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Last active June 18, 2016 01:17
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River Fording Puzzle v3
"""River Fording Puzzle.
3 girls, each with her father, go for a stroll. They come to a small river.
One boat, able to carry 2 persons at a time, is at their disposal.
Crossing would be simple for everyone except the girls. None is willing to be
in the boat or ashore with 1 or 2 strange fathers, unless her own father is
present too. How do they all get across?
from itertools import combinations, permutations
from collections import deque
GIRLS = frozenset(['G1', 'G2', 'G3', 'G4'])
FATHERS = frozenset(['F1', 'F2', 'F3', 'F4'])
RELATIONS = dict(zip(sorted(GIRLS), sorted(FATHERS)))
# World
def genesis(near):
"""Return tuple representation of initial world."""
boat, far = set([]), set([])
boat_near = 1
return (near, boat, far, boat_near)
def show(world):
"""Return string representation of world."""
near, boat, far, boat_near = world
near_str = str.ljust(' '.join(sorted(near)), 24)
far_str = str.rjust(' '.join(sorted(far)), 24)
boat_str = ' | ' + str.rjust(' '.join(boat), 8) + ' | '
empty = ' ' * 14
river = (boat_str + '~ ~ ~' + empty if boat_near else
empty + '~ ~ ~' + boat_str)
return ' '.join([near_str, river, far_str])
def print_solutions(solutions, n=5):
"""Take list of solutions and print top 5."""
by_length = sorted(solutions, key=lambda x: len(x))
for ind, history in enumerate(by_length[:n]):
print 'Solution #', ind + 1, 'of', len(solutions), '\n'
print '\n'.join(show(line) for line in history)
# Validation
def is_complete(world):
"""Return True if world is complete, i.e. near shore and boat are empty."""
near, boat, _, _ = world
return near == set([]) and boat == set([])
def is_valid(group):
"""Return True if set of ppl is valid, i.e. no girl with strange father."""
girls = group & GIRLS
fathers = group & FATHERS
return all(RELATIONS[girl] in group for girl in girls if fathers)
def valid_world(world):
"""Return True if all locations of world are valid."""
near, boat, far, _ = world
return is_valid(near) and is_valid(boat) and is_valid(far)
# Core Game Funcs
def flatten(lists):
"""Flatten list of sublists of iterables into list of iterables."""
return [item for sublist in lists for item in sublist]
def draw_sublists(loc, max_ppl=2):
"""Draw all valid permtutations of groups of people of size 1 to max_ppl.
Draw all combinations first, then find permutations of the combinations.
combos = [ppl for n in xrange(max_ppl) for ppl in combinations(loc, n + 1)
if is_valid(set(ppl))]
perms = [permutations(ppl) for ppl in combos]
return [()] + flatten(perms)
def apply_delta(world, delta, load_boat):
"""Transfer people between boat and the boat's current shore.
People are transferred one at a time (recursively).
world: tuple of game world
delta: tuple of people to swap
load_boat: boolean, load boat if True, else unload boat
New world with delta applied if world is valid, else empty tuple.
near, boat, far, boat_near = world
# return null if invalid world or loading an empty boat
if not valid_world(world): return ()
if load_boat and boat == set([]) and not delta: return ()
# base case, deltas applied to valid world, move boat and return new world
if not delta:
boat_loc = boat_near ^ True if load_boat else boat_near
return (near, boat, far, boat_loc)
# find appropriate set delta action and apply recursively
boat_f = boat.union if load_boat else boat.difference
if boat_near:
near_f = near.difference if load_boat else near.union
far_f = lambda x: far
near_f = lambda x: near
far_f = far.difference if load_boat else far.union
d = set([delta[0]])
next_world = (near_f(d), boat_f(d), far_f(d), boat_near)
return apply_delta(next_world, delta[1:], load_boat)
def boat_transfer(world, visited, load_boat):
"""Load or unload boat.
