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Created December 4, 2016 22:47
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# coding: utf-8
__all__ = ['c', 'LP64', 'CGFloat', 'NSInteger', 'NSUInteger', 'NSNotFound', 'NSUTF8StringEncoding', 'NS_UTF8', 'CGPoint', 'CGSize', 'CGVector', 'CGRect', 'CGAffineTransform', 'UIEdgeInsets', 'NSRange', 'sel', 'ObjCClass', 'ObjCInstance', 'ObjCClassMethod', 'ObjCInstanceMethod', 'NSObject', 'NSArray', 'NSMutableArray', 'NSDictionary', 'NSMutableDictionary', 'NSSet', 'NSMutableSet', 'NSString', 'NSMutableString', 'NSData', 'NSMutableData', 'NSNumber', 'NSURL', 'NSEnumerator', 'NSThread', 'NSBundle', 'UIColor', 'UIImage', 'UIBezierPath', 'UIApplication', 'UIView', 'ObjCBlock', 'ns', 'nsurl', 'retain_global', 'release_global', 'on_main_thread', 'create_objc_class',
'Structure', 'sizeof', 'byref', 'c_void_p', 'c_char', 'c_byte', 'c_char_p', 'c_double', 'c_float', 'c_int', 'c_longlong', 'c_short', 'c_bool', 'c_long', 'c_int32', 'c_ubyte', 'c_uint', 'c_ushort', 'c_ulong', 'c_ulonglong', 'POINTER', 'pointer', 'load_framework', 'nsdata_to_bytes', 'uiimage_to_png']
import ctypes
except ImportError:
raise NotImplementedError("objc_util requires ctypes, which doesn't seem to be available.")
from ctypes import Structure, sizeof, byref, cdll, pydll, c_void_p, c_char, c_byte, c_char_p, c_double, c_float, c_int, c_longlong, c_short, c_bool, c_long, c_int32, c_ubyte, c_uint, c_ushort, c_ulong, c_ulonglong, POINTER, pointer
import re
import sys
import os
import itertools
import ui
import weakref
import string
import pyparsing as pp
import inspect
import functools
PY3 = sys.version_info[0] >= 3
if PY3:
basestring = str
string_lowercase = string.ascii_lowercase
xrange = range
long = int
bytes = str
string_lowercase = string.lowercase
def filter_list(*args, **kwargs):
if PY3:
return list(filter(*args, **kwargs))
return filter(*args, **kwargs)
LP64 = (sizeof(c_void_p) == 8)
_retained_globals = []
_cached_classes = {}
_cached_instances = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
_tracefunc = None
c = cdll.LoadLibrary(None)
class_getName = c.class_getName
class_getName.restype = c_char_p
class_getName.argtypes = [c_void_p]
class_getSuperclass = c.class_getSuperclass
class_getSuperclass.restype = c_void_p
class_getSuperclass.argtypes = [c_void_p]
class_addMethod = c.class_addMethod
class_addMethod.restype = c_bool
class_addMethod.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_void_p, c_void_p, c_char_p]
class_getInstanceMethod = c.class_getInstanceMethod
class_getInstanceMethod.restype = c_void_p
class_getInstanceMethod.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_void_p]
class_getClassMethod = c.class_getClassMethod
class_getClassMethod.restype = c_void_p
class_getClassMethod.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_void_p]
objc_allocateClassPair = c.objc_allocateClassPair
objc_allocateClassPair.restype = c_void_p
objc_allocateClassPair.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_char_p, c_int]
objc_registerClassPair = c.objc_registerClassPair
objc_registerClassPair.restype = None
objc_registerClassPair.argtypes = [c_void_p]
objc_getClass = c.objc_getClass
objc_getClass.argtypes = [c_char_p]
objc_getClass.restype = c_void_p
objc_getClassList = c.objc_getClassList
objc_getClassList.restype = c_int
objc_getClassList.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_int]
method_getTypeEncoding = c.method_getTypeEncoding
method_getTypeEncoding.argtypes = [c_void_p]
method_getTypeEncoding.restype = c_char_p
sel_getName = c.sel_getName
sel_getName.restype = c_char_p
sel_getName.argtypes = [c_void_p]
sel_registerName = c.sel_registerName
sel_registerName.restype = c_void_p
sel_registerName.argtypes = [c_char_p]
object_getClass = c.object_getClass
object_getClass.argtypes = [c_void_p]
object_getClass.restype = c_void_p
class_copyMethodList = c.class_copyMethodList
class_copyMethodList.restype = ctypes.POINTER(c_void_p)
class_copyMethodList.argtypes = [c_void_p, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint)]
class_getProperty = c.class_getProperty
class_getProperty.restype = c_void_p
class_getProperty.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_char_p]
property_getAttributes = c.property_getAttributes
property_getAttributes.argtypes = [c_void_p]
property_getAttributes.restype = c_char_p
method_getName = c.method_getName
method_getName.restype = c_void_p
method_getName.argtypes = [c_void_p]
class objc_method_description (Structure):
_fields_ = [('sel', c_void_p), ('types', c_char_p)]
objc_getProtocol = c.objc_getProtocol
objc_getProtocol.restype = c_void_p
objc_getProtocol.argtypes = [c_char_p]
protocol_getMethodDescription = c.protocol_getMethodDescription
protocol_getMethodDescription.restype = objc_method_description
protocol_getMethodDescription.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_void_p, c_bool, c_bool]
objc_msgSend = c.objc_msgSend
if not LP64:
objc_msgSend_stret = c.objc_msgSend_stret
free =
free.argtypes = [c_void_p]
free.restype = None
CGFloat = c_double if LP64 else c_float
NSInteger = c_long if LP64 else c_int
NSUInteger = c_ulong if LP64 else c_uint
if PY3:
NSNotFound = sys.maxsize
NSNotFound = sys.maxint
NSUTF8StringEncoding = 4
NS_UTF8 = NSUTF8StringEncoding
class CGPoint (Structure):
_fields_ = [('x', CGFloat), ('y', CGFloat)]
class CGSize (Structure):
_fields_ = [('width', CGFloat), ('height', CGFloat)]
class CGVector (Structure):
_fields_ = [('dx', CGFloat), ('dy', CGFloat)]
class CGRect (Structure):
_fields_ = [('origin', CGPoint), ('size', CGSize)]
class CGAffineTransform (Structure):
_fields_ = [('a', CGFloat), ('b', CGFloat), ('c', CGFloat), ('d', CGFloat), ('tx', CGFloat), ('ty', CGFloat)]
class UIEdgeInsets (Structure):
_fields_ = [('top', CGFloat), ('left', CGFloat), ('bottom', CGFloat), ('right', CGFloat)]
class NSRange (Structure):
_fields_ = [('location', NSUInteger), ('length', NSUInteger)]
