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string <-> morse code
;;;; Last modified : 2013-05-31 18:03:49 tkych
;; Usage:
;; (string-to-morse "Samuel")
;; => "... ._ __ .._ . ._.."
;; (morse-to-string "__ ___ ._. ... .")
;; => "MORSE"
;; (string-to-morse "Samuel Morse")
;; => error!! #\Space can't be converted into morse code.
;; (morse-to-string "????")
;; => error!! "????" can't be converted to character.
;; Reference:
;; Marco Baringer's slime tutorial,
;; Morse code,
;; Morse
(in-package :cl-user)
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(ql:quickload '(:cl-ppcre :anaphora)))
(defpackage :morse
(:use :cl)
(:import-from :anaphora :aif :it)
(:export :string-to-morse :morse-to-string))
(in-package :morse)
(defparameter *morse-code-alist*
'(;; Letters
(#\A . "._")
(#\B . "_...")
(#\C . "_._.")
(#\D . "_..")
(#\E . ".")
(#\F . ".._.")
(#\G . "__.")
(#\H . "....")
(#\I . "..")
(#\J . ".___")
(#\K . "_._")
(#\L . "._..")
(#\M . "__")
(#\N . "_.")
(#\O . "___")
(#\P . ".__.")
(#\Q . "__._")
(#\R . "._.")
(#\S . "...")
(#\T . "_")
(#\U . ".._")
(#\V . "..._")
(#\W . ".__")
(#\X . "_.._")
(#\Y . "_.__")
(#\Z . "__..")
;; Digits
(#\0 . "_____")
(#\1 . ".____")
(#\2 . "..___")
(#\3 . "...__")
(#\4 . "...._")
(#\5 . ".....")
(#\6 . "_....")
(#\7 . "__...")
(#\8 . "___..")
(#\9 . "____.")
;; Punctuation Marks
(#\. . "._._._") ;Full_stop, Period [.]
(#\, . "__..__") ;Comma [,]
(#\? . "..__..") ;Question mark, Query [?]
(#\' . ".____.") ;Apostrophe [']
(#\! . "_._.__") ;Excamation mark [!]
(#\/ . "_.._.") ;Slash, Fraction bar [/]
(#\( . "_.__.") ;Brackets (Parentheses) open [(]
(#\) . "_.__._") ;Brackets (Parentheses) closed [)]
(#\& . "._...") ;Ampersand, Wait [&]
(#\: . "___...") ;Colon [:]
(#\; . "_._._.") ;Semicolon [;]
(#\= . "_..._") ;Double dash, Equals sign [=]
(#\+ . "._._.") ;Plus [+]
(#\- . "_...._") ;Hyphen, Minus [-]
(#\_ . "..__._") ;Underscore [_]
(#\" . "._.._.") ;Quotation mark ["]
(#\$ . "_..._") ;Dollar Sign [$]
(#\@ . ".__._.") ;At sign [@]
;; TODO: add morse code
;; Prosign Morse
;; AA, New line "._._"
;; AR, End of message "._._."
;; AS, Wait "._..."
;; BK, Break "_..._._"
;; BT, New paragraph "_..._"
;; CL, Going off the air ("clear") "_._.._.."
;; CT, Start copying "_._._"
;; DO, Change to wabun code "_..___"
;; KN, Invite a specific station to transmit "_.__."
;; SK, End of transmission (also VA) "..._._"
;; SN, Understood (also VE) "..._."
;; SOS, Distress message "...___..."
(defun char-to-morse (char)
(aif (assoc char *morse-code-alist* :test #'char-equal)
(cdr it)
(error "~S can't be converted to morse code." char)))
(defun morse-to-char (morse)
(aif (rassoc morse *morse-code-alist* :test #'string=)
(car it)
(error "~S can't be converted to character." morse)))
(defun string-to-morse (str)
(format nil "~{~A~^ ~}" (map 'list #'char-to-morse str)))
(defun morse-to-string (morse)
(map 'string #'morse-to-char (ppcre:split " " morse)))
;; Test
(defun test ()
(assert (char-equal (morse-to-char "_.._")
(assert (handler-case (morse-to-char "?")
(simple-error () t)))
(assert (string-equal (char-to-morse #\x)
(assert (handler-case (char-to-morse #\space)
(simple-error () t)))
(assert (string-equal (morse-to-string "")
(assert (string-equal (morse-to-string "__ ___ ._. ... .")
(assert (handler-case (morse-to-string "??????????")
(simple-error () t)))
(assert (string-equal (string-to-morse "")
(assert (string-equal (string-to-morse "MORSE")
"__ ___ ._. ... ."))
(assert (handler-case (string-to-morse "ok go")
(simple-error () t)))
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