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Created August 11, 2016 08:24
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{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
module Api.User where
import Servant
import Models
import Enums
import Config
import Api.Database
import Data.Aeson
import Database.Esqueleto hiding (limit, offset)
import qualified Database.Esqueleto as E
import qualified Database.Persist as P
import Data.Text (Text)
import Api.User.In as In
import Api.User.Out as Out
import Api.User.Query
import ACL
import Control.Monad (when)
instance ServerFor User UserQuery UserIn UserOut where
doSelect authId muId mq = do
rows <- runDB $ select $ from $ \(u `InnerJoin` ug) -> do
on (ug ^. UserGroupId ==. u ^. UserActiveUserGroupId)
where_ $ maybe (val True) ((==. (u ^. UserId)) . val) muId
where_ $ (val authId ==. u ^. UserId)
||. (hasRoleOnUser authId allValues (u ^. UserId))
case mq of
Just q -> do
orderBy [ asc (u ^. UserName) ]
E.limit $ limit q
E.offset $ offset q
when (onlyActive q) $ where_ $ u ^. UserActive ==. val Active
Nothing -> E.limit defaultLimit
return (u, ug)
return [ Out.fromUser u ug | (u, ug) <- rows ]
fromIn authId (UserIn n fn ln o e p ugId a) = return $ User {
userName = n,
userFirstName = fn,
userLastName = ln,
userOrganization = o,
userEmail = e,
userPhone = p,
userPassword = "",
userActiveUserGroupId = ugId,
userActive = a
canPost authId u = hasRole' authId [Admin] (In.activeUserGroupId u)
canPut authId uId u
| authId == uId = return True
| otherwise = do
ok1 <- hasRoleOnUser' authId [Admin] uId
ok2 <- hasRole' authId [Admin] (In.activeUserGroupId u)
return $ ok1 && ok2
canDel authId uId
| authId == uId = return False
| otherwise = hasRoleOnUser' authId [Admin] uId
doPut _ uId u = do
mu <- P.get uId
case mu of
Just u' -> replace uId $ u' {
userName = userName u,
userFirstName = userFirstName u,
userLastName = userLastName u,
userOrganization = userOrganization u,
userEmail = userEmail u,
userPhone = userPhone u,
userActiveUserGroupId = userActiveUserGroupId u,
userActive = userActive u
Nothing -> return ()
doDel _ uId = do
update $ \u -> do
set u [ UserActive =. val Inactive ]
where_ $ u ^. UserId ==. val uId
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