Save tm9k1/2312937dbdda73b366d02829078540af to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
{ | |
"folders": [ | |
{ | |
"name": "kdeconnect-kde", | |
"path": "C:/CraftRoot/download/git/kde/applications/kdeconnect-kde", | |
} | |
], | |
"launch": { | |
"version": "0.2.0", | |
"configurations": [ | |
{ | |
"name": "KDE C Daemon", | |
"type": "cppvsdbg", | |
"request": "launch", | |
"program": "C:/CraftRoot/bin/kdeconnectd.exe", | |
"args": [], | |
"cwd": "${fileWorkspaceFolder}", | |
"stopAtEntry": false, | |
"preLaunchTask": "Build", | |
"console": "internalConsole", | |
"internalConsoleOptions": "openOnSessionStart", | |
"sourceFileMap": { | |
"C:/CraftRoot/build/_/af542817/kdeconnect-kde": "C:/CraftRoot/download/git/kde/applications/kdeconnect-kde", | |
"C:/_/93d21b40/qtbase-everywhere-src-5.15.2": "C:/CraftRoot/build/libs/qt5/qtbase/work/qtbase-everywhere-src-5.15.2", | |
} | |
}, | |
{ | |
"name": "KDE C Indicator", | |
"type": "cppvsdbg", | |
"request": "launch", | |
"program": "C:/CraftRoot/bin/kdeconnect-indicator.exe", | |
"args": [], | |
"cwd": "${fileWorkspaceFolder}", | |
"stopAtEntry": false, | |
"preLaunchTask": "Build", | |
"console": "internalConsole", | |
"internalConsoleOptions": "openOnSessionStart", | |
"sourceFileMap": { | |
"C:/CraftRoot/build/_/af542817/kdeconnect-kde": "C:/CraftRoot/download/git/kde/applications/kdeconnect-kde", | |
"C:/_/93d21b40/qtbase-everywhere-src-5.15.2": "C:/CraftRoot/build/libs/qt5/qtbase/work/qtbase-everywhere-src-5.15.2", | |
} | |
} | |
], | |
"compounds": [] | |
}, | |
"tasks": { | |
"version": "2.0.0", | |
"tasks": [ | |
{ | |
"label": "Build", | |
"type": "shell", | |
"command": "python3", | |
"args": [ | |
"C:/CraftRoot/craft/bin/craft.py", | |
"--compile", | |
"--install", | |
"--qmerge", | |
"\"$(Split-Path -Path ${fileWorkspaceFolder} -LeafBase)\"" | |
], | |
"runOptions": { | |
"reevaluateOnRerun": true, | |
}, | |
"dependsOn": "Cleanup", | |
}, | |
{ | |
"label": "Cleanup", | |
"type": "shell", | |
"command": "TASKKILL", | |
"args": [ | |
"/F", | |
"/FI", | |
"imagename eq kdeconnect*", | |
"/IM", | |
"*", | |
], | |
"runOptions": { | |
"reevaluateOnRerun": true, | |
}, | |
} | |
], | |
}, | |
"settings": { | |
"[cpp]": { | |
"editor.wordBasedSuggestions": false, | |
"editor.suggest.insertMode": "replace", | |
"editor.semanticHighlighting.enabled": true, | |
"editor.quickSuggestions": true, | |
}, | |
"C_Cpp.default.includePath": [ | |
"C:/CraftRoot/include/**", | |
"C:/CraftRoot/build/**", | |
"${workspaceFolder}/**", | |
], | |
"C_Cpp.default.defines": [ | |
"Q_OS_WIN" | |
], | |
"files.associations": { | |
"qdebug": "cpp", | |
"qstandardpaths": "cpp", | |
"qicon": "cpp", | |
"qfile": "cpp" | |
}, | |
} | |
} |
Should I clone to C:/CraftRoot/download/git/kde/applications/kdeconnect-kde
manually? I see there this line in CraftSettings.ini, but can't find any command to make craft do the cloning
Also, what does the path from cs kdeconnect-kde
do? Why do we need another copy of the source code?
I followed https://community.kde.org/KDEConnect/Build_Windows and successfully built the code.
However I don't have the CraftRoot/download/git
dir like in your config, only the $(cs kdeconnect-kde)
path, containing the source code without git information. I'm wondering if I'm expected to clone manually, or is there a way for craft to do it.
that's not expected.. could you re-run the long list of commands in https://community.kde.org/KDEConnect/Build_Windows#1._BUILDING_KDE_CONNECT_OUT_OF_LATEST_SOURCE_CODE and see if it works for you? Setting up kdeconnect-kde for the first time must have taken around an hour or so. If not, you probably didn't build it from source.
Also, share your CraftRoot/etc/BlueprintsSettings.ini file after you run the above mentioned commands.
You're right, I did not complete building everything, must have misread something. I have to set kirigmi version to master for it to work.
This workspace file also supports building any additional KDE projects you might have changed during development. Just keep a file of that project as the currently opened and active file, and hit Debug! (or run the Build task from the workspace)
from the command line in VSCode.If you install Craft to a non-default location
to your `x:/path/to/CraftRoot'.C:/CraftRoot/build/_/af542817/kdeconnect-kde
with whatever current-working-directory you get after doingcs kdeconnect-kde
with whatever current-working-directory you get after doingcs libs/qt5/qtbase
, but remove/CraftRoot/build
from that path!More info about workspace files at : https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/workspaces