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Last active April 7, 2024 22:00
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A minimal Forth implementation in C#
* Minimal .NET Forth implementation. Just an experiment. Do not use for anything serious.
* by Tycho Luyben (
* The only 'primitive' (built-in) is an foreign function interface word which allows you to define
* whatever is needed, for example:
* hello System.String System.Console.WriteLine ffi
* will print hello.
* ffi references must include the complete package name and function, aka
* hello string Console.WriteLine ffi
* will not work.
* Words can be excaped to prevent execution:
* 5 4 `+
* Stack: 5 4 +
* Note the + on the stack is not executed.
* To execute it ; run the exec word.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
namespace TinyForths
// This is the runtime, this is all that's needed for the language
public class Forth1
// base ENVironment
public static Stack<string> St = new Stack<string>();
public static Dictionary<string, string> Ws = new Dictionary<string, string>();
// foreign function interface, only supports static methods for ease
public static void FFI()
var tf = St.Pop(); // total package.class.function name
var i = tf.LastIndexOf('.');
if (i < 0) throw new EntryPointNotFoundException($"FFI with {tf} has no package");
// find the Type
var cls = tf.Substring(0, i);
Type t = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().First(a => a.GetType(cls) != null).GetType(cls);
if (t == null) throw new EntryPointNotFoundException($"Cannot resolve type {cls}");
// find the method
var ts = St.Pop().Split(new char[] { ',' }).Where(tt=>tt!="void").Select(tt => Type.GetType(tt)).ToArray(); // parameter types
var f = t.GetMethod(tf.Substring(i + 1), ts); // get the static method
var o = ts.Select(p => (object)(p == typeof(string) ? St.Pop() : Convert.ChangeType(St.Pop(), p))).ToArray(); // set the input params
// run the (static) method
f.Invoke(null, o);
// base execution
public static void EC(string s)
//Console.WriteLine($"executing {s} with stack {string.Join(" ",St.ToArray())} ");
s.Replace("\n", " ")
.Split(null).Select(s1 => s1.Trim()).Where(s1 => s1 != "") // tokenizer
.ToList().ForEach(s1 =>
// the only built-in word
if (s1[0] != '`' && s1 == "ffi") FFI();
else // this is a defined word
if (s1[0] != '`' && Ws.ContainsKey(s1)) EC(Ws[s1]);
else // the rest we add on the stack
if (s1[0] == '`') s1 = s1.Substring(1);
}); // execution
// Create some internals to make the language usable
public static class ForthBasicInternals
static string PopOff(int arity)
var ar = new string[arity];
while (arity-- > 0) ar[arity] = Forth1.St.Pop();
return String.Join(" ", ar);
// define words
public static void Define(string name, int arity)
Forth1.Ws[name] = PopOff(arity);
public static void Add(int a, int b)
Forth1.St.Push((a + b).ToString());
public static void Mult(int a, int b)
Forth1.St.Push((a * b).ToString());
public static void Dup(string w)
public static void Drop(string w)
public static void Swap(string w1, string w2)
public static void Print(string w)
if (Forth1.Ws.ContainsKey(w))
public static void PrintStack()
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" ", Forth1.St.Reverse().ToArray()));
public static void Exec(string w)
public static void If(int condArity, int thenArity, int elseArity)
var _cond = PopOff(condArity);
var _then = PopOff(thenArity);
var _else = PopOff(elseArity);
if (Forth1.St.Pop() == "true")
public static void Eq(int a1, int a2)
Forth1.St.Push(a1 == a2 ? "true" : "false");
public class Forth1Console
public static void Main(string[] args)
// define some library calls
Forth1.EC("System.String,System.Int32 TinyForths.ForthBasicInternals.Define `ffi 3 def System.String,System.Int32 TinyForths.ForthBasicInternals.Define ffi");
Forth1.EC("System.String System.Console.WriteLine `ffi 3 . def");
Forth1.EC("void TinyForths.ForthBasicInternals.PrintStack `ffi 3 .s def");
Forth1.EC("System.String TinyForths.ForthBasicInternals.Exec `ffi 3 exec def");
Forth1.EC("System.String TinyForths.ForthBasicInternals.Dup `ffi 3 dup def");
Forth1.EC("System.String TinyForths.ForthBasicInternals.Drop `ffi 3 drop def");
Forth1.EC("System.Int32,System.Int32 TinyForths.ForthBasicInternals.Eq `ffi 3 = def");
Forth1.EC("System.String,System.String TinyForths.ForthBasicInternals.Swap `ffi 3 swap def");
Forth1.EC("System.Int32,System.Int32 TinyForths.ForthBasicInternals.Add `ffi 3 + def");
Forth1.EC("System.Int32,System.Int32 TinyForths.ForthBasicInternals.Mult `ffi 3 * def");
Forth1.EC("System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32 TinyForths.ForthBasicInternals.If `ffi 3 if def");
// redefine print to allow to print words
Forth1.EC("System.String TinyForths.ForthBasicInternals.Print `ffi 3 `. def");
// have some fun
Forth1.EC("hello . world .");
Forth1.EC("2 3 + . 9 11 + . 6 66 * . x y z .s 7 3 * .s dup .s drop swap .s");
Forth1.EC("swap 3 `* .s exec .s");
Forth1.EC("hello world 2 helloworld def `helloworld .");
Forth1.EC("5 5 = 5 6 = .s");
Forth1.EC("5 cheese meat 5 `= 1 1 2 if .s");
Forth1.EC("5 cheese `. meat `. 6 `= 2 2 2 if");
// repl
while (true)
var s = Console.ReadLine().Trim();
if (s == "") continue;
if (s == "\\e") break;
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