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Last active November 17, 2017 14:27
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# create package.json
npm init
# can define scripts in package.json
# pre and post runs before and after script
"scripts": {
"pretest": "echo 'running pretest'",
"test": "echo 'no test specified'",
"posttest": "echo 'running posttest'",
"start": "echo 'running start script'",
"dupa:dd": "npm run start",
"compile:first": "",
"compile:second": "",
"compile": "npm run compile:first && npm run compile:second",
"build-js": "browserify client/ | uglifyjs -mc > public/main.js"
# run scripts
npm run <script_name>
# list available npm scripts
npm run
# shorthand for running script called "start"
npm start
# another shorthands
npm stop
npm restart # if restart not defined runs stop and start
# avaliable commands listed under node_modules/.bin
# install packages
npm install --save-dev
npm i -D
npm install --save
npm i -S
# link - npm run-scripts boilerplate
# "&&" - chaining commands, "|" - piping output, ">" - write output to file
# "&" - run concurrently (on linux), "START /B" on windows
# "-- " - pass through args eg.
npm test -- -w
# save installation log to log.txt, ddd is for logLevel silly - usefull for debuging
npm i -ddd 2>&1 | tee log.txt
# search package_name in dependencies tree
npm ls <package_name>
# usefull when running many scripts in one command
# watch files
onchange 'app/**/*.js' 'test/**/*.js' -v -- npm test
# search env variables
$ npm run env | grep npm_package_version*
# easy git hooks
# for windows
# npm task list
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