# c.f.
type_encodings = {'c': c_byte, 'i': c_int, 's': c_short, 'l': c_int32, 'q': c_longlong,
'C': c_ubyte, 'I': c_uint, 'S': c_ushort, 'L': c_ulong, 'Q': c_ulonglong,
'f': c_float, 'd': c_double, 'B': c_bool, 'v': None, '*': c_char_p,
'@': c_void_p, '#': c_void_p, ':': c_void_p,
'{CGPoint}': CGPoint, '{CGSize}': CGSize, '{CGRect}': CGRect, '{CGVector}': CGVector,
'{CGAffineTransform}': CGAffineTransform, '{UIEdgeInsets}': UIEdgeInsets, '{_NSRange}': NSRange,
'?': c_void_p, '@?': c_void_p
def split_encoding(encoding):
# This function is mostly copied from pybee's rubicon.objc
# (
# License:
type_encodings = []
braces, brackets = 0, 0
typecode = ''
if PY3 and isinstance(encoding, bytes):
encoding = encoding.decode('ascii')
for c in encoding:
if c == '{':
if typecode and typecode[-1:] != '^' and braces == 0 and brackets == 0:
typecode = ''
typecode += c
braces += 1
elif c == '}':
typecode += c
braces -= 1
elif c == '[':
if typecode and typecode[-1:] != '^' and braces == 0 and brackets == 0:
typecode = ''
typecode += c
brackets += 1
elif c == ']':
typecode += c
brackets -= 1
elif braces or brackets:
typecode += c
elif c in string.digits:
elif c in 'rnNoORV':
elif c in '^cislqCISLQfdBv*@#:b?':
if c == '?' and typecode[-1:] == '@':
typecode += c
elif typecode and typecode[-1:] == '^':
typecode += c
if typecode:
typecode = c
if typecode:
return type_encodings
def struct_from_tuple(cls, t):
args = []
for i, field_value in enumerate(t):
if isinstance(field_value, tuple):
args.append(struct_from_tuple(cls._fields_[i][1], field_value))
return cls(*args)
def _struct_class_from_fields(fields):
class AnonymousStructure (Structure):
from_tuple = classmethod(struct_from_tuple)
struct_fields = []
for i, field in enumerate(fields):
if isinstance(field, tuple):
struct_fields.append((string_lowercase[i], _struct_class_from_fields(field)))
i += 1
AnonymousStructure._fields_ = struct_fields
return AnonymousStructure
def _list_to_fields(result):
fields = []
i = 0
if isinstance(result, basestring):
for char in split_encoding(result):
c_type = parse_types(char)[0]
fields.append((string_lowercase[i], c_type))
i += 1
if len(result) == 1:
return _list_to_fields(result[0])
for r in result:
return fields
def _result_to_list(result):
struct_result = []
for member in result:
if isinstance(member, basestring):
return struct_result
_enclosed = pp.Forward()
_nested_curlies = pp.nestedExpr('{', '}', content=_enclosed)
_enclosed << (pp.Word(pp.alphas + '?_' + pp.nums) | '=' | _nested_curlies)
def parse_struct(encoding):
comps = _enclosed.parseString(encoding).asList()[0]
struct_name = comps[0]
struct_members = comps[2:]
fields = _list_to_fields(_result_to_list(struct_members))
struct_class = _struct_class_from_fields(fields)
struct_class.__name__ = (struct_name + '_Structure').replace('?', '_')
return struct_class
_cached_parse_types_results = {}
def parse_types(type_encoding):
'''Take an Objective-C type encoding string and convert it to a tuple of (restype, argtypes) appropriate for objc_msgSend()'''
cached_result = _cached_parse_types_results.get(type_encoding)
if cached_result:
return cached_result
def get_type_for_code(enc_str):
if enc_str.startswith('{'):
struct_name = enc_str[0:enc_str.find('=')] + '}'
if struct_name in type_encodings:
return type_encodings[struct_name]
return parse_struct(enc_str)
if enc_str[0] in 'rnNoORV': #const, in, inout... don't care about these
enc_str = enc_str[1:]
if enc_str[0] == '^':
if re.match(r'\^\{\w+=#?\}', enc_str):
return c_void_p # pointer to opaque type, e.g. CGPathRef, CGImageRef...
return POINTER(get_type_for_code(enc_str[1:]))
if enc_str[0] == '[': #array
return c_void_p
t = type_encodings[enc_str]
return t
except KeyError:
raise NotImplementedError('Unsupported type encoding (%s)' % (enc_str,))
encoded_types = filter_list(lambda x: bool(x), split_encoding(type_encoding))
encoded_argtypes = encoded_types[3:]
argtypes = [get_type_for_code(x) for x in encoded_argtypes]
restype = get_type_for_code(encoded_types[0])
cached_result = (restype, [c_void_p, c_void_p] + argtypes, encoded_argtypes)
_cached_parse_types_results[type_encoding] = cached_result
return cached_result
def sel(sel_name):
'''Convenience function to convert a string to a selector'''
if PY3 and isinstance(sel_name, str):
sel_name = sel_name.encode('ascii')
return sel_registerName(sel_name)
def _first_letter_cap(s):
if not s:
return ''
return s[0].upper() + s[1:]
def get_possible_method_names(name, args, kwargs):
# Return a list of possible ObjC method names for a given combination of arguments. Basically all permutations of keyword args...
