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Created April 1, 2011 07:15
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(autoload 'moz-minor-mode "moz" "Mozilla Minor and Inferior Mozilla Modes" t)
(defvar moz-enable-auto-reload t)
(defvar moz-scroll-ratio "60")
(defvar moz-scroll-time "60")
(defun moz-send-line (str)
(comint-send-string (inferior-moz-process)
(concat moz-repl-name ".pushenv('printPrompt', 'inputMode'); "
moz-repl-name ".setenv('inputMode', 'line'); "
moz-repl-name ".setenv('printPrompt', false); undefined; "))
(comint-send-string (inferior-moz-process)
(concat str "; " moz-repl-name ".popenv('inputMode', 'printPrompt'); undefined;\n")))
(defun moz-scroll-down ()
(moz-send-line (concat "(function(){var t=" moz-scroll-time ",r=" moz-scroll-ratio " ;var i=0,w =document.documentElement,s=gBrowser.selectedBrowser.contentWindow.scrollY,e=s+w.clientHeight/(100/r),v=(e-s)/t,c=s;for(i;i<t;i++){setTimeout(function(){c+=v;content.scrollTo(0,c);},i+1)}})();")))
(defun moz-scroll-up ()
(moz-send-line (concat "(function(){var t=" moz-scroll-time ",r=" moz-scroll-ratio " ;var i=0,w =document.documentElement,s=gBrowser.selectedBrowser.contentWindow.scrollY,e=s+w.clientHeight/(100/r),v=(e-s)/t,c=s;for(i;i<t;i++){setTimeout(function(){c-=v;content.scrollTo(0,c);},i+1)}})();")))
(defun moz-prev-tab ()
(moz-send-line "gBrowser.mTabContainer.advanceSelectedTab(-1, true)"))
(defun moz-next-tab ()
(moz-send-line "gBrowser.mTabContainer.advanceSelectedTab(1, true)"))
(defun moz-reload ()
(moz-send-line "content.location.reload()"))
(defun reload-moz()
(if (equal moz-enable-auto-reload t)
(unless (condition-case nil
(error nil))
(if (string-match "\.\\(css\\|js\\|php\\|html\\|htm\\|tpl\\|thtml\\|ctp\\|po\\)$" (buffer-file-name))
(add-hook 'after-save-hook 'reload-moz)
(global-set-key (kbd "c-x ret c-r") 'moz-reload) ;; C-x C-m C-r
(global-set-key (kbd "c-x ret <up>") 'moz-scroll-up) ;; C-x C-m C-p
(global-set-key (kbd "c-x ret <down>") 'moz-scroll-down) ;; C-x C-m C-n
(global-set-key (kbd "c-x ret del") 'moz-prev-tab) ;; C-x C-m C-h
(global-set-key (kbd "c-x ret c-l") 'moz-next-tab) ;; C-x C-m C-l
(add-hook 'js2-mode-hook
'(lambda () (moz-minor-mode 1)))
(add-hook 'html-mode-hook
'(lambda () (moz-minor-mode 1)))
(add-hook 'html-helper-mode-hook
'(lambda () (moz-minor-mode 1)))
(add-hook 'css-mode-hook
'(lambda () (moz-minor-mode 1)))
;; C-c C-s: open a MozRepl interaction buffer and switch to it
;; C-c C-l: save the current buffer and load it in MozRepl
;; C-M-x: send the current function (as recognized by c-mark-function) to MozRepl
;; C-c C-c: send the current function to MozRepl and switch to the interaction buffer
;; C-c C-r: send the current region to MozRepl
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