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;;;; Last modified: 2013-12-09 21:52:45 tkych
;; ポーカーの残り+
;; - [ポーカーの残り+ 〜 横へな 2013.5.10 の参考問題](
;; - [第10回オフラインリアルタイムどう書くの参考問題](
;; Package
(in-package :cl-user)
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(ql:quickload :cl-ppcre))
(defpackage :poker+ (:use :cl))
(in-package :poker+)
;; Main
;; <card> ::= (<rank> . <suit>)
;; <cards> ::= (<card> <card> <card> <card> <card>), sorted by rank
(defun rank (card) (car card))
(defun suit (card) (cdr card))
(defun make-card (rank suit) (cons rank suit))
;; (get-ranks '((14 . #\s) (12 . #\c) (11 . #\d) (2 . #\h) (2 . #\d)))
;; => (14 12 11 2 1)
(defun get-ranks (cards)
(let ((ranks '()))
(when (= 14 (rank (first cards)))
(push 1 ranks))
(loop :for (r . _) :in (reverse cards) :do (pushnew r ranks))
;; (get-suits '((14 . #\s) (12 . #\c) (11 . #\d) (10 . #\d) (2 . #\d)))
;; => (#\s #\c #\d #\d #\d)
(defun get-suits (cards)
(mapcar #'suit cards))
(defun flushp (suits)
(= 1 (length (remove-duplicates suits))))
(defun straightp (ranks &optional (continuous 5))
(loop :with cont := 1
:for r1 :in (rest ranks)
:and r0 := (first ranks) :then r1
:do (if (= r0 (1+ r1))
(incf cont)
(when (= cont continuous)
(setf cont 1))))
;; (find-4suit '(#\s #\d #\d #\d #\h)) => NIL
;; (find-4suit '(#\s #\d #\d #\d #\d)) => #\d
(defun find-4suit (suits)
(when (= 2 (length (remove-duplicates suits)))
(let ((4suit (first suits)))
(case (count 4suit suits)
(4 4suit)
(1 (second suits))
(t nil)))))
(defun 4straight-flush-p (4suit cards)
(get-ranks (remove-if (lambda (s) (char/= 4suit s))
cards :key #'suit))
;; input -> cards
;; "2dQcJdAs10d" -> ((14 . #\s) (12 . #\c) (11 . #\d) (10 . #\d) (2 . #\d))
(defun parse (input)
(let ((input% (cl-ppcre:regex-replace-all "10" input "T")))
(loop :repeat 5
:for r :from 0 :by 2
:for s :from 1 :by 2
:collect (make-card (position (char input% r) "__23456789TJQKA")
(char input% s))
:into cards
:finally (return (sort cards #'> :key #'rank)))))
(defun main (input)
(let* ((cards (parse input))
(ranks (get-ranks cards))
(suits (get-suits cards))
(flush? (flushp suits))
(straight? (straightp ranks 5)))
(cond ((and flush? straight?)
(if (= 13 (second ranks))
(flush? "FL")
(straight? "ST")
(t (let ((4suit (find-4suit suits)))
(if 4suit
(if (4straight-flush-p 4suit cards)
(if (straightp ranks 4)
;; Tests
(defun =>? (got want)
(assert (string= got want)))
(=>? (main "Qs9s3dJd10h") "4S")
(=>? (main "KdAdJd10dQd") "RF")
(=>? (main "QhJhKhAh10h") "RF")
(=>? (main "10dAdJsQdKd") "ST")
(=>? (main "Kd10dAdJd3d") "FL")
(=>? (main "4d3d2dAd5d") "SF")
(=>? (main "5d5d2d3dAd") "FL")
(=>? (main "4d2sAd5d3d") "ST")
(=>? (main "As10dJdQdKd") "ST")
(=>? (main "10d10dQdAsJd") "4F")
(=>? (main "AcJd10dQdKd") "ST")
(=>? (main "Kd2sJdAdQd") "4SF")
(=>? (main "JdAdQcKd2s") "4S")
(=>? (main "KdAdKdJd2s") "4F")
(=>? (main "As2dKdQdJd") "4F")
(=>? (main "AsKdQd2dJh") "4S")
(=>? (main "QhAd2s3dKd") "-")
(=>? (main "Ad4dKh3s2d") "4S")
(=>? (main "3d2dAh5d4s") "ST")
(=>? (main "QcKdAs2dJd") "4S")
(=>? (main "2dQcJdAs10d") "-")
(=>? (main "4d7d5s3c2d") "4S")
(=>? (main "7d5s4dAd3c") "-")
(=>? (main "3s8s10sQs6s") "FL")
(=>? (main "6hAh3h2h8h") "FL")
(=>? (main "3h4hJh9hQh") "FL")
(=>? (main "3s6s5s2sQs") "FL")
(=>? (main "9d3cKdQc2c") "-")
(=>? (main "5sKs7hQcKh") "-")
(=>? (main "Ad6d7h7c9h") "-")
(=>? (main "10h4cAh6s10c") "-")
(=>? (main "9sKsJcQs10d") "ST")
(=>? (main "5d3c2cAs4c") "ST")
(=>? (main "KcQs9c10sJs") "ST")
(=>? (main "9d8s10hJdQd") "ST")
(=>? (main "6c5s10h7d4c") "4S")
(=>? (main "QhJcKsAh8c") "4S")
(=>? (main "JsQc3h10cKs") "4S")
(=>? (main "10c9h7hAd8d") "4S")
(=>? (main "3d4dKd8d5c") "4F")
(=>? (main "10h3hQh9h2s") "4F")
(=>? (main "Qh5h7h9h6c") "4F")
(=>? (main "6s8s7s3sKc") "4F")
(=>? (main "10h8h9hJhQh") "SF")
(=>? (main "10h9hQhKhJh") "SF")
(=>? (main "6d4d7d5d3d") "SF")
(=>? (main "6h9h7h5h8h") "SF")
(=>? (main "Ac6s4s3s5s") "4SF")
(=>? (main "3c9d2c5c4c") "4SF")
(=>? (main "Kh2sQh10hJh") "4SF")
(=>? (main "4h5h2h3h4s") "4SF")
(=>? (main "Js10sAsQsKs") "RF")
(=>? (main "10dKdQdAdJd") "RF")
;; from by cielavenir
(=>? (main "2d2h3s4d5c") "4S")
(=>? (main "2d2h3s4dAc") "4S")
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