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Last active November 16, 2016 13:56
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List of usefull extension for SourceEditor Atom

Usefull extension for SourceEditor Atom

Sublime Style Column Selection

Enable Sublime style 'Column Selection', allowing you to drag across lines to select a block of text with carets on each line.


Easily align multi-line with support for different operators and custom configurations

Auto Detect Indentation for atom

Automatically detect indentation of opened files. It looks at each opened file and sets file specific tab settings (hard/soft tabs, tab length) based on the content of the file instead of always using the editor defaults.

A Color Picker for Atom

Right click and select Color Picker, or hit CMD-SHIFT-C/CTRL-ALT-C to open it. Currently reads HEX, HEXa, RGB, RGBa, HSL, HSLa, HSV, HSVa, VEC3 and VEC4 colors – and is able to convert between


Linter is a base linter provider for the Hackable Atom Editor.


This linter plugin for Linter provides an interface to eslint. It will be used with files that have the "JavaScript" syntax.

How to enable it?

install in project with npm: eslint, eslint-config-airbnb

add file: .eslintrc with

  "extends": "airbnb",
  "env": {
     "browser": true,
     "jquery": true
  "parserOptions": {
    "sourceType": "script"
  "rules": {
    // overwrite max length 100 with 150
    "max-len": [1, 150, 2, {ignoreComments: true}],

    // allow multiple variable declarations per var/const/let statement
    "one-var": [0],

    "vars-on-top": 0,

    // allow anonymos functions
    func-names: 0,

    // allow things like "elem = $(elem)"
    "no-param-reassign": 0,

    // allow spaces before
    "no-multi-spaces": [2, exceptions: { "VariableDeclarator": true, "ImportDeclaration": true, "Identifier": true, "ObjectExpression" : true }],

    // allow a && b()
    "no-unused-expressions" : [2, { allowShortCircuit: true }],

    // allow unary operators ++ and --
    no-plusplus: 0,

    // dont require newlines for variable initializations "var a, b, c;"
    one-var-declaration-per-line: ["error", "initializations"],

Minimap package

A preview of the full source code.

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