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Created June 22, 2022 21:19
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<package xmlns="">
<description>Acumatica PX common main libraries</description>
<authors>Aktion Associates</authors>
<reference file="PX.Common.dll" />
<reference file="PX.Common.Std.dll" />
<reference file="PX.CS.Contracts.dll" />
<reference file="PX.Data.dll" />
<reference file="PX.Data.BQL.Fluent.dll" />
<reference file="PX.Objects.dll" />
<file src="PX.Common.dll" target="lib\" />
<file src="PX.Common.Std.dll" target="lib\" />
<file src="PX.CS.Contracts.dll" target="lib\" />
<file src="PX.Data.dll" target="lib\" />
<file src="PX.Data.BQL.Fluent.dll" target="lib\" />
<file src="PX.Objects.dll" target="lib\" />
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tlanzer-aktion commented Jun 22, 2022

A NuGet package manifest is created by defining the contents in a .nuspec XML file. The schema for a .nuspec file can be found within its documentation at This XML shows an example of the contents of a .nuspec file (e.g. Acumatica.nuspec) for the Acumatica libraries listed.

Within this XML, the package is supplied a name (< id >) and a version (< version >), the files to reference in the destination Visual Studio project (< references >), and the source files to include in the package (< files >). Notice in this example that I’m naming the package Acumatica.PX.Main, and I’m including Acumatica build version 22.100.178 of its libraries.

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