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Created December 17, 2013 11:24
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;;;; Last modified: 2013-12-17 20:22:56 tkych
;; 大貧民
;; - [大貧民 〜 横へな 2012.11.9](
;; - [第五回オフラインリアルタイムどう書くの問題](
;; Package
(in-package :cl-user)
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(ql:quickload :split-sequence))
(defpackage :the-poor
(:use :cl)
(:import-from :split-sequence :split-sequence))
(in-package :the-poor)
;; Utils
(defun last1 (lst) (first (last lst)))
(defun mappend (fn &rest lists)
(apply #'append (apply #'mapcar fn lists)))
(defun combination (lst n)
(labels ((rec (lst n)
(cond ((zerop n) (list nil))
((= n (length lst)) (list lst))
(t (destructuring-bind (x . xs) lst
(append (mapcar (lambda (y) (cons x y))
(rec xs (1- n)))
(rec xs n)))))))
(when (<= n (length lst))
(rec lst n))))
;; Main
;; <card> ::= (suit . rank)
;; <suit> ::= #\H, #\D, #\S, #\C, #\J
;; <rank> ::= <integer: 3 16>
;; <cards> ::= (<card>*), sorted by rank
;; <hand> ::= <string>, s.t. "H7JoD7"
(defun suit (card) (car card))
(defun rank (card) (cdr card))
(defun make-card (suit rank) (cons suit rank))
(defun jokerp (card) (and card (char= #\J (suit card))))
;; "H7JoD7" -> ((#\J . 16) (#\H . 7) (#\D . 7))
(defun hand->cards (hand)
(loop :repeat (floor (length hand) 2)
:for s :from 0 :by 2
:for r :from 1 :by 2
:collect (make-card (char hand s)
(position (char hand r) "___3456789TJQKA2o"))
:into cards
:finally (return (sort cards #'> :key #'rank))))
;; ((#\J . 16) (#\C . 15) (#\H . 14) (#\C . 13) (#\C . 12) (#\C . 10) (#\C . 9))
;; -> "JoC2HACKCQCTC9"
(defun cards->hand (cards)
(with-output-to-string (out)
(loop :for (s . r) :in cards
:do (princ s out)
(princ (case r
(16 #\o) (15 #\2) (14 #\A) (13 #\K)
(12 #\Q) (11 #\J) (10 #\T) (t r))
;; ((#\C . 15) (#\H . 15) (#\C . 13) (#\C . 9) (#\S . 9) (#\H . 9))
;; -> (((#\H . 15) (#\C . 15)) ((#\C . 13)) ((#\H . 9) (#\S . 9) (#\C . 9)))
(defun group-same-rank (cards)
(labels ((rec (cards acc)
(if (null cards)
(nreverse acc)
(destructuring-bind (c . cs) cards
(destructuring-bind (g . gs) acc
(if (= (rank c) (rank (first g)))
(rec cs (cons (cons c g) gs))
(rec cs (cons (list c) acc))))))))
(rec (rest cards)
(list (list (first cards))))))
;; input -> (field-rank . field-num), cards, joker-in-hand?
;; "H7Jo,S3D9CTHJ" -> (7 . 2), ((#\H . 11) (#\C . 10) (#\D . 9) (#\S . 3)), NIL
(defun parse (input)
(field-cards hand-cards) (mapcar #'hand->cards (split-sequence #\, input))
(let ((joker-in-hand? (jokerp (first hand-cards))))
(values (cons (rank (last1 field-cards)) ; last1 for joker on field
(length field-cards))
(if joker-in-hand? (rest hand-cards) hand-cards)
(defun main (input)
(multiple-value-bind (field cards joker-in-hand?) (parse input)
(destructuring-bind (field-rank . field-num) field
(let ((cards% (remove-if (lambda (c) (<= (rank c) field-rank))
(if (= 1 field-num)
(format nil "~{~A~^,~}"
(mapcar #'cards->hand (mapcar #'list cards%)))
(let ((grouped (group-same-rank cards%)))
(setf grouped (remove-if (lambda (g)
(if joker-in-hand?
