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Last active January 24, 2021 02:44
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# frozen_string_literal: true
require "bundler/inline"
gemfile(true) do
source ""
git_source(:github) { |repo| "{repo}.git" }
ruby "2.7.2"
gem "rails"
gem "capybara", github: "teamcapybara/capybara", branch: "master"
gem "rspec-rails"
require "action_controller/railtie"
class TestApp < Rails::Application
module ApplicationHelper
def no_quotes
{ text: "Sample text" }
def quotes
{ text: 'Text with "quotes"' }
require "rspec/rails"
require "rspec/autorun"
RSpec.describe "rendered view", type: :view do
before do
inline_view = "<div id=\"main\" data-no-quotes=\"<%= no_quotes.to_json %>\" data-quotes=\"<%= quotes.to_json %>\"></div>"
render(inline: inline_view)
it "has a data attribure with JSON data" do
expect(rendered).to have_selector("div#main[data-no-quotes='#{no_quotes.to_json}']")
it "has a data attribure with JSON data including quotes" do
expect(rendered).to have_selector("div#main[data-quotes='#{quotes.to_json}']")
1) rendered view has a data attribure with JSON data including quotes
Failure/Error: expect(rendered).to have_selector("div#main[data-quotes='#{quotes.to_json}']")
expected to find css "div#main[data-quotes='{\"text\":\"Text with \\\"quotes\\\"\"}']" but there were no matches
# capybara_have_selector.rb:55:in `block (2 levels) in <main>'
Finished in 0.0322 seconds (files took 0.31486 seconds to load)
2 examples, 1 failure
Failed examples:
rspec capybara_have_selector.rb:54 # rendered view has a data attribure with JSON data including quotes
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