if '_' in name:
# Should never actually happen...
return [(name, [])]
if name.endswith('With'):
name = name[:-4]
possible_names = []
if len(args) == 0 and len(kwargs) == 0:
possible_names.append((name, []))
elif len(kwargs) == 0 and len(args) == 1:
possible_names.append((name + '_', []))
permutations = itertools.permutations(kwargs.keys())
found_methods = []
for perm in permutations:
name1 = name + '_' + '_'.join(perm) + '_'
possible_names.append((name1, list(perm)))
if len(args) == 0:
name2 = name + 'With%s_' % (_first_letter_cap(perm[0]),) + '_'.join(perm[1:])
if len(perm) > 1:
name2 += '_'
possible_names.append((name2, list(perm)))
name3 = name + _first_letter_cap(perm[0]) + '_' + '_'.join(perm[1:])
if len(perm) > 1:
name3 += '_'
possible_names.append((name3, list(perm)))
return possible_names
def resolve_cls_method(cls, name, args, kwargs):
# Return (method_name, ordered_kwargs), or raise an AttributeError if either no method could be found, or if the mapping was ambiguous.
kwargs_copy = dict(kwargs)
if 'argtypes' in kwargs_copy:
del kwargs_copy['argtypes']
if 'restype' in kwargs_copy:
del kwargs_copy['restype']
possible_names = get_possible_method_names(name, args, kwargs_copy)
valid_names = []
for method_name, kwarg_order in possible_names:
meth = ObjCClassMethod(cls, method_name)
valid_names.append((method_name, kwarg_order))
except AttributeError:
if len(valid_names) == 1:
return valid_names[0]
elif len(valid_names) == 0:
raise AttributeError('No method found for %s' % (name,))
raise AttributeError('Method name is ambiguous')
def resolve_instance_method(obj, name, args, kwargs):
# Return (method_name, ordered_kwargs), or raise an AttributeError if either no method could be found, or if the mapping was ambiguous.
kwargs_copy = dict(kwargs)
if 'argtypes' in kwargs_copy:
del kwargs_copy['argtypes']
if 'restype' in kwargs_copy:
del kwargs_copy['restype']
possible_names = get_possible_method_names(name, args, kwargs_copy)
valid_names = []
for method_name, kwarg_order in possible_names:
possibly_property = len(args) == 0 and len(kwargs) == 0
meth = ObjCInstanceMethod(obj, method_name, allow_property=possibly_property)
valid_names.append((method_name, kwarg_order))
except AttributeError:
if len(valid_names) == 1:
return valid_names[0]
elif len(valid_names) == 0:
raise AttributeError('No method found for %s' % (name,))
raise AttributeError('Method name is ambiguous')
class ObjCClass (object):
'''Wrapper for a pointer to an Objective-C class; acts as a proxy for calling Objective-C class methods. Method calls are converted to Objective-C messages on-the-fly -- this is done by replacing underscores in the method name with colons in the selector name, and using the selector and arguments for a call to the low-level objc_msgSend function in the Objective-C runtime. For example, calling `NSDictionary.dictionaryWithObject_forKey_(obj, key)` (Python) is translated to `[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:obj forKey:key]` (Objective-C). If a method call returns an Objective-C object, it is wrapped in an ObjCInstance, so calls can be chained (ObjCInstance uses an equivalent proxy mechanism).'''
def __new__(cls, name):
if PY3 and isinstance(name, str):
name = name.encode('ascii')
# Memoize classes by name (get identical object every time):
cached_class = _cached_classes.get(name)
if cached_class:
return cached_class
cached_class = super(ObjCClass, cls).__new__(cls)
_cached_classes[name] = cached_class
return cached_class
def __init__(self, name):
if PY3 and isinstance(name, str):
name = name.encode('ascii')
self.ptr = objc_getClass(name)
if self.ptr is None:
raise ValueError('no Objective-C class named \'%s\' found' % (name,))
self._as_parameter_ = self.ptr
self.class_name = name
self._cached_methods = {}
def __str__(self):
return '<ObjCClass: %s>' % (self.class_name,)
def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(other, ObjCClass) and self.class_name == other.class_name
def __getattr__(self, attr):
cached_method = self._cached_methods.get(attr, None)
if not cached_method:
if '_' in attr:
# Old method call syntax
cached_method = ObjCClassMethod(self, attr)
# New syntax, actual method resolution is done at call time
cached_method = ObjCClassMethodProxy(self, attr)
self._cached_methods[attr] = cached_method
return cached_method
def __dir__(self):
objc_class_ptr = object_getClass(self.ptr)
py_methods = []
while objc_class_ptr is not None:
num_methods = c_uint(0)
method_list_ptr = class_copyMethodList(objc_class_ptr, byref(num_methods))
for i in xrange(num_methods.value):
selector = method_getName(method_list_ptr[i])
sel_name = sel_getName(selector)
if PY3:
sel_name = sel_name.decode('ascii')
py_method_name = sel_name.replace(':', '_')
if '.' not in py_method_name:
# Walk up the class hierarchy to add methods from superclasses:
objc_class_ptr = class_getSuperclass(objc_class_ptr)
if objc_class_ptr == object_getClass(NSObject):
# Don't list all methods from NSObject (too much cruft from categories)
py_methods += NSObject_class_methods
py_methods = sorted(set(py_methods))
return py_methods
def get_names(cls, prefix=None):
num_classes = objc_getClassList(None, 0)
buffer = (c_void_p * num_classes)()
objc_getClassList(buffer, num_classes)
class_names = []
for i in xrange(num_classes):
n = class_getName(buffer[i])
if PY3:
n = n.decode('ascii')
filtered_list = class_names if prefix is None else filter_list(lambda x: x.startswith(prefix), class_names)
return sorted(filtered_list)
def create(cls, *args, **kwargs):
return create_objc_class(*args, **kwargs)
class ObjCIterator (object):
'''Wrapper for an NSEnumerator object -- this is used for supporting `for ... in` iteration for Objective-C collection types (NSArray, NSDictionary, NSSet).'''
