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Created February 21, 2012 16:29
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A model class to help you work with some more advanced features of MongoDB using the Lithium PHP framework.
* A System model to work with MongoDB from a higher level.
* This model will executes various commands as well as store new commands.
* The system.js collection is used.
* Warning: There be dragons in here.
namespace app\models;
use lithium\data\Connections;
use lithium\core\Environment;
use MongoCode;
class System extends \lithium\data\Model {
// Use the system.js in MongoDB
protected $_meta = array(
'source' => 'system.js',
'locked' => true
// We only should be saving _id and value fields
protected $_schema = array(
'_id' => array('type' => 'string'),
'value' => array('type' => 'string')
* Generate MongoCode from an external JavaScript file.
* These files are saved in the library or app root path under
* a `mongo_code` directory (should sit next to models, controllers, etc.).
* @param string $file
* @return MongoCode
public static function getMongoCode($file=null) {
$command_path = dirname(__DIR__) . '/mongo_code/';
// ensure the file has .js on the end, all files should be saved as .js
// but you can also pass just the base name of the file to this method
if(substr($file, -3) != '.js') {
$file = $file . '.js';
$full_path = $command_path . $file;
if(file_exists($full_path)) {
$handle = fopen($full_path, "rb");
$contents = fread($handle, filesize($full_path));
// remove new lines (they can mess up the code in some cases)
$contents = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\n", "\r"), '', $contents);
// tabs with single spaces
$contents = str_replace("\t", ' ', $contents);
return new MongoCode($contents);
} else {
return false;
* Save a command in MongoDB's stored JavaScript.
* This will allow the use of the function later in Mongo queries and operations.
* WARNING: It would not be advisable to allow front-end visitors to submit code
* to be stored in MongoDB for possible injection risks.
* @param string $name The name of the command that will be stored in MongoDB
* @param array $options Several options
* - file: The file name for the JS, stored at: {library or app}/mongo_code/...
* - code: Or, actual JS code
* @return boolean
public static function saveCommand($name=null, $options = array()) {
$defaults = array(
'file' => null,
'code' => null
$options += $defaults;
$code = null;
if(!empty($name) && is_string($name)) {
$db = self::connection();
// Determine if code was passed or a file reference
if(!empty($options['file'])) {
$code = static::getMongoCode($options['file']);
// Any passed `code` is going to take prescedence
if(!empty($options['code'])) {
$code = (is_string($options['code'])) ? new MongoCode($options['code']):$options['code'];
// one more check here...
if($code instanceof MongoCode) {
$command = static::create();
$command->set(array('_id' => $name, 'value' => $code));
return $command->save();
return false;
* Removes user stored JavaScript from MongoDB.
* @param string $name The name of the stored JavaScript method
* @return boolean Only if the command was executed properly
* (note: MongoDB returns 'ok' => 1 even if there was no document found to remove)
public static function removeCommand($name=null) {
if(!empty($name)) {
$db = self::connection();
$result = $db->connection->execute('return db.system.js.remove({ _id: "' . $name . '" });');
return ($result['ok'] == 1) ? true:false;
return false;
* Runs an eval() in MongoDB for a previousy stored method.
* @param string $name The stored JavaScript method name
* @param array $args Any arguments for the method
* @return mixed The result from MongoDB or false if not enough info was provided
public static function runCommand($name=null, $args=array(), $options=array()) {
$defaults = array('nolock' => true);
$options += $defaults;
if(!empty($name) && is_string($name)) {
$db = self::connection();
return $db->connection->command(array(
'$eval' => 'return '. $name .'(' . join(',', $args) . ');',
'nolock' => $options['nolock']
return false;
* Executes a piece of MongoCode (can also be a string).
* @param mixed $code Either a string or MongoCode
* @param array $args The args for the function that's being executed
* @return mixed The result or false if no code was passed
public static function runCode($code=null, $args=array()) {
$db = self::connection();
return (empty($code)) ? false:$db->connection->execute($code, $args);
* Runs a mongoimport command.
