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Created December 2, 2021 23:53
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MSSQL Script to create/initialize default tables for MiniProfiler
CREATE TABLE MiniProfilers
RowId integer not null identity constraint PK_MiniProfilers primary key clustered, -- Need a clustered primary key for SQL Azure
Id uniqueidentifier not null, -- don't cluster on a guid
RootTimingId uniqueidentifier null,
Name nvarchar(200) null,
Started datetime not null,
DurationMilliseconds decimal(15,1) not null,
[User] nvarchar(100) null,
HasUserViewed bit not null,
MachineName nvarchar(100) null,
CustomLinksJson nvarchar(max),
ClientTimingsRedirectCount int null
-- displaying results selects everything based on the main MiniProfilers.Id column
-- speeds up a query that is called on every .Stop()
CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX IX_MiniProfilers_User_HasUserViewed_Includes ON MiniProfilers ([User], HasUserViewed) INCLUDE (Id, [Started]);
CREATE TABLE MiniProfilerTimings
RowId integer not null identity constraint PK_MiniProfilerTimings primary key clustered,
Id uniqueidentifier not null,
MiniProfilerId uniqueidentifier not null,
ParentTimingId uniqueidentifier null,
Name nvarchar(200) not null,
DurationMilliseconds decimal(15,3) not null,
StartMilliseconds decimal(15,3) not null,
IsRoot bit not null,
Depth smallint not null,
CustomTimingsJson nvarchar(max) null
CREATE UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX IX_MiniProfilerTimings_Id ON MiniProfilerTimings (Id);
CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX IX_MiniProfilerTimings_MiniProfilerId ON MiniProfilerTimings (MiniProfilerId);
CREATE TABLE MiniProfilerClientTimings
RowId integer not null identity constraint PK_MiniProfilerClientTimings primary key clustered,
Id uniqueidentifier not null,
MiniProfilerId uniqueidentifier not null,
Name nvarchar(200) not null,
Start decimal(9, 3) not null,
Duration decimal(9, 3) not null
CREATE UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX IX_MiniProfilerClientTimings_Id on MiniProfilerClientTimings (Id);
CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX IX_MiniProfilerClientTimings_MiniProfilerId on MiniProfilerClientTimings (MiniProfilerId);
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