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Last active September 17, 2020 15:15
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Game of Risk
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module Risk where
import Control.Monad.Random
import Control.Applicative
import Data.List (sort, group)
import qualified Data.Map as M (fromList, Map, lookup)
import Data.Ratio
-- Die values
newtype DieValue = DV { unDV :: Int }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Num)
first :: (a -> b) -> (a, c) -> (b, c)
first f (a, c) = (f a, c)
instance Random DieValue where
random = first DV . randomR (1,6)
randomR (low,hi) = first DV . randomR (max 1 (unDV low), min 6 (unDV hi))
die :: Rand StdGen DieValue
die = getRandom
dice :: Int -> Rand StdGen [DieValue]
dice n = replicateM n die
-- Risk
type Army = Int
type Losses = (Army, Army)
data Battlefield = Battlefield { attackers :: Army, defenders :: Army }
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
applyPair :: (a -> b) -> (a, a) -> (b, b)
applyPair f (a, b) = (f a, f b)
-- Ex 1, 2
updateField :: Battlefield -> Losses -> Battlefield
updateField (Battlefield as ds) (asLoss, dsLoss) =
Battlefield (as - asLoss) (ds - dsLoss)
losses :: ([DieValue], [DieValue]) -> Losses
losses pair =
let (aDice', dDice') = applyPair (reverse . sort) pair
ls = zipWith (\a d -> if d >= a then 1 else 0) aDice' dDice'
in (sum ls, length ls - sum ls)
maxTroops :: Battlefield -> (Army, Army)
maxTroops (Battlefield as ds) = (if as >= 4 then 3 else as - 1,
if ds >= 2 then 2 else ds)
battle :: Battlefield -> Rand StdGen Battlefield
battle b = do
let (as', ds') = maxTroops b
rolls <- dice (as' + ds')
return $ updateField b $ losses . splitAt as' $ rolls
-- Ex 3
invade :: Battlefield -> Rand StdGen Battlefield
invade b
| attackers b < 2 || defenders b <= 0 = return b
| otherwise = battle b >>= invade
-- Ex 4 -- estimated probability that Attacker wins
trials = 5000
length' = fromIntegral . length
successProb :: Battlefield -> Rand StdGen Double
successProb b = do
bs <- replicateM trials (invade b)
let wins = filter ((==) 0 . defenders) bs
return $ fromRational$ (length' wins) / (length' bs)
-- Ex 5 -- exact probability that Attacker wins
type Probability = Rational
type Scenario = (Probability, Losses)
die' = map DV [1..6]
throw :: Int -> [[DieValue]]
throw 1 = [[d] | d <- die']
throw 2 = [[d1, d2] | d1 <- die', d2 <- die']
throw 3 = [[d1, d2, d3] | d1 <- die', d2 <- die', d3 <- die']
throw _ = []
pLosses :: [[DieValue]] -> [[DieValue]] -> [Scenario]
pLosses ass dss =
let pairs = liftA2 (curry losses) ass dss
groups = group $ sort pairs
total = length' pairs
genPair g = ((length' g) / total, head g)
in map genPair groups
pMap :: M.Map (Army, Army) [Scenario]
pMap = M.fromList $ liftA2 f [1..3] [1..2]
where f a b = ((a, b), pLosses (throw a) (throw b))
aLoses :: Battlefield -> Scenario -> Bool
aLoses (Battlefield as ds) (_, (asLoss, dsLoss))
| ds - dsLoss <= 0 = False
| as - asLoss <= 1 = True
| otherwise = False
agg :: [(Probability, Battlefield)] -> Probability
agg pairs = foldr f 0 pairs
where f (p, b) accP = accP + (p * successExact b)
successExact :: Battlefield -> Probability
successExact (Battlefield _ 0) = 1
successExact (Battlefield 1 _) = 0
successExact b =
case M.lookup (maxTroops b) pMap of
Nothing -> 0
Just ps -> agg $ map update $ filter (not . aLoses b) ps
where update (p, losses) = (p, updateField b losses)
-- COmparison Output
round2dp :: Double -> Double
round2dp x = fromIntegral (round $ x * 1e2) / 1e2
width :: Int -> String -> String
width n s | length s >= n = s
| otherwise = s ++ (replicate (n - length s) ' ')
showP :: Double -> String
showP n = if n' < 0.1 then "< 0.1%" else (show $ round2dp n') ++ "%"
where n' = n * 100
compareSuccess :: Battlefield -> IO String
compareSuccess b@(Battlefield as ds) = do
p <- evalRandIO (successProb b)
let p2 = successExact b
p2d = fromRational p2
diff = p - p2d
return $ "A: " ++ show as ++
" B: " ++ show ds ++
width 15 (" | Sim: " ++ showP p) ++
width 17 (" | Exact: " ++ showP p2d) ++
width 16 (" | Diff: " ++ showP diff) ++
" | Exact: " ++ show p2
genComps :: IO ()
genComps = do
s <- sequence $ map compareSuccess $ liftA2 Battlefield [1..5] [1..5]
putStrLn $ unlines ("Win probabiloity for A" : s)
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