def __init__(self, obj):
self.enumerator = obj.objectEnumerator()
def __iter__(self):
return self
def next(self):
next_obj = self.enumerator.nextObject()
if next_obj is None:
raise StopIteration()
return next_obj
def __next__(self):
class ObjCInstance (object):
'''Wrapper for a pointer to an Objective-C instance; acts as a proxy for sending messages to the object. Method calls are converted to Objective-C messages on-the-fly -- this is done by replacing underscores in the method name with colons in the selector name, and using the selector and arguments for a call to the low-level objc_msgSend function in the Objective-C runtime. For example, calling `obj.setFoo_withBar_(foo, bar)` (Python) is translated to `[obj setFoo:foo withBar:bar]` (Objective-C). If a method call returns an Objective-C object, it is also wrapped in an ObjCInstance, so calls can be chained.'''
def __new__(cls, ptr):
# If there is already an instance that wraps this pointer, return the same object...
# This makes it a little easier to put auxiliary data into the instance (e.g. to use in an ObjC callback)
# Note however that a new instance may be created for the same underlying ObjC object if the last instance gets garbage-collected.
if isinstance(ptr, ObjCInstance):
return ptr
if hasattr(ptr, '_objc_ptr'):
ptr = ptr._objc_ptr
if isinstance(ptr, c_void_p):
ptr = ptr.value
cached_instance = _cached_instances.get(ptr)
if cached_instance is not None:
return cached_instance
objc_instance = super(ObjCInstance, cls).__new__(cls)
_cached_instances[ptr] = objc_instance
objc_instance.ptr = ptr
objc_instance._as_parameter_ = ptr
objc_instance._cached_methods = {}
objc_instance.weakrefs = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
if ptr:
# Retain the ObjC object, so it doesn't get freed while a pointer to it exists:
objc_instance.retain(restype=c_void_p, argtypes=[])
return objc_instance
def __str__(self):
objc_msgSend = c['objc_msgSend']
objc_msgSend.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_void_p]
objc_msgSend.restype = c_void_p
desc = objc_msgSend(self.ptr, sel('description'))
objc_msgSend.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_void_p]
objc_msgSend.restype = c_char_p
desc_str = objc_msgSend(desc, sel('UTF8String'))
if PY3:
return desc_str.decode('utf-8')
return desc_str
def _get_objc_classname(self):
return class_getName(object_getClass(self.ptr))
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s: %s>' % (self._get_objc_classname(), str(self))
def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(other, ObjCInstance) and self.ptr == other.ptr
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.ptr)
def __iter__(self):
if any(self.isKindOfClass_(c) for c in (NSArray, NSDictionary, NSSet)):
return ObjCIterator(self)
raise TypeError('%s is not iterable' % (self._get_objc_classname(),))
def __nonzero__(self):
return len(self) != 0
except TypeError:
return self.ptr != None
def __bool__(self):
return self.__nonzero__()
def __len__(self):
if any(self.isKindOfClass_(c) for c in (NSArray, NSDictionary, NSSet)):
return self.count()
raise TypeError('object of type \'%s\' has no len()' % (self._get_objc_classname(),))
def __getitem__(self, key):
if self.isKindOfClass_(NSArray):
if not isinstance(key, (int, long)):
raise TypeError('array indices must be integers not %s' % (type(key),))
array_length = self.count()
if key < 0:
# a[-1] is equivalent to a[len(a) - 1]
key = array_length + key
if key < 0 or key >= array_length:
raise IndexError('array index out of range')
return self.objectAtIndex_(key)
elif self.isKindOfClass_(NSDictionary):
# allow to use Python strings as keys, convert to NSString implicitly:
ns_key = ns(key)
# NOTE: Unlike Python dicts, NSDictionary returns nil (None) for keys that don't exist.
return self.objectForKey_(ns_key)
raise TypeError('%s does not support __getitem__' % (self._get_objc_classname(),))
def __delitem__(self, key):
if self.isKindOfClass_(NSMutableArray):
if not isinstance(key, (int, long)):
raise TypeError('array indices must be integers not %s' % (type(key),))
array_length = self.count()
if key < 0:
# a[-1] is equivalent to a[len(a) - 1]
key = array_length + key
if key < 0 or key >= array_length:
raise IndexError('array index out of range')
elif self.isKindOfClass_(NSMutableDictionary):
ns_key = ns(key)
return self.removeObjectForKey_(ns_key)
raise TypeError('%s does not support __delitem__' % (self._get_objc_classname(),))
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if self.isKindOfClass_(NSMutableArray):
if not isinstance(key, (int, long)):
raise TypeError('array indices must be integers not %s' % (type(key),))
array_length = self.count()
if key < 0:
# a[-1] is equivalent to a[len(a) - 1]
key = array_length + key
if key < 0 or key >= array_length:
raise IndexError('array index out of range')
self.replaceObjectAtIndex_withObject_(key, ns(value))
elif self.isKindOfClass_(NSMutableDictionary):
self.setObject_forKey_(ns(value), ns(key))
raise TypeError('%s does not support __setitem__' % (self._get_objc_classname(),))
def __getattr__(self, attr):
cached_method = self._cached_methods.get(attr, None)
if not cached_method:
if '_' in attr:
# Old method call syntax
cached_method = ObjCInstanceMethod(self, attr)
# New syntax, actual method resolution is done at call time
cached_method = ObjCInstanceMethodProxy(self, attr)
self._cached_methods[attr] = cached_method
return cached_method
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if name in ('ptr', 'weakrefs', '_cached_methods', '_as_parameter_'):
self.__dict__[name] = value
setter_method = getattr(self, 'set%s%s_' % (name[0].upper(), name[1:]))
except AttributeError:
self.__dict__[name] = value
def __dir__(self):
objc_class_ptr = object_getClass(self.ptr)
py_methods = []
while objc_class_ptr is not None:
num_methods = c_uint(0)
method_list_ptr = class_copyMethodList(objc_class_ptr, byref(num_methods))
for i in xrange(num_methods.value):
selector = method_getName(method_list_ptr[i])
sel_name = sel_getName(selector)
if PY3:
sel_name = sel_name.decode('ascii')
py_method_name = sel_name.replace(':', '_')
if '.' not in py_method_name:
# Walk up the class hierarchy to add methods from superclasses:
objc_class_ptr = class_getSuperclass(objc_class_ptr)
if objc_class_ptr == NSObject.ptr:
