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tkrotoff / #parseCookie.ts
Created January 23, 2025 10:42
Parses a `Cookie` HTTP header value or `document.cookie` into an object
function decode(str: string) {
try {
return decodeURIComponent(str);
} catch {
return str;
* Parses a `Cookie` HTTP header value or `document.cookie` into an object.
tkrotoff /
Created August 7, 2024 08:31
Minimal SVG structure
<svg xmlns="" />
tkrotoff / #mockWindowLocation.ts
Last active February 6, 2025 00:51
Jest/Vitest mocks for JSDOM window.location & window.history
/* eslint-disable unicorn/no-null */
* Resetting window.location between tests is unfortunately a hard topic with JSDOM.
* FIXME JSDOM leaves the history in place after every test, so the history will be dirty.
* Also its implementations for window.location and window.history are lacking.
* -
tkrotoff /
Last active August 10, 2023 08:51
Warns about Git staged binary files
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# Warns about Git staged binary files
# Capture the output of "git diff" in a temporary file
git diff -z --staged --name-only --diff-filter=ACMR > "$tmpfile"
tkrotoff / #deepFreeze.ts
Last active November 4, 2024 14:55
Deeply freezes an object
import { ReadonlyDeep } from 'type-fest';
* Deeply freezes an object by recursively freezing all of its properties.
* -
* -
* FIXME Should be part of Lodash:
tkrotoff / #FormValidationErrorMessageHack.tsx
Last active June 18, 2023 10:29
I want an error tooltip on a button when clicked, let's use the browser native input validation error message
import { forwardRef } from 'react';
// ref is optional with forwardRef(), I want it to be mandatory
// type ... = ReturnType<typeof forwardRef<T, P>>;
type ForwardMandatoryRefComponent<T, P> = React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<
React.PropsWithoutRef<P> & React.RefAttributes<T> & { ref: React.Ref<T> }
type Props = {
// Why?
tkrotoff / #ObjectValues.ts
Last active June 18, 2023 08:42
Recursively converts all values from null to undefined and vice versa
/* eslint-disable guard-for-in, @typescript-eslint/ban-types, @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-return, @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment */
import { Primitive } from 'type-fest';
// [Generic way to convert all instances of null to undefined in TypeScript](
// ["I intend to stop using `null` in my JS code in favor of `undefined`"](
// [Proposal: NullToUndefined and UndefinedToNull](
// Types implementation inspired by
tkrotoff / #getRandomNumber.ts
Last active April 9, 2024 14:39
getRandomInt() & getRandomFloat()
// Exported for testing purposes only
export function getNumberWithDecimalPlaces(num: number, decimalPlaces: number) {
const power = 10 ** decimalPlaces;
return Math.floor(num * power) / power;
type GetRandomNumberOptions = {
tkrotoff / #assert.ts
Last active May 10, 2024 13:43
TypeScript friendly assert
* Writes an error message to the console if the assertion is false.
* If the assertion is true, nothing happens.
* This is similar to React invariant:
* If your code only runs in Node.js, prefer `import { strict as assert } from 'node:assert'`
* because it throws.
* What is an assertion?
tkrotoff / #RouterProgressBar.tsx
Last active May 14, 2023 22:55
Progress bar like NProgress in 90 lines of code (vs NProgress v0.2.0 is 470 lines .js + 70 lines .css)
import { useRouter } from 'next/router';
import { useEffect } from 'react';
import { useProgressBar } from './useProgressBar';
const transitionSpeed = 600;