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Last active June 22, 2019 12:00
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My wishes for the Ember roadmap 2019

My wishes for the Ember roadmap 2019

I've always been amazed by what Ember can make me accomplish. I created my first SPA with its version 1.13. Since then, I deployed a few Angular and React applications. Ember remains my favorite :)

The all-features out of the box with the Component, Data, and Router boundaries is a fantastic approach. Even if - most of - other frameworks require configurations before shipping Web applications, their success is unquestionable. Why not Ember too?

I articulate my wishes within 2 categories:

  1. strategic, mostly to grow the Emberistas community
  2. pragmatic, to improve the development experience


Let's dive into the strategic ones.

An efficient website

My first concern with Ember is to win the clients, companies, and juniors' trust. People are more informed of the Web technologies landscape than ever. Hence, I struggle to explain that Ember fits more than another framework (when the situation is appropriate). I struggle because I fight against beliefs. Unfortunately, I fight against the trendy-hipster-effect. Not the engineering issue.

That said, I wish a modern website with consistent guidelines which promotes that Ember is a viable option. We need to gain the trust of new developers.

Comparatives and benchmarks

My second concern relates the position in general of Ember within the frontend ecosystem. I can't stand to keep reading benchmarks or comparatives of Ember and React. It would make sense to focus on Glimmer and React; or, Ember and React/React-dom/React-router/React-redux.

Ember and its community should be proud of all the contribution they have done so far in the SPA's ecosystem. The features, the performance, the development experience, and the philosophy would convince new developers and reassure the Emberistas.

That said, I wish accurate comparatives with other frameworks on the website (including benchmarks performance).

Ember, worldwide

My last concern is the presence of Ember in the world. The Asian and Indian markets abound of development companies and potential contributors. What do they do? Guess, Angular, and React. They would use Ember for their projects if they knew that Ember exists. They hardly know about it.

That said, I wish a multilingual website, including the "get started".


Now, I want to address a few practical issues.

Splitting code

For general public web applications, I choose Angular. For only one reason: its lazyload module. Even for mobile-oriented usages, I pick Angular for the same reason. The size of the applications' source, especially for large ones, is a critical issue that Ember should provide a Just Work™ solution.

Embroider is promising. I have to tell you that I am so excited about this initiative! That said, my wish is to get a splitting code application based on routes, addons, or whatever.

Scoped (S)CSS

If you are a utils CSS oriented integrator, the paragraph below won't interest you.

Set apart the abstracted components, does anyone creates components without styling it? No, it can't be. Styling an application is an essential task throughout the development process. It directly contributes to the success of projects. Design web applications with a scope-style system should not be optional.

Even if ember-css-modules is a great addon, I think developers should rely on Ember only. My wish is to get a native scoped-style system, which Just Works™.

Static pages rendering

Ember might be an attractive option for simple websites which follow the ideas of the JAMstack. Ember-cli should provide a way to generate all the routes. Prember requires developers to configure the routes to render.

I wish we can render all the routes with no configuration using one command line such as ember render --env production


That's all for me. Thanks to the core team and the community for participating in this great adventure.

Let's make Ember better, all together.

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