# Don't list all NSObject methods (too much cruft from categories...)
py_methods += NSObject_instance_methods
return sorted(set(py_methods))
def __del__(self):
# Release the ObjC object's memory:
objc_msgSend = c['objc_msgSend']
objc_msgSend.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_void_p]
objc_msgSend.restype = None
objc_msgSend(self.ptr, sel('release'))
#self.release(restype=None, argtypes=[])
def _get_possible_selector_names(method_name):
# Generate all possible selector names from a Python method name. For most methods, this isn't necessary,
# and the selector is generated simply by replacing underscores with colons, but in case the selector also
# contains underscores, the mapping is ambiguous, so all permutations of colons and underscores need to be checked.
izip_longest = itertools.zip_longest if PY3 else itertools.izip_longest
return [''.join([x+y for x, y in izip_longest(method_name.split('_'), s, fillvalue='')]) for s in [''.join(x) for x in itertools.product(':_', repeat=len(method_name.split('_'))-1)]]
def _auto_wrap(arg, typecode, argtype):
'''Helper function for `ObjCInstance/ClassMethod.__call__`'''
if typecode == '@' or typecode.startswith('^{'):
return ns(arg)
elif typecode == ':' and isinstance(arg, basestring):
# if a selector is expected, also allow a string:
return sel(arg)
elif issubclass(argtype, Structure) and isinstance(arg, tuple):
# Automatically convert tuples to structs
return struct_from_tuple(argtype, arg)
return arg
class ObjCClassMethodProxy (object):
'''A proxy for an ObjCClassMethod that is resolved to an actual method when calling it. A proxy may represent different methods, depending on the keyword arguments that are passed (and used to construct an ObjC selector from the call).'''
def __init__(self, cls, name):
self.cls = weakref.ref(cls) = name
# Determining the method for a given combination of args/kwargs can be expensive, so it's cached by 'num_args/sorted_kwarg_keys'. The cache contains a pair of (ObjCClassMethod, ordered_kwarg_keys).
self.method_cache = {}
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
cls = self.cls()
if cls is None:
# If the class doesn't exist anymore, don't do anything
# (this is unlikely to happen in practice)
cache_key = '%i/' % (len(args),) + ','.join(sorted(kwargs.keys()))
cached = self.method_cache.get(cache_key)
if cached:
method, kwarg_order = cached
method_name, kwarg_order = resolve_cls_method(cls,, args, kwargs)
method = ObjCClassMethod(cls, method_name)
self.method_cache[cache_key] = (method, kwarg_order)
ordered_args = list(args) + [kwargs[key] for key in kwarg_order]
# Pass through restype and argtypes keyword args:
kw = {k: kwargs[k] for k in ('restype', 'kwargs') if k in kwargs}
return method(*ordered_args, **kw)
class ObjCClassMethod (object):
'''Wrapper for an Objective-C class method. ObjCClass generates these objects automatically when accessing an attribute, you typically don't need use this class directly.'''
def __init__(self, cls, method_name):
self.cls = cls
self.sel_name = method_name.replace('_', ':')
method = class_getClassMethod(cls.ptr, sel(self.sel_name))
if not method:
# Couldn't find a method, try all combinations of underscores and colons...
# For selectors that contain underscores, the mapping from Python method name to selector name is ambiguous.
possible_selector_names = _get_possible_selector_names(method_name)
for possible_sel_name in possible_selector_names:
method = class_getClassMethod(cls.ptr, sel(possible_sel_name))
if method:
self.sel_name = possible_sel_name
if method:
self.method = method
self.encoding = method_getTypeEncoding(method)
raise AttributeError('No class method found for selector "%s"' % (self.sel_name))
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
cls = self.cls
if cls is None:
type_encoding = self.encoding
argtypes = kwargs['argtypes']
restype = kwargs['restype']
argtypes = [c_void_p, c_void_p] + argtypes
except KeyError:
restype, argtypes, argtype_encodings = parse_types(type_encoding)
if len(args) != len(argtypes) - 2:
raise TypeError('expected %i arguments, got %i' % (len(argtypes) - 2, len(args)))
# Automatically convert Python strings to NSString etc. for object arguments
# (this is a no-op for arguments that are already `ObjCInstance` objects):
args = tuple(_auto_wrap(a, argtype_encodings[i], argtypes[i+2]) for i, a in enumerate(args))
objc_msgSend = c['objc_msgSend']
objc_msgSend.argtypes = argtypes
objc_msgSend.restype = restype
res = objc_msgSend(cls, sel(self.sel_name), *args)
return_type_enc = chr(type_encoding[0]) if PY3 else type_encoding[0]
if res and return_type_enc == '@':
return ObjCInstance(res)
return res
class ObjCInstanceMethodProxy (object):
'''A proxy for an ObjCInstanceMethod that is resolved to an actual method when calling it. A proxy may represent different methods, depending on the keyword arguments that are passed (and used to construct an ObjC selector from the call).'''
