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Last active May 15, 2021 14:33
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Quick implementation of the two trees for partitions discussed here:
Quick implementation of the two trees for partitions discussed here:
from treelib import Node, Tree
# partition class
class InvalidPartitionError(Exception):
class Partition:
def __init__(self, parts):
# check we have a valid partition
for idx in range(len(parts)):
if not isinstance(parts[idx], int) or parts[idx] <= 0:
raise InvalidPartitionError("Parts of a partition must be positive ints")
if idx > 0:
if parts[idx] > parts[idx - 1]:
raise ValueError("Parts of a partition must be non-increasing") = parts
self.weight = sum(parts)
def __str__(self):
return ' '.join(map(str,
def fixed_n_partitions_tree_children(self):
returns: (possibly empty) list of partitions that are immediate descendents of self in the tree of partitions of fixed weight self.weight
children = []
head, tail =[0],[1:]
for i in range(head - 1, (head - 1)//2, -1):
if tail == [] or (head - i) >= tail[0]:
child = Partition([i, head - i] + tail)
return children
def all_partitions_tree_children(self):
returns: (possibly empty) list of partitions that are immediate descendents of self in the infinte tree of all partitions
child1 = Partition( + [1])
if len( == 1 or[-1] <[-2]:
child2 = Partition([:-1] + [[-1] + 1])
return [child1, child2]
return [child1]
# tree creation methods
def fixed_n_partitions_tree(num):
num: positive integer
returns: treelib tree of all partitions of num
tree = Tree()
root = Partition([num])
queue = [(root, None)]
while queue:
partition, parent = queue.pop(0)
if parent is not None:
tree.create_node(str(partition), partition, parent=parent)
tree.create_node(str(partition), partition)
for child in partition.fixed_n_partitions_tree_children():
queue.append((child, partition))
return tree
def all_partitions_tree(depth):
depth: positive integer
returns treelib tree of all partitions of weight <= depth
tree = Tree()
root = Partition([1])
queue = [(root, None)]
while queue:
partition, parent = queue.pop(0)
if parent is not None:
tree.create_node(str(partition), partition, parent=parent)
tree.create_node(str(partition), partition)
if partition.weight < depth:
for child in partition.all_partitions_tree_children():
queue.append((child, partition))
return tree
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