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Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
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Output of git-prune-test.ps1

Full output

Remove remote branches with push
Initialized empty Git repository in C:/Users/t_kirill/workplace/git-prune-test/test-repo/.git/
[master (root-commit) ee2dd44] commit1
    1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 file
Switched to a new branch 'branch1'
[branch1 9834b24] commit2
 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
Switched to branch 'master'
Switched to a new branch 'branch2'
[branch2 ba21db2] commit3
 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
Switched to branch 'master'
Cloning into 'test-clone'...
Branch branch1 set up to track remote branch branch1 from origin.
Switched to a new branch 'branch1'
Branch branch2 set up to track remote branch branch2 from origin.
Switched to a new branch 'branch2'
Switched to branch 'master'
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
Branches before delete
  origin/HEAD    -> origin/master
  origin/branch1 9834b24 commit2
  origin/branch2 ba21db2 commit3
  origin/master  ee2dd44 commit1
To C:/Users/t_kirill/workplace/git-prune-test/test-repo
 - [deleted]         branch1
To C:/Users/t_kirill/workplace/git-prune-test/test-repo
 - [deleted]         branch2
Branches before prune
  origin/HEAD   -> origin/master
  origin/master ee2dd44 commit1
Branches after prune
  origin/HEAD   -> origin/master
  origin/master ee2dd44 commit1

Remove remote branches with push
    Initialized empty Git repository in C:/Users/t_kirill/workplace/git-prune-test/test-repo/.git/
    [master (root-commit) decf315] commit1
     1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 file
Switched to a new branch 'branch1'
[branch1 aa416a4] commit2
 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
Switched to branch 'master'
Switched to a new branch 'branch2'
[branch2 b9988a9] commit3
 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
Switched to branch 'master'
Cloning into 'test-clone'...
Branch branch1 set up to track remote branch branch1 from origin.
Switched to a new branch 'branch1'
Branch branch2 set up to track remote branch branch2 from origin.
Switched to a new branch 'branch2'
Switched to branch 'master'
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
Deleted branch branch1 (was aa416a4).
Deleted branch branch2 (was b9988a9).
Branches before prune
  origin/HEAD    -> origin/master
  origin/branch1 aa416a4 commit2
  origin/branch2 b9988a9 commit3
  origin/master  decf315 commit1
From C:/Users/t_kirill/workplace/git-prune-test/test-repo
x [deleted]         (none)     -> origin/branch1
x [deleted]         (none)     -> origin/branch2
Branches after prune
  origin/HEAD   -> origin/master
  origin/master decf315 commit1

Highlights for removing with push

Branches before removing:

origin/HEAD    -> origin/master
origin/branch1 9834b24 commit2
origin/branch2 ba21db2 commit3
origin/master  ee2dd44 commit1

Branches before prune:

origin/HEAD   -> origin/master
origin/master ee2dd44 commit1

Branches after prune:

origin/HEAD   -> origin/master
origin/master ee2dd44 commit1

Highlights for removing branches directly on remote

Removing branches directly on remote:

Deleted branch branch1 (was aa416a4).
Deleted branch branch2 (was b9988a9).

Branches before prune:

origin/HEAD    -> origin/master
origin/branch1 aa416a4 commit2
origin/branch2 b9988a9 commit3
origin/master  decf315 commit1

Branches after prune:

origin/HEAD   -> origin/master
origin/master decf315 commit1
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