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Tiago Loriato tloriato

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version: '2'
# basenode:
# build: ./base
# stdin_open: true
# tty: true
image: mysql:5.7
restart: always
pragma solidity ^0.4.0;
contract CorretoraOpcoes {
struct DateTime {
uint16 year;
uint8 month;
uint8 day;
int fullSize = stringlenInt + dirnamelenInt + 1;
char * fullPath = malloc(sizeof(char) * (fullSize) + 4);
memset(fullPath, 0, fullSize);
memcpy(fullPath, stringPath, stringlenInt);
fullPath[stringlenInt] = '/';
memcpy(fullPath + stringlenInt + 1, dirname, dirnamelenInt);
fullPath[fullSize + 4] = '\0';
if (WIFEXITED(status) != 0) {
int stat = WEXITSTATUS(status);
if(stat !=0)
if (buf[0] == 'D' && (buf[1] == 'C' || buf[1] == 'R')) {
int fullSize = stringlenInt + dirnamelenInt + 1;
char * fullPath = malloc(sizeof(char) * (fullSize));
memset(fullPath, 0, fullSize);
memcpy(fullPath, stringPath, stringlenInt);
fullPath[stringlenInt] = '/';
memcpy(fullPath + stringlenInt + 1, dirname, dirnamelenInt);
fullPath[fullSize] = '\0';

One method is to use a System of Contracts as outlined below:

Contract "Register" - will contain pairs "name - address" for all contracts of your system;

  1. Contract Backend;
  2. Contract Frontend using Backend;
  3. Deploy Register & get address of it;
  4. Deploy Backend & register address of Backend into already deployed Register;
  5. Hardcode the address of Register into source of Backend. Before any call Backend from Frontend you should call your Register and get the actual address of Backend.
// KG - Skill Tree
@plugindesc Este plugin cria uma tela de árvore de habilidades.
@author King Gerar
@param OptAddOnMainMenu
@desc Deseja adicionar um comando que leva à árvore de habilidades ao menu principal? (Yes ou No)