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Last active October 10, 2023 13:36
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  • Save tkuhrt/10211ae0a26a91a8c030d00344f7d11b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save tkuhrt/10211ae0a26a91a8c030d00344f7d11b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

Steps to Contribute

  1. Browse to

  2. Click the fork button

  3. Clone the repository to your machine using: git clone, replacing username with your Github username.

  4. Change to the safe-wallet-sig directory

  5. Verify that git is configured properly. Specifically, make sure that your name and email in your local machine settings match the name and email associated with your Github profile.

    git config
    git config

    If the values do not match your Github profile, you can set them with the following, replacing and Mona Lisa with the values that match your Github profile. NOTE: This will only change the configuration for the safe-wallet-sig repository. If you want to change it for all repositories, use git config --global instead.

    git config ""
    git config "Mona Lisa"
  6. Create a branch for your work using git checkout -b branch-name, replacing branch-name with a name to reflect the work that you are doing. For example, if you are working on issue #45, you might name your branch issue_45.

  7. Make your modifications using your favorite text editor.

  8. Verify your changes are what you want. You can use git diff to see all the changes that you have made.

  9. If the changes are what you want, then commit the source code using the following.


    git add .
    git commit -s -m "insert message reflecting what you changed"
  10. Optional: If you performed multiple commits on your local branch, you can squash these commits using git rebase -i HEAD~<# of commits>. For example, to squash four commits into one, do the following:

    git rebase -i HEAD~4

    In the text editor that comes up, keep the word pick for the first commit and replace the words pick with squash next to all other commits. Save and close the editor, and git will combine the "squash"'ed commits with the one before it. Git will then give you the opportunity to change your commit message to something like, "Issue #100: Fixed retweet bug." Make sure that your commit message also contains the DCO sign-off line.

    Important: If you've already pushed commits to GitHub, and then squash them locally, you will have to force the push to your branch.

    git push origin branch-name --force

    Helpful hint: Before doing a push, you can always edit your last commit message, before pushing, by using:

    git commit --amend -s

    The -s option will add the necessary line for the DCO sign-off.

  11. Push your changes, replacing branch-name with the branch name that you created above.

    git push origin branch-name
  12. Create a new pull request by visiting, replacing username with your Github username. Click the "New Pull Request" button.

  13. Verify that the pull request contains your commits and that all commits are signed off prior to creating the pull request.


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