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;;;; Last modified: 2013-11-26 20:05:07 tkych
;; Bit Bomberman
;; - [第8回オフラインリアルタイムどう書くの問題](
;; - [ビットボンバーマン 〜 横へな 2013.3.1](
(in-package :cl-user)
(defpackage :bit-bomberman (:use :cl))
(in-package :bit-bomberman)
;; Main
;;=> (parse-input "802b1200/01400c20")
;; #2A((1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1) ; walls with sentinel
;; (1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1)
;; (1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1)
;; (1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1)
;; (1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1)
;; (1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1)
;; (1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1)),
;; #2A((0 0 0 0 0 0) ; bombs
;; (0 1 0 1 0 0)
;; (0 0 0 0 0 0)
;; (0 0 1 1 0 0)
;; (0 0 1 0 0 0)),
;; #2A((0 0 0 0 0 0) ; bombs -> blast
;; (0 1 0 1 0 0)
;; (0 0 0 0 0 0)
;; (0 0 1 1 0 0)
;; (0 0 1 0 0 0))
(defun parse-input (input)
(let ((wall-bits (parse-integer input :end 8 :radix 16))
(bomb-bits (parse-integer input :start 9 :radix 16)))
(flet ((to-grid (bits)
(let ((grid (make-array '(5 6) :element-type 'bit :initial-element 0)))
(dotimes (row 5)
(dotimes (col 6)
(when (logbitp (- 31 (* 6 row) col) bits)
(setf (sbit grid row col) 1))))
(to-grid-with-sentinel (bits)
(let ((grid (make-array '(7 8) :element-type 'bit :initial-element 1)))
(dotimes (row 5)
(dotimes (col 6)
(unless (logbitp (- 31 (* 6 row) col) bits)
(setf (sbit grid (1+ row) (1+ col)) 0))))
(values (to-grid-with-sentinel wall-bits)
(to-grid bomb-bits)
(to-grid bomb-bits)))))
(defun main (input)
(multiple-value-bind (walls bombs blast) (parse-input input)
(dotimes (row 5)
(dotimes (col 6)
(when (bomb-exists-p row col bombs)
(explode row col blast walls))))
(to-hex-string blast)))
(defun bomb-exists-p (row col bombs)
(= 1 (sbit bombs row col)))
(defun wall-exists-p (row col walls)
(= 1 (sbit walls (1+ row) (1+ col))))
(defun blow-up (row col blast)
(setf (sbit blast row col) 1))
(defun explode (row col blast walls)
(loop :with col+ := (1+ col)
:with col- := (1- col)
:with row+ := (1+ row)
:with row- := (1- row)
:do ;; Horizontal+
(unless (eq col+ :wall)
(if (wall-exists-p row col+ walls)
(setf col+ :wall)
(blow-up row col+ blast)
(incf col+))))
;; Horizontal-
(unless (eq col- :wall)
(if (wall-exists-p row col- walls)
(setf col- :wall)
(blow-up row col- blast)
(decf col-))))
;; Vertical+
(unless (eq row+ :wall)
(if (wall-exists-p row+ col walls)
(setf row+ :wall)
(blow-up row+ col blast)
(incf row+))))
;; Vertical-
(unless (eq row- :wall)
(if (wall-exists-p row- col walls)
(setf row- :wall)
(blow-up row- col blast)
(decf row-))))
:until (and (eq col+ :wall) (eq col- :wall)
(eq row+ :wall) (eq row- :wall))))
(defun to-hex-string (bit-array)
(let ((hex 0))
(dotimes (i 30)
(when (= 1 (row-major-aref bit-array i))
(setf (ldb (byte 1 (- 31 i)) hex) 1)))
(format nil "~(~8,'0X~)" hex)))
;; Tests
(defun =>? (got want)
(assert (string= got want)))
(=>? (main "802b1200/01400c20") "53c40cfc")
(=>? (main "28301068/84080504") "d64fef94")
(=>? (main "100a4010/80010004") "e241850c")
(=>? (main "81020400/000000fc") "0e3cfbfc")
(=>? (main "80225020/7e082080") "7fdd24d0")
(=>? (main "01201200/40102008") "fe1861fc")
(=>? (main "00201000/01000200") "43c48f08")
(=>? (main "00891220/81020408") "ff060c1c")
(=>? (main "410033c0/0c300000") "3cf0c000")
(=>? (main "00000000/01400a00") "7bf7bf78")
(=>? (main "00000000/20000a00") "fca2bf28")
(=>? (main "00000000/00000000") "00000000")
(=>? (main "00cafe00/00000000") "00000000")
(=>? (main "aaabaaaa/50000000") "51441040")
(=>? (main "a95a95a8/56a56a54") "56a56a54")
(=>? (main "104fc820/80201010") "ea30345c")
(=>? (main "4a940214/05000008") "05000008")
(=>? (main "00908000/05000200") "ff043f48")
(=>? (main "00c48c00/fe1861fc") "ff3873fc")
(=>? (main "00000004/81020400") "fffffff0")
(=>? (main "111028b0/40021100") "e08fd744")
(=>? (main "6808490c/01959000") "17f7b650")
(=>? (main "30821004/81014040") "c75de5f8")
(=>? (main "0004c810/10003100") "fe4937c4")
(=>? (main "12022020/88200000") "edf08208")
(=>? (main "2aa92098/01160000") "45165964")
(=>? (main "00242940/10010004") "fc43c43c")
(=>? (main "483c2120/11004c00") "33c3de10")
(=>? (main "10140140/44004a04") "eda3fe3c")
(=>? (main "0c901d38/72602200") "f36da280")
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