def __init__(self, obj, name):
self.obj = weakref.ref(obj) = name
# Determining the method for a given combination of args/kwargs can be expensive, so it's cached by 'num_args/sorted_kwarg_keys'. The cache contains a pair of (ObjCClassMethod, ordered_kwarg_keys).
self.method_cache = {}
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
obj = self.obj()
if obj is None:
# If the instance doesn't exist anymore, don't do anything
# (this is unlikely to happen in practice)
cache_key = '%i/' % (len(args),) + ','.join(sorted(kwargs.keys()))
cached = self.method_cache.get(cache_key)
if cached:
method, kwarg_order = cached
method_name, kwarg_order = resolve_instance_method(obj,, args, kwargs)
method = ObjCInstanceMethod(obj, method_name)
self.method_cache[cache_key] = (method, kwarg_order)
ordered_args = list(args) + [kwargs[key] for key in kwarg_order]
# Pass through restype and argtypes keyword args:
kw = {k: kwargs[k] for k in ('restype', 'kwargs') if k in kwargs}
return method(*ordered_args, **kw)
class ObjCInstanceMethod (object):
'''Wrapper for an Objective-C instance method. ObjCInstance generates these objects automatically when accessing an attribute, you typically don't need to use this class directly.'''
def __init__(self, obj, method_name, allow_property=True):
self.obj = obj
objc_class = object_getClass(obj.ptr)
self.encoding = None
method = None
self.sel_name = method_name.replace('_', ':')
method = class_getInstanceMethod(objc_class, sel(self.sel_name))
self._objc_msgSend = None
if not method and '_' in method_name:
# Couldn't find a method, try all combinations of underscores and colons...
# For selectors that contain underscores, the mapping from Python method name to selector name is ambiguous.
possible_selector_names = _get_possible_selector_names(method_name)
for possible_sel_name in possible_selector_names:
method = class_getInstanceMethod(objc_class, sel(possible_sel_name))
if method:
self.sel_name = possible_sel_name
if allow_property and not method and ((method_name.startswith('set') and self.sel_name.endswith(':')) or self.sel_name.find(':') == -1):
#Looks like it could be a property
prop_name = method_name
if method_name.startswith('set'):
prop_name = method_name[3].lower() + method_name[4:-1]
prop_name = method_name
if PY3 and isinstance(prop_name, str):
prop_name = prop_name.encode('ascii')
prop = class_getProperty(objc_class, prop_name)
if prop:
#TODO: Check if the property is read-only when a setter is used...
prop_attrs = property_getAttributes(prop)
if PY3:
prop_attrs = prop_attrs.decode('ascii')
prop_type_encoding ='T(.+?),', prop_attrs).group(1)
if method_name.startswith('set'):
#NOTE: The offsets/sizes are obviously incorrect... (should still work though)
self.encoding = 'v0@0:0' + prop_type_encoding + '0'
if PY3:
self.encoding = self.encoding.encode('ascii')
sel_name_match ='S(.*?)(:?,.*?|$)', prop_attrs)
if sel_name_match:
self.sel_name =
self.encoding = prop_type_encoding + '0@0:0'
if PY3:
self.encoding = self.encoding.encode('ascii')
sel_name_match ='G(.*?)(:?,.*?|$)', prop_attrs)
if sel_name_match:
self.sel_name =
if not self.encoding and method:
self.method = method
self.encoding = method_getTypeEncoding(method)
elif not self.encoding:
raise AttributeError('No method found for selector "%s"' % (self.sel_name))
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
obj = self.obj
if obj is None:
type_encoding = self.encoding
argtypes = kwargs['argtypes']
restype = kwargs['restype']
argtypes = [c_void_p, c_void_p] + argtypes
except KeyError:
restype, argtypes, argtype_encodings = parse_types(type_encoding)
if len(args) != len(argtypes) - 2:
raise TypeError('expected %i arguments, got %i' % (len(argtypes) - 2, len(args)))
# Automatically convert Python strings to NSString etc. for object arguments
# (this is a no-op for arguments that are already `ObjCInstance` objects):
args = tuple(_auto_wrap(a, argtype_encodings[i], argtypes[i+2]) for i, a in enumerate(args))
if not LP64 and restype and issubclass(restype, Structure):
retval = restype()
objc_msgSend_stret = c['objc_msgSend_stret']
objc_msgSend_stret.argtypes = [c_void_p] + argtypes
objc_msgSend_stret.restype = None
objc_msgSend_stret(byref(retval), obj.ptr, sel(self.sel_name), *args)
