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Created May 25, 2012 07:20
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Camp 2012 Chef Demo
# preparation - start with clean environment
vagrant destroy chef_server -f
vagrant destroy c12345_svn -f
librarian-chef clean
vagrant up chef_server
vagrant up c12345_svn
we need a svn server for project c12345 - NOW!
Development Phase
# check out the subversion recipe
git clone git:// subversion
# test subversion recipe locally with virtualbox and chef solo
vagrant up
# take a look at databags, check if it works in browser
# go to,
# log in with hans => should not work
# then try /repo2 => should work
# modify databags, reload and test again
sublime_text ../../my-chef-repo/data_bags/camp-svn/subversion.json
vagrant provision
# ok, seems to work, no longer need the vm
vagrant destroy -f
Go Live Phase
# edit Cheffile, add dependency to subversion recipe
sublime_text Cheffile
# pull in dependencies
dir cookbooks
librarian-chef install
dir cookbooks
# upload cookbook
knife cookbook upload --all
# oh - where is our server actually?!?
# ask IT center for ip / hostname
# / c12345-svn
# check that there is nothing running yet
# go to
# set up svn repositories for this host
mkdir data_bags\c12345-svn
sublime_text data_bags/c12345-svn/subversion.json
"id": "subversion",
"repos": [
"name": "foo",
"rw": ["peter"]
# upload databag
knife data bag create users
knife data bag from file users users.json
knife data bag create c12345-svn
knife data bag from file c12345-svn subversion.json
knife data bag show c12345-svn subversion -Fjson
# Chef server has all required information - now go bootstrap the VM!!!
knife bootstrap -x vagrant -P vagrant --sudo -N c12345-svn -r 'recipe[subversion::server]' -d 'ubuntu12.04-gems'
# check if it works
# go to
# login with peter/123 => should work
# node is registered at chef server!
knife client list
knife node list
knife node show c12345-svn -Fjson
# or take a look at the chef-server as well
# go to
# cleanup
vagrant destroy c12345_svn -f
knife client delete c12345-svn --yes
knife node delete c12345-svn --yes
knife data bag delete c12345-svn
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