(< (1+ (length g)) field-num)
(< (length g) field-num)))
(when joker-in-hand?
(setf grouped (mapcar (lambda (g) (cons (make-card #\J 16) g))
(setf grouped (mappend (lambda (g) (combination g field-num))
(format nil "~{~A~^,~}"
(mapcar #'cards->hand grouped))))))))
;; Tests
;; (hands-equal "H9D9,H9C9,D9C9,D2C2" "C9H9,H9D9,C2D2,D9C9") => T
;; (hands-equal "-" "-") => T
(defun hands-equal (hands1 hands2)
(flet ((string-to-cards (hands)
(mapcar (lambda (hand) (sort (hand->cards hand) #'char> :key #'suit))
(split-sequence #\, hands))))
(null (set-difference (string-to-cards hands1)
(string-to-cards hands2)
:test #'equal))))
(defun =>? (got expected)
(assert (hands-equal got expected)))
(=>? (main "DJ,") "-")
(=>? (main "H7,HK") "HK")
(=>? (main "S3,D4D2") "D4,D2")
(=>? (main "S9,C8H4") "-")
(=>? (main "S6,S7STCK") "CK,ST,S7")
(=>? (main "H4,SAS8CKH6S4") "S8,CK,H6,SA")
(=>? (main "ST,D6S8JoC7HQHAC2CK") "Jo,C2,CK,HA,HQ")
(=>? (main "SA,HAD6S8S6D3C4H2C5D4CKHQS7D5") "H2")
(=>? (main "S2,D8C9D6HQS7H4C6DTS5S6C7HAD4SQ") "-")
(=>? (main "Jo,HAC8DJSJDTH2") "-")
(=>? (main "S4Jo,CQS6C9DQH9S2D6S3") "DQCQ,D6S6,H9C9")
(=>? (main "CTDT,S9C2D9D3JoC6DASJS4") "JoC2,SJJo,DAJo")
(=>? (main "H3D3,DQS2D6H9HAHTD7S6S7Jo") "JoHA,JoD6,JoH9,D6S6,D7S7,JoS6,HTJo,JoDQ,S2Jo,JoD7,JoS7")
(=>? (main "D5Jo,CQDAH8C6C9DQH7S2SJCKH5") "CQDQ")
(=>? (main "C7H7,S7CTH8D5HACQS8JoD6SJS5H4") "HAJo,JoSJ,H8S8,H8Jo,CQJo,CTJo,JoS8")
(=>? (main "SAHA,S7SKCTS3H9DJHJH7S5H2DKDQS4") "-")
(=>? (main "C7D7,S8D8JoCTDTD4CJ") "D8S8,JoS8,CTJo,DTJo,JoCJ,CTDT,D8Jo")
(=>? (main "DJSJ,DTDKDQHQJoC2") "JoDK,HQDQ,DQJo,C2Jo,JoHQ")
(=>? (main "C3H3D3,CKH2DTD5H6S4CJS5C6H5S9CA") "S5H5D5")
(=>? (main "D8H8S8,CQHJCJJoHQ") "JoCQHQ,JoHJCJ")
(=>? (main "H6D6S6,H8S8D8C8JoD2H2") "D2H2Jo,D8JoS8,D8S8C8,C8D8H8,JoC8S8,H8JoC8,S8H8C8,JoS8H8,C8JoD8,D8H8S8,D8JoH8")
(=>? (main "JoD4H4,D3H3S3C3CADASAD2") "DACASA")
(=>? (main "C3JoH3D3,S2S3H7HQCACTC2CKC6S7H5C7") "-")
(=>? (main "H5C5S5D5,C7S6D6C3H7HAH6H4C6HQC9") "C6D6S6H6")
(=>? (main "H7S7C7D7,S5SAH5HAD5DAC5CA") "SADACAHA")
(=>? (main "JoS8D8H8,S9DTH9CTD9STC9CAC2") "H9C9D9S9")
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