world: tuple of game world
visited: list of tuples of (world, load_boat)
load_boat: boolean, load boat if True, else unload boat
(list of next game worlds, updated list of visited game worlds)
near, boat, far, boat_near = world
if load_boat:
loc, size = near if boat_near else far, BOAT_SIZE - len(boat)
loc, size = boat, len(boat)
deltas = draw_sublists(loc, size)
next_worlds = []
for delta in deltas:
next_world = apply_delta(world, delta, load_boat)
if next_world and (next_world, load_boat) not in visited:
# exclude completed worlds so multiple solutions can be found
if not is_complete(next_world):
visited.append((next_world, load_boat))
return next_worlds, visited
# Tests
def test_is_valid():
"""Test group validation logic, false positives and negatives..."""
false_groups = ({'G1', 'G3', 'F2'}, {'G1', 'F3'})
for g in false_groups:
assert is_valid(g) is False, 'group should be invalid: ' + str(g)
true_groups = ({'G1', 'G2'}, {'G1', 'F1'}, {'F1', 'F1'},
{'G2'}, {'F3'})
for g in true_groups:
assert is_valid(g) is True, 'group should be valid: ' + str(g)
return True
def test_draw_sublists():
"""Test draw subslists."""
sets = ([],
[(1,), (2,), (3,)],
[(1,), (2,), (3,), (1, 2), (2, 1), (1, 3), (3, 1), (2, 3), (3, 2)])
group = {1, 2, 3}
for n in xrange(3):
comp = [()] + sets[n]
assert draw_sublists(group, n) == comp, 'bad sublist: ' + str(group)
return True
def test_apply_delta():
"""Test apply_deltas."""
# loading one person at a time means this should yield empty list of worlds
world = ({'F1', 'F2', 'G1', 'G2'}, set([]), set([]), 1)
deltas = ('F1', 'F2')
load_boat = 1
test = apply_delta(world, deltas, load_boat)
assert test == (), 'delta: case should fail: ' + str(world) + str(deltas)
deltas = ('G1', 'G2')
load_boat = 1
test = apply_delta(world, deltas, load_boat)
new = ({'F1', 'F2'}, {'G1', 'G2'}, set([]), 0)
assert test == new, 'delta: case should pass: ' + str(world) + str(new)
return True
def test_valid_world():
"""Test valid_world."""
world = ({'F1', 'F2', 'G1', 'G2'}, set([]), set([]), 1)
assert valid_world(world), 'World is valid' + str(world)
world = ({'F1', 'G1', 'G2'}, set([]), set([]), 1)
assert not valid_world(world), 'World is invalid' + str(world)
world = ({'F1', 'G1'}, set(['G2', 'F3']), set([]), 1)
assert not valid_world(world), 'World is invalid' + str(world)
world = ({'F1', 'G1'}, set(['G2']), set(['F2', 'G3']), 1)
assert not valid_world(world), 'World is invalid' + str(world)
return True
def unit_tests():
"""Run unit tests."""
return all([test_is_valid(), test_draw_sublists(), test_apply_delta(),
# Main Solver
def find_solutions(start, mode):
"""Search through game space.
start: starting world
mode: string, BFS or DFS
List of lists of world states leading to completion.
completed = []
visited = [(start, True)]
if mode == 'BFS':
gen_history, pop_next = deque, deque.popleft
gen_history, pop_next = list, list.pop
histories = gen_history([([start], visited)])
while histories:
history, visited = pop_next(histories)
# load boat
on_worlds, visited = boat_transfer(history[-1], visited, True)
# cross shore, offload boats
for on_world in on_worlds:
off_worlds, visited = boat_transfer(on_world, visited, False)
# update history, add to completed list or enqueue for next iter
for off_world in off_worlds:
updates = [on_world, off_world]
if is_complete(off_world):
completed.append(history + updates)
histories.append((history + updates, visited))
return completed
def main(mode='BFS'):
"""Call solver and print top solutions."""
nears = [set(['G1', 'G2', 'G3', 'G4', 'F1', 'F2', 'F3', 'F4'])]
for near in nears:
start = genesis(near)
solutions = find_solutions(start, mode)
print '\nStart\t', str(near)
return len(solutions)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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