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Created January 6, 2020 17:59
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Minimal working example of using threads in C
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
void *entry_point_0(void * input) {
printf("Thread 0 started\n");
printf("Thread 0 finished\n");
void *entry_point_1(void * input) {
printf("Thread 1 started\n");
printf("Thread 1 finished\n");
int main() {
pthread_t thread0;
pthread_t thread1;
pthread_create(&thread0, NULL, entry_point_0, NULL);
pthread_create(&thread1, NULL, entry_point_1, NULL);
pthread_join(thread1, NULL);
pthread_join(thread0, NULL);
return 0;
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