return retval
# NOTE: In order to be a little more thread-safe, we need a "private" handle for objc_msgSend(...).
# Otherwise, a different thread could modify argtypes/restype before the call is made...
objc_msgSend = self._objc_msgSend
if not objc_msgSend:
objc_msgSend = c['objc_msgSend']
objc_msgSend.argtypes = argtypes
objc_msgSend.restype = restype
# Cache the prepared function:
self._objc_msgSend = objc_msgSend
res = objc_msgSend(obj.ptr, sel(self.sel_name), *args)
return_type_enc = chr(type_encoding[0]) if PY3 else type_encoding[0]
if res and return_type_enc == '@':
# If an object is returned, wrap the pointer in an ObjCInstance:
if res == obj.ptr:
return obj
return ObjCInstance(res)
if restype == c_void_p and isinstance(res, int):
res = c_void_p(res)
return res
#Some commonly-used Foundation/UIKit classes:
NSObject = ObjCClass('NSObject')
NSDictionary = ObjCClass('NSDictionary')
NSMutableDictionary = ObjCClass('NSMutableDictionary')
NSArray = ObjCClass('NSArray')
NSMutableArray = ObjCClass('NSMutableArray')
NSSet = ObjCClass('NSSet')
NSMutableSet = ObjCClass('NSMutableSet')
NSString = ObjCClass('NSString')
NSMutableString = ObjCClass('NSMutableString')
NSData = ObjCClass('NSData')
NSMutableData = ObjCClass('NSMutableData')
NSNumber = ObjCClass('NSNumber')
NSURL = ObjCClass('NSURL')
NSEnumerator = ObjCClass('NSEnumerator')
NSThread = ObjCClass('NSThread')
NSBundle = ObjCClass('NSBundle')
UIColor = ObjCClass('UIColor')
UIImage = ObjCClass('UIImage')
UIBezierPath = ObjCClass('UIBezierPath')
UIApplication = ObjCClass('UIApplication')
UIView = ObjCClass('UIView')
def load_framework(name):
return NSBundle.bundleWithPath_('/System/Library/Frameworks/%s.framework' % (name,)).load()
# These are hard-coded for __dir__ (listing all NSObject methods dynamically would add tons of cruft from categories)
# NOTE: This only includes *commonly-used* methods (a lot of this is pretty low-level runtime stuff that isn't needed
# very often. It can still be listed when calling dir() on an actual instance of NSObject)
NSObject_class_methods = ['alloc', 'new', 'superclass', 'isSubclassOfClass_', 'instancesRespondToSelector_', 'description', 'cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget_', 'cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget_selector_object_']
NSObject_instance_methods = ['init', 'copy', 'mutableCopy', 'dealloc', 'performSelector_withObject_afterDelay_', 'performSelectorOnMainThread_withObject_waitUntilDone_', 'performSelectorInBackground_withObject_']
class _block_descriptor (Structure):
_fields_ = [('reserved', c_ulong), ('size', c_ulong), ('copy_helper', c_void_p), ('dispose_helper', c_void_p), ('signature', c_char_p)]
class ObjCBlock (object):
def __init__(self, func, restype=None, argtypes=None):
if not callable(func):
raise TypeError('%s is not callable' % func)
if argtypes is None:
argtypes = []
InvokeFuncType = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(restype, *argtypes)
class block_literal(Structure):
_fields_ = [('isa', c_void_p), ('flags', c_int), ('reserved', c_int), ('invoke', InvokeFuncType), ('descriptor', _block_descriptor)]
block = block_literal()
block.flags = (1<<28)
block.invoke = InvokeFuncType(func)
block.isa = ObjCClass('__NSGlobalBlock__').ptr
self.func = func
self._as_parameter_ = block if LP64 else byref(block)
def from_param(cls, param):
if isinstance(param, ObjCBlock) or param is None:
return param
elif callable(param):
block = ObjCBlock(param)
# Put a reference to the block into the function, so it doesn't get deallocated prematurely...
param._block = block
return block
raise TypeError('cannot convert parameter to block')
def __call__(self, *args):
return self.func(*args)
type_encodings['@?'] = ObjCBlock
def ns(py_obj):
'''Convert common Python objects to their ObjC equivalents, i.e. str => NSString, int/float => NSNumber, list => NSMutableArray, dict => NSMutableDictionary, bytearray => NSData, set => NSMutableSet. Nested structures (list/dict/set) are supported. If an object is already an instance of ObjCInstance, it is left untouched.
if isinstance(py_obj, ObjCInstance):
return py_obj
if isinstance(py_obj, c_void_p):
return ObjCInstance(py_obj)
if hasattr(py_obj, '_objc_ptr'):
return ObjCInstance(py_obj)
if PY3:
if isinstance(py_obj, str):
return NSString.stringWithUTF8String_(py_obj.encode('utf-8'))
if isinstance(py_obj, bytes):
return NSData.dataWithBytes_length_(py_obj, len(py_obj))
if isinstance(py_obj, str):
return NSString.stringWithUTF8String_(py_obj)
if isinstance(py_obj, unicode):
return NSString.stringWithUTF8String_(py_obj.encode('utf-8'))
if isinstance(py_obj, bytearray):
return NSData.dataWithBytes_length_(str(py_obj), len(py_obj))
if isinstance(py_obj, int):
return NSNumber.numberWithInt_(py_obj)
if isinstance(py_obj, float):
return NSNumber.numberWithDouble_(py_obj)
if isinstance(py_obj, bool):
return NSNumber.numberWithBool_(py_obj)
if isinstance(py_obj, list):
arr = NSMutableArray.array()
for obj in py_obj:
return arr
if isinstance(py_obj, set):
s = NSMutableSet.set()
for obj in py_obj:
return s
if isinstance(py_obj, dict):
dct = NSMutableDictionary.dictionary()
for key, value in (py_obj.items() if PY3 else py_obj.iteritems()):
dct.setObject_forKey_(ns(value), ns(key))
return dct
def nsurl(url_or_path):
if not isinstance(url_or_path, basestring):
raise TypeError('expected a string')
if ':' in url_or_path:
return NSURL.URLWithString_(ns(url_or_path))
return NSURL.fileURLWithPath_(ns(url_or_path))
def nsdata_to_bytes(data):
if not isinstance(data, ObjCInstance) or not data.isKindOfClass_(NSData):
raise TypeError('expected an NSData object')
_len = data.length()
if _len == 0:
return b''
ArrayType = ctypes.c_char * _len
buffer = ArrayType()
data.getBytes_length_(byref(buffer), _len)
return buffer[:_len]
def uiimage_to_png(img):
if not isinstance(img, ObjCInstance) or not img.isKindOfClass_(UIImage):
raise TypeError('expected a UIImage object')
UIImagePNGRepresentation = c.UIImagePNGRepresentation
UIImagePNGRepresentation.restype = c_void_p
UIImagePNGRepresentation.argtypes = [c_void_p]
data = ObjCInstance(UIImagePNGRepresentation(img))
return nsdata_to_bytes(data)
def retain_global(obj):
'''Keep an object alive'''
def release_global(obj):
except ValueError:
def OMMainThreadDispatcher_invoke_imp(self, cmd):
if _tracefunc:
self_instance = ObjCInstance(self)
func = self_instance.func
args = self_instance.args
kwargs = self_instance.kwargs
retval = func(*args, **kwargs)
self_instance.retval = retval
OMMainThreadDispatcher_name = b'OMMainThreadDispatcher_3' if PY3 else 'OMMainThreadDispatcher'
OMMainThreadDispatcher = ObjCClass(OMMainThreadDispatcher_name)
except ValueError:
IMPTYPE = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(None, c_void_p, c_void_p)
imp = IMPTYPE(OMMainThreadDispatcher_invoke_imp)
NSObject = ObjCClass('NSObject')
class_ptr = objc_allocateClassPair(NSObject.ptr, OMMainThreadDispatcher_name, 0)
class_addMethod(class_ptr, sel('invoke'), imp, b'v16@0:0')
OMMainThreadDispatcher = ObjCClass(OMMainThreadDispatcher_name)
def on_main_thread(func):
if not callable(func):
raise TypeError('expected a callable')
def new_func(*args, **kwargs):
if NSThread.isMainThread(restype=c_bool, argtypes=[]):
return func(*args, **kwargs)
dispatcher =
dispatcher.func = func
dispatcher.args = args
dispatcher.kwargs = kwargs
dispatcher.retval = None
dispatcher.performSelectorOnMainThread_withObject_waitUntilDone_(sel('invoke'), None, True)
retval = dispatcher.retval
return retval
return new_func
def _add_method(method, class_ptr, superclass, basename, protocols, is_classmethod=False):
'''Helper function for create_objc_class, don't use directly (will usually crash)!'''
