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Created January 8, 2014 10:56
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;;;; Last modified: 2014-01-08 19:55:42 tkych
;; Rails on Tiles
;; - [Rails on Tiles 〜 横へな 2012.11.9の参考問題](
;; - [オフラインリアルタイムどう書く第5回の参考問題](
;; Package
(in-package :cl-user)
(defpackage :rails-on-tiles (:use :cl))
(in-package :rails-on-tiles)
;; Main
* position
| |
3 1
| |
* tile (e.g. 0th tile)
| |
| A |
| |
| | | | |
| D d-+-b B |
| | | | |
| |
| C |
| |
a -> C's 0
b -> D's 1
c -> A's 2
d -> B's 3
tile 0 := (0 1 2 3)
(defun parse (input)
(map 'list (lambda (c)
(ecase c
(#\0 '(0 1 2 3))
(#\1 '(3 2 1 0))
(#\2 '(1 0 3 2))))
(defun next-route (route pos)
(+ route
(ecase pos
(0 3) (1 -1) (2 -3) (3 1))))
(defun main (input)
(with-output-to-string (s)
(loop :with tiles := (parse input)
:with tile := (nth 1 tiles)
:for pos := 0 :then (nth pos tile)
:for route := 1 :then (next-route route pos)
:until (or (< route 0)
(<= 9 route)
;; right limit
(and (= pos 1)
(or (= route 2) (= route 5)))
;; left limit
(and (= pos 3)
(or (= route 3) (= route 6))))
:do (princ (char "ABCDEFGHI" route) s)
(setf tile (nth route tiles)))))
;; Tests
(defun =>? (got expected)
(assert (string= got expected)))
(=>? (main "101221102") "BEDGHIFEH")
(=>? (main "000000000") "BEH")
(=>? (main "111111111") "BCF")
(=>? (main "222222222") "BAD")
(=>? (main "000211112") "BEFIHEDGH")
(=>? (main "221011102") "BADGHIFEBCF")
(=>? (main "201100112") "BEHIFCBADEF")
(=>? (main "000111222") "BEFIH")
(=>? (main "012012012") "BC")
(=>? (main "201120111") "BEDABCFI")
(=>? (main "220111122") "BADEHGD")
(=>? (main "221011022") "BADG")
(=>? (main "111000112") "BCFIHEBA")
(=>? (main "001211001") "BEFI")
(=>? (main "111222012") "BCFEHIF")
(=>? (main "220111211") "BADEHI")
(=>? (main "211212212") "BCFEBAD")
(=>? (main "002112210") "BEFC")
(=>? (main "001010221") "BEF")
(=>? (main "100211002") "BEFIHG")
(=>? (main "201212121") "BEFCBAD")
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