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Created May 13, 2016 11:32
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using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UniRx;
using UniLinq;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Viewer
public class MenuPresenter : MonoBehaviour
Dropdown fileDropDown;
InputField directoryInput;
Dictionary<string, string> fileDictionary;
List<Dropdown.OptionData> defaultOption;
void Start ()
fileDropDown = GameObject.Find ("FileDropdown").GetComponent<Dropdown> ();
defaultOption = fileDropDown.options;
// DropDownを監視
fileDropDown.ObserveEveryValueChanged (_ => _.value)
.Subscribe (index => {
var value = fileDropDown.options [index].text;
StartCoroutine (LoadFbx (value));
directoryInput = GameObject.Find ("DirectoryInput").GetComponent<InputField> ();
// InputFieldを監視
directoryInput.OnEndEditAsObservable ().Subscribe (UpdateDropDown);
void UpdateDropDown (string dir)
fileDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string> ();
if (!Directory.Exists (dir)) {
fileDropDown.options = defaultOption;
Directory.GetFiles (dir)
.Where (path => path.ToLower ().EndsWith (".fbx"))
.ToList ()
.ForEach (path => fileDictionary.Add (Path.GetFileName (path), path));
fileDropDown.options = ConvertArrayToOptions (fileDictionary.Keys.ToArray ());
List<Dropdown.OptionData> ConvertArrayToOptions (string[] files)
var list = files.Select (path => {
var data = new Dropdown.OptionData ();
data.text = path;
return data;
}).ToList ();
list.Insert (0, defaultOption [0]);
return list;
IEnumerator LoadFbx (string path)
if (fileDictionary == null || !fileDictionary.ContainsKey (path)) {
yield break;
Debug.Log ("未実装だよ!");
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