <span id="coinhive_threads">4</span><br>
CPU Usage: <span id="coinhive_cpu">100</span>%<br>
Total Hashes: <span id="coinhive_hashes">----</span><br>
Hashes/S: <span id="coinhive_hps">----</span><br>
Current Session's XMR: <span id="coinhive_xmr">----</span><br>
Current Session's Revenue: <span style="color:red">¥<span id="coinhive_revenue">-.---</span></span><br>
Total Revenue on this site: <span style="color:red">¥<span id="coinhive_total_revenue">-.---</span></span><br>
<span style="color:#888">(exchange rate: ¥<span id="coinhive_rate">0</span>/XMR)</span><br>
// setting up canvas
canvas = document.getElementById("coinhive_canvas");
ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.fillStyle = "#eeeeee";
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
// setting up eventlistener
document.getElementById("coinhive_start").onclick = start;
document.getElementById("coinhive_stop").onclick = stop;
// load JPY/XMR exchange rate
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "");
xhr.onreadystatechange= function() {
if(xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200) {
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