if hasattr(method, 'selector'):
sel_name = method.selector
method_name = method.__name__
if method_name.startswith(basename + '_'):
method_name = method_name[len(basename)+1:]
sel_name = method_name.replace('_', ':')
type_encoding = None
if hasattr(method, 'encoding'):
# Explicit encoding was provided, trust that unconditionally...
type_encoding = method.encoding
# No explicit encoding given, we have to guess...
# First, try to derive it from overridden methods in the superclass(es)...
if is_classmethod:
superclass_method = class_getClassMethod(superclass, sel(sel_name))
superclass_method = class_getInstanceMethod(superclass, sel(sel_name))
if superclass_method:
type_encoding = method_getTypeEncoding(superclass_method)
# Try to find a matching method in one of the protocols
for protocol_name in protocols:
if PY3 and isinstance(protocol_name, str):
protocol_name = protocol_name.encode('ascii')
protocol = objc_getProtocol(protocol_name)
if protocol:
# Try optional method first...
method_desc = protocol_getMethodDescription(protocol, sel(sel_name), False, True)
if not method_desc or not method_desc.types:
#... then required method
method_desc = protocol_getMethodDescription(protocol, sel(sel_name), True, True)
if method_desc and method_desc.types:
type_encoding = method_desc.types
if not type_encoding:
# Fall back to "action" type encoding as the default, i.e. void return type, all arguments are objects...
num_args = len(re.findall(':', sel_name))
type_encoding = 'v%i@0:8%s' % (sizeof(c_void_p) * (num_args + 2), ''.join('@%i' % ((i+2) * sizeof(c_void_p),) for i in xrange(num_args)))
if hasattr(method, 'restype') and hasattr(method, 'argtypes'):
restype = method.restype
argtypes = [c_void_p, c_void_p] + method.argtypes
parsed_types = parse_types(type_encoding)
restype = parsed_types[0]
argtypes = parsed_types[1]
# Check if the number of arguments derived from the selector matches the actual function:
argspec = inspect.getargspec(method)
if len(argspec.args) != len(argtypes):
raise ValueError('%s has %i arguments (expected %i)' % (method, len(argspec.args), len(argtypes)))
IMPTYPE = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(restype, *argtypes)
imp = IMPTYPE(method)
if PY3 and isinstance(type_encoding, str):
type_encoding = type_encoding.encode('ascii')
class_addMethod(class_ptr, sel(sel_name), imp, type_encoding)
def create_objc_class(name, superclass=NSObject, methods=[], classmethods=[], protocols=[], debug=True):
'''Create and return a new Objective-C class'''
basename = name
if debug:
# When debug is True (the default) and a class with the given name already exists in the runtime,
# append an incrementing numeric suffix, until a class name is found that doesn't exist yet.
# While this does leak some memory, it makes development much easier. Note however that the returned
# class may not have the name you passed in (use the return value directly instead of relying on the name)
suffix = 1
while True:
existing_class = ObjCClass(name)
suffix += 1
name = '%s_%i' % (basename, suffix)
except ValueError:
# When debug is False, assume that any class is created only once, and return an existing class
# with the given name. Note that this ignores all other parameters. This is intended to avoid
# unnecessary memory leaks when the class definition doesn't change anymore.
existing_class = ObjCClass(basename)
return existing_class
except ValueError:
if PY3 and isinstance(name, str):
name = name.encode('ascii')
class_ptr = objc_allocateClassPair(superclass, name, 0)
for method in methods:
_add_method(method, class_ptr, superclass, basename, protocols)
for method in classmethods:
metaclass = object_getClass(class_ptr)
super_metaclass = object_getClass(class_getSuperclass(class_ptr))
_add_method(method, metaclass, super_metaclass, basename, [], True)
return ObjCClass(name)
def settrace(func):
# used for on_main_thread()
global _tracefunc
_tracefunc = func
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I love the idea behind this code, but every time I am importing it and trying to use it with another program it just says "ValueError: no Objective-C class named 'b'NSString'' found".

Maybe because you´re not under OS X/iOS ?

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@tlinnet any chance that this code can get a license? Without it, it cannot legally be used in other projects.

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