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Thomas Herr tlherr

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Description: What does this project do and who does it serve?

Project Setup

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  1. What dependencies does it have (where are they expressed) and how do I install them?
  2. How can I see the project working before I change anything?
tlherr /
Created September 9, 2021 02:27 — forked from josephdpurcell/
iptables setup
# This is my script for setting up firewall rules. It's a work in progress and
# I'm not 100% convinced this is the best setup for me. But, it's a start.
# Also, many thanks to Digital Ocean from which I drew a few hints:
# I don't like the idea of anything on the machine being able to use a port
# that isn't an application port I explicitly allow. For example, I know that I
# only want mail, DNS, HTTP(S), and SSH. But, alas! I had to allow ports
# sourced from the machine (see b) and default output policy to accept (see i)