* Also keep in mind that with a function like this, you could build a command to import
* from the Twitter firehose...Or use this command to import any starter data for your app
* from a JSON file (or any other type Mongo can import from).
* See
* For a list of various flags that can be passed. There are only a few used here.
* If any additional flags are desired, simply add them to $options['flags'] array.
* Even if it's more of an argument than a flag, it will work (it'll take spaces). Just don't
* put the -- in there or anything, those get added automatically. By default, 'upsert' is
* flagged, so objects that already exist will be updated. You would need to pass an empty
* 'flags' => array() or any other set of flags to change that. I find more cases where I want
* upsert flagged on than off, so it's on by default.
* ex.
* 'flags' => array(
* 'upsert',
* 'dbpath /db/path',
* 'drop'
* )
* Another important note: The 'connection' key in options. It's 'default' by default, but
* you will want to ensure that you are providing a connection config name that is indeed a
* MongoDb connection. However, if you pass 'host' and 'database' in the $options array, then
* the connection will be ignored.
* @param string $source The source file or URL
* @param string $collection The collection to import to
* @param array $options Various options including the host, db, collection, etc.
* @return boolean
public static function mongoImport($source=null, $collection=null, $options=array()) {
if(empty($source) || empty($collection)) {
return false;
// set some defaults
$options += array(
// name of the connection that you created with Connections::add() in the bootstrap
'connection' => 'default',
'environment' => Environment::get(),
'type' => 'json',
// any other flags
'flags' => array(
'remove_file_on_success' => true
$flags = (!empty($options['flags'])) ? ' --' . join(' --', $options['flags']):null;
$host = (isset($options['host'])) ? $options['host']:null;
$database = (isset($options['database'])) ? $options['database']:null;
$connection = Connections::get($options['connection'], array('config' => true));
// in case connection wasn't found... invalid config name or no config...
if(!empty($connection)) {
$host = (empty($host)) ? $connection['host']:$host;
$database = (empty($database)) ? $connection['database']:$database;
// Don't try to run this for a connection that is not to a MongoDB server
// unless we were passed specific 'host' and 'database' options.
// There could be a case where the 'default' connection is another database...
// But there is another MongoDB running elsewhere not configured or something.
if($connection['type'] != 'MongoDb' && empty($host) && empty($database)) {
return false;
if(empty($host) || empty($database)) {
return false;
// Username is a weird one... the MongoDb adapter configs with a "login" key
// but MongoDb's import command line uses '-u' or '--username' so we want to also
// accept a 'username' key from our $options array, but then also a 'login' key since
// that's what Lithium uses. So break it down...
// First, take a login key from options.
$user = (isset($options['login'])) ? $options['login']:null;
// Second, if that wasn't set, take a username key from options.
$user = (isset($options['username']) && empty($user)) ? $options['username']:$user;
// Last, if the username wasn't passed in the options, take it from the connection if set.
$user = (isset($connection['login']) && empty($user)) ? $connection['login']:$user;
// Otherwise, it will be null which is fine.
$user = (!empty($user)) ? ' --username ' . $user:null;
// Password is 'password' everywhere.
$password = (isset($options['password'])) ? $options['password']:null;
$password = (isset($connection['password']) && empty($password)) ? $connection['password']:$password;
$password = (!empty($password)) ? ' --password ' . $password:null;
// It doesn't really matter much, we may want to remove --upsert if performance is better.
// Changing data isn't a huge concern in this situation.
$command = 'mongoimport --host ' . $host . ' --db ' . $database . $user . $password . ' --collection ' . $collection . ' --type ' . $options['type'] . ' --file ' . $source . ' --upsert';
exec($command, $result);
if(isset($result[1]) && stristr($result[1], 'imported')) {
if($options['remove_file_on_success'] === true && file_exists($source)) {
return true;
return false;
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I think the quote is "here be